Li Feng leaned in front of the car window, drinking wine, and happily witnessed the fall of the battleship 'Thanos'.

This is a rare 'battleship' class firework that is rare in a century. It is used to drink wine and the taste is amazing.

Suddenly, an energy wave composed of time, space, dimension and other energies quickly enveloped the RV.


Kreacher sensed something was wrong and prepared to take out his wand while warning him.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Before Kreacher's hand even touched the wand, the energy wave had already taken over the entire RV.

First, the sound was frozen, and then Kreacher, Potts, and Morgan stood motionless like sculptures.

The expressions of horror were clearly visible on the faces of the three people.

It's as if time has stopped at this moment.

"It's so quiet,"

Li Feng whispered something, and easily broke free with brute strength, and continued to taste wine and watch the fireworks without taking anything seriously.

At this time, a square light door flashed inside the RV.

A black man gnawed on a green apple while crossing the light door, lazily sitting at the dining table, and said jokingly: "Young man, you have to be kind, as you are easily struck by lightning if you steal someone else's job, especially if you are robbing a beautiful girl's job. "

Blame me? Who made Marvel Woman late? Li Feng raised his eyebrows and greeted calmly: "You're here."

The arrival of the black man did not surprise him, but instead he breathed a sigh of relief.


What's going on with the densely packed nanobugs in the air?

Intensive phobia is a good thing.

Li Feng shook off the goosebumps, took out the wine glasses and poured wine, pushed one of the glasses in front of the black man, and mocked: "Is it necessary to have such a big fight? I won't kill you."

"Haha, who knows? People's hearts are separated from each other, so be careful." The black man picked up the wine glass and looked at it for a while, then took a small sip and smashed his mouth as if satisfied.

Putting down the glass of wine, he turned around and showed an extremely fake expression of grievance, saying: "To be honest, if you want to mess with me, I am really not your opponent, so why should I guard against you? It's reasonable, right?"

As he spoke, the black man spread his hands, his face full of innocence.

"." Li Feng looked at the black man's aggrieved eyes and said, "That makes so much sense."

To be fair, if he were to take the initiative to talk to a certain big boss who was incompetent or could only fight with him, he would never show up without being completely prepared.

If you lose it, the fun will be huge.

"Okay, don't talk about this, let's turn to another chapter." Li Feng picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, and said sincerely: "It's not easy to meet you."

That's weird. The black man almost sprayed Li Feng's face with salt water and said, "Yeah, it's not easy."

Halfway through the sentence, the black man clenched his fists and said angrily in a suppressed voice: "Just because you don't know my home address, you're trying to lure me out by telling me the plot? Brother, do you have any feelings about 'It's Not Easy'?" What a misunderstanding.”

To be honest, he really didn't guess Li Feng's wanton intentions at first. After all, this guy has always been lawless and his brain circuit is different from ordinary people. It's not impossible for him to do a scene where the two Thanos are fighting each other while drinking.


When Mai Thanos returned to guard the RV, he vaguely guessed that Li Feng had other plans and seemed to be forcing him to show up.

The next development was as he had guessed. Li Feng never wanted to kill Thanos, but was forcing him to appear by continuously reducing the opponent's power.

For example, Mai Thanos seems to be desperate for death. If you think about it carefully, it seems that it is more difficult to contain than to kill.

Otherwise, why did Mao let Mai Thanos go to the battlefield with bare hands? Did he really think that Li Feng was too poor to provide weapons?

Don't make trouble, you're not worried that Thanos won't be able to handle it, and he will be killed accidentally.

The 'all-army attack' that followed was even more obvious.

Both the Four Horsemen and their legions deliberately avoided Thanos and went straight to the cannon fodder legion.

Isn't this weakening the power?

In the end, he rammed the battleship violently, cutting off the source of the Thanos Legion's continuous violence.

It is obvious that the purpose is to further reduce the number of miscellaneous troops.

It is estimated that if he does not show up, Li Feng's next step will be to use violence against the few remaining soldiers.

When Thanos becomes the commander-in-chief and the balance of victory completely tilts towards the Avengers, will Stark still star in a highlight-reel plot of snapping his fingers?

Wouldn't it be nice to invite your friends to gang up on Thanos?

In short, every step Li Feng takes breaks the original script into pieces, forcing the sacred timeline to follow Wan Duzi.

It was hard for him not to show up when his vitals were poked.

"Tell me what you want to do with me," the black man felt tired and under great pressure. He wanted to stab Li Feng with a scalpel a hundred and eighty times to vent his anger. The knife would avoid the vital part, but make the blood surge like a fountain.

"Hehe," Li Feng rubbed his hands and said, "Um, do you still have the infinite gems from the local world in your hand?"

The Infinity Stones can only exert their greatest power in the original world.

If you go to the Marvel world next door, it seems that the time gem can still control time, and the space gem can still wander around the world, but the slight differences between worlds will cause the wishing function to fail.

