Isle of Kyle.

Since Li Feng left, Hephaestus has been grimacing to find screwdrivers, wrenches and other tools, and devoted himself to the great work of repairing the giant globe.

Needless to say, He, who was already in his 60s, was actually still young, and it only took him half a day to make the giant globe rotate again.

It was finally completed. Hephaestus put away the tools happily, wiping the sweat from his forehead while admiring his superb craftsmanship with a smile.

Suddenly, the giant globe trembled slightly, and then shattered to the ground with a 'crash' sound under his disbelieving gaze.

"???" Hephaestus stiffened his neck and was stunned for a long time. He muttered, 'This is an illusion' while slapping himself wildly.

It's as if 'this is an illusion' is some profound cracking spell, and a slap in the face can restore the giant globe to its original state.

It's a pity that the 'facts' intermediaries told him with ironclad evidence that even if his big face was swollen into a bun shape, the parts that should be lying quietly were still lying there, without even a sign of turning over.

impossible! Absolutely impossible! Hephaestus felt offended by the title of 'God of Craftsmen', so he picked up the parts frantically, turning them over and over to check them one by one, trying to find out the problem.

Don't underestimate the giant globe he carefully built. This thing can not only be used as a toy to show off your skills to outsiders, but it can also synchronize the changes in secret prison mechanisms and traps in real time.

Especially the last point is particularly important.

For example, if the mechanisms and traps in the dark prison are triggered, then the miniature mechanisms and traps in the giant globe will also be triggered simultaneously.

And this function is precisely the main reason why he spent a lot of money to build a 'monitor'.

What's the reason?

Speaking of the secret prison, it's not just Cronus who is imprisoned. Don't forget that he also has a bunch of younger brothers.

These guys were forced to live in a prison with no ventilation and no food. The only pastime they could do was to make babies. Ke Jin made babies.

As for whether the object is a blood relative within three generations. Would a bunch of guys who have no sense of belt care care about this?

Just feel good and that's it.

Furthermore, Zeus never considered the issue of food when he imprisoned these uncles.

It is also possible that from the beginning, He had the idea of ​​starving several elders to death.

For this reason, these uncles and uncles who are extremely bored and not picky eaters, in order to vent their excess energy and solve their stomach problems, they create babies to satisfy their greed.

It makes sense.

As for whether the color, flavor, and appearance of the 'dishes' are in line with human aesthetics, sorry, this is not within their scope of consideration.

Perhaps they wish that the 'dish' had more heads or tails with snake cores spit out. After all, who would dislike multiple dishes of spicy animal heads or multiple dishes of charcoal-grilled snake meat on the menu?

Of course, the Titans can give birth to deformed children at will, but Zeus cannot ignore it.

Especially since the 'food' produced by these close relatives has Titan blood, not to mention their amazing strength, their IQ is also impressive.

Considering that ‘food’ is also favored by the goddess of luck, there is the possibility of escaping from the dinner table.

Thinking more deeply, if these unlucky things escape from the secret prison with the blessing of luck, it is estimated that within a few years, there will be no human problems in Greece.

So the question is, once humans become extinct, how will the gods collect faith, and what will they use to maintain eternity?

The answer is simple, there is no hope, if you are waiting for death, quickly find a feng shui treasure land facing the sea and with spring flowers blooming and bury it.

Therefore, in order to prevent "food" from turning around and treating humans as food, it is necessary to create a set of real-time monitoring.

This is the meaning of the giant globe.

It's just that no one, not Zeus or Hephaestus, would have thought that there are bastards in the world who can't understand maps and thus rush through walls and crush all mechanisms and traps.

After a long time, Hephaestus still couldn't find out the problem, and cold sweat kept breaking out on his anxious forehead.

At this time, Li Feng returned happily carrying Cronus's heart. Seeing Hephaestus looking at the parts in a daze like a demon, he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "Old man, your kidney deficiency is quite serious." Ah, I’ve been sweating all day long. Come on, let’s stew this lump of heart to replenish it.”

Hephaestus was immersed in the world of consciousness and meditating. The sudden big hand and the big heart appearing out of thin air in front of him scared him to the point where he jumped up.

When he saw clearly that it was Li Feng who was causing trouble, he said angrily: "What supplements are there? My kidneys are good, so you can play with me. Don't hinder my thinking."

After thinking about it, Li Feng pursed his lips and asked: "Idle time is also idle, tell me, what are you worried about? Maybe I can solve it."

As the saying goes, one person is short-term and two is long-term. Hephaestus pondered for a moment and sighed: "The giant globe cannot be repaired, which gives me a bad feeling. Something big may happen in the secret prison."

"???" Li Feng said he couldn't understand.

If the map is broken, it's broken. What a big deal.

Is it possible that if the map is broken, the corresponding real world is also broken?

Whose map is so cruel? Come out quickly, you can’t kill it.

Li Feng scratched his head, blinked his confused eyes, and asked: "What does it matter if something goes wrong in the secret cell? Or are you actually a prison guard, and will you be held accountable if the prisoner escapes?"

Eh? Hephaestus was asked.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems so reasonable.

The secret prison was placed in the underworld. If something happened, Hades would be watching over it. He was only responsible for monitoring and monitoring, so why was he so anxious?