There is a problem.

The entire set of infinite gems collected by Li Feng can only stay in the original world of the gems to make wishes.


If the wish-making function is not satisfactory, will the return home plan be extended indefinitely?

Of course, this small problem now seems to be purely an overthinking series.

Facts have proved that in the same world and at the same point in time, two or even more sets of infinite gems are actually allowed to appear.

For example, he holds a complete set of Infinity Stones in his hand, and there is another set of Infinity Stones in Avengers Base.

So, now that you have the opportunity to make a wish using two sets, or even seven or eight sets of infinite gems, why not give it a try, maybe it will be closer to home?

"???" A string of question marks appeared above the black man's head, and he said in disbelief: "Is this why you go to such trouble to find me?"

Good guy, is this the source of the multiverse’s almost fart?

No murder caused by a steamed bun would be as exciting as this.

"Otherwise?" Li Feng asked confidently.

The MMP black man spat inwardly, then slumped his shoulders like a deflated rubber ball and worked on the wrist guard.

After a while, a small light door appeared above the dining table, and a cube with blue light passed through the light curtain and slowly fell.

"Cosmic Cube? Why do you still have such an 'original' gem?!"

Before the Rubik's Cube fell to the dining table, Li Feng grabbed the Rubik's Cube and squeezed it hard. He put the space gems into his pocket and urged: "There are 5 more. Be generous and take them out one by one."

The black man rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think this thing is a jelly bean? If you want to eat it, there is only one infinite stone in this world."

"Really gone?" Li Feng obviously didn't believe it, looking at the black man with suspicion.

"Believe it or not," the black man felt uncomfortable. He stood up and opened his arms, indicating that if he didn't believe it, he could search him.

It is impossible to search someone's body, and it would be useless even if they did.

Who would carry the precious Infinity Stones with them?

I can't do this even if my brain is bubbling.

Considering that the black man readily gave away the Rubik's Cube, Li Feng had reason to suspect that the other party's family was indeed not alive.

It's hard to do now.

He scratched his scalp in distress, wondering whether he should travel through time.

For example, run back 5 minutes to the past and borrow infinite gems from yourself, and then run back 10 minutes to borrow the entire set of infinite gems again.

If the operation is good, you can borrow 1 set every time you run back 1 minute, which is 60 sets in one hour.

Hey, the more Li Feng thought about it, the more interesting he felt, and he couldn't help but grin.

Beside him, the black man's back suddenly felt like a thorn, his heart rate soared inexplicably, and the hallucination of a 'countdown to doomsday' flashed before his eyes.

What's going on? The black man looked around in horror. It wasn't until he noticed that Li Feng kept grinning that he realized the source of the problem.

I wiped it and came back. The black man was silent for a moment, quickly operated the device on his wrist, grabbed the bag from the square light door, showed a harmless smile, and said:

"Brother, let's discuss something. As long as you don't wander around in the 'Holy Timeline World', this bag of infinite gems from different parallel worlds will be given to you. It's up to you whether you use the gems to smash walnuts or string them into beads."

"Eh???" Li Feng opened the bag and took a look, and his 24 pure titanium alloy eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

Good guy, the infinite gems that he sees as extremely precious are actually trash in the eyes of black people, and the kind that come in a ‘sack’?

Do your family members know that you are so rich?

Li Feng didn't say anything. He used the speed of a mage to grab the bag. He stuffed it into his pocket as if he was afraid that the black man would regret it. He stretched out his hand and said, "Well, I won't let you have lunch."

Are you driving me away? ? .The black man's eyelids are twitching wildly, and his forehead is covered with black lines.

It is said that the donkey can be killed only when the grindstone is removed. Li Feng was better, he gave the donkey a knife before removing the grindstone.

"Where is the guarantee I want? Did you eat it?!" the black man roared.

Li Feng was stunned for a moment, picking at his deafened ears and wondering what was going on, and said: "Promise? What the hell? Oh, don't waste it, right? It's simple."

He said solemnly, slapping his chest and swearing: "I, hereby make an oath to promise not to spoil the plot, otherwise..."

Li Feng looked around, pointed at Stark outside the window, and said, "Otherwise, he would give birth to a son without eyesight."

"." The black man sat on the wax on the spot and cursed silently: Madan, you should be a human being and don't cause trouble to Stark here.

After a long pause, the black man muttered: "I mean to ask you to leave this world."

"Bang~" Li Feng slammed the table and stood up, and interrupted fiercely: "You are thinking about shit,"

Just kidding, if you leave now, what will you do with the 180 sets of infinite gems?

What a pity that the golden idea that I finally came up with has been wasted like this.

The black man touched his wristband with a sullen face, wondering whether to open the door and let his little brother go.

In fact, he really didn't want to use force with Li Feng unless necessary.

It's unclear whether they can win, but Thanos, Stark and others outside the car window will definitely be killed by the aftermath of the battle.

Wait, why