As for Hades discovering the problem but not reporting it, or simply taking the opportunity to cause trouble, or Mimi and Cronus teaming up to overthrow Zeus, the relationship between him and Hades is closer than Zeus.

If Hades can really ascend to the throne of God King, his status and treatment may be greatly improved.

You can even live a good life with five insurances and one housing fund fully paid by Olympus Company.

Furthermore, and most importantly, He is about to embark on the road to break away from faith and become a god. Will humans live in dire straits and care about Him?

With such unfounded worries, it would be better to regain strength as soon as possible.

Hephaestus, who suddenly understood his thoughts, returned to his usual friendly silly smile.

"Have you figured it out?" Seeing this, Li Feng handed the heart to the other party and said, "While this thing is fresh, let's deal with it quickly."

Time flies so fast that one year has passed in a flash.

Hephaestus, who was about to die, regained his life with the help of the magic book and became extremely vigorous.

for example.

After not sleeping for three days and two nights, he kicked open the door of Li Feng's room vigorously, dragged a sleepy guy out of the bed, and ran straight out of the cave.

"???" Li Feng, whose brain had not yet turned on, glanced at the bright sunshine and leaned weakly at the entrance of the cave. He chatted and said lazily: "What are you doing so early in the morning? Let's talk to each other if we have anything to say."

Hephaestus ignored Li Feng at all. He lowered his head and counted with his fingers. Then he looked up at the sky, then at the ground, and said seriously: "Today is a beautiful and sunny day. It is an auspicious day. I decided to return today." The realm of demigods.”

"What the hell?"

The movement of pinching his fingers to calculate coupled with the words 'auspicious days', Li Feng's face was full of confusion, and the image of Hephaestus wearing sunglasses, holding a sail, squatting on the street to tell people's fortunes appeared in his mind.

Don't ask, Hephaestus's transformation was all due to the magic book.

The method of practice that Li Feng taught him belonged to the East. Westerners did not understand a lot of the terminology in it, so they had to be guided by Li Feng himself.

As a result, one after another, the majestic Western God of Fire was transformed into the Eastern God of Fire. Is that okay?

Hephaestus didn't care what Li Feng was thinking about, he dragged him and ran all the way.

Soon, the two came to a small geomantic treasure spot with a panoramic view of the mountains.

"Please help me to protect the law." After saying this, Hephaestus, who was eager to regain his strength, sat cross-legged and began to meditate without saying a word.

On the side, Li Feng was extremely jealous, especially when he noticed that Hephaestus's aura was soaring, and there was a faint demigod aura, and he wanted to strangle old man Jie to death:

What the hell, did you drag me here to show off or something? It’s so disrespectful.

Thinking back to the time when he entered the magical world and the achievements he had achieved one year later, it seemed like he was nothing.

When I think back to the sufferings and hardships I endured when I stepped from a mortal body into the realm of demigods, I have so much tears in my eyes.

Hephaestus, on the other hand, relied on his divine power to take off directly from the starting line, winning in various ways along the way.

"Hey~" Li Feng turned his urge to bury people into a sigh and looked up at the sky sadly.

If Hephaestus wasn't still useful, he really hoped that the sky would open its eyes and drop a thunderbolt to kill this unlucky thing.

In order to relieve his depression, Li Feng turned his head and turned his gaze to the ocean. Suddenly, a sea ship came into view.

Taking a closer look, he found a sloppy man standing on the deck holding a trident, and beside him there was an old acquaintance.

Perseus? What is he here for? Li Feng turned his head and thought for a moment, waved his hand to open the portal, and said, "Hey, isn't this the demon-slaying hero Perseus? Why do you have time to come through the portal now?"

"Austin?!" Perseus was stunned for a moment, then excitedly crossed the portal, gave Li Feng a warm hug, and said, "I didn't expect to see you here again. It's been a long time since I last saw you."

"It's been a long time indeed. How have you been recently?" Li Feng asked casually, and at the same time motioned to his companions on the same boat with Perseus to get ashore quickly because he was about to close the door.

Several people on the boat looked at Perseus hesitantly.

Perseus nodded to indicate that Li Feng was harmless, and said with a grimace: "How should I put it? After destroying Kraken, life was pretty good. Eo even became pregnant with my child."

"It's nothing serious. A year ago, demons appeared one after another in the human world. At first, the king could send troops to suppress them. However, in the past six months, more and more demons have appeared, and the number of troops has become seriously insufficient."

"A few days ago, a demon came to my village and burned it to death. After I killed it, I went to the Mountain of the Gods to ask the gods,"

"The result. Before I could figure out what happened to the human world, I saw the seriously injured Poseidon, and learned from him that the secret prison had been broken through by no one, and that all the mechanisms and traps were destroyed, as well as Hades and Ares. Conspired with Cronus to lure him and Zeus into the underworld under the guise of cooperating to repair the secret prison, preparing to sacrifice to Cronus."

"In the end, Zeus was captured alive, while Poseidon managed to escape, but died due to excessive injuries."

"Before he died, Poseidon asked me to find Hephaestus to find a way to rescue Zeus."

Speaking of this, Perseus looked at Hephaestus intentionally or unintentionally and asked: "Is he the fallen Hephaestus?"

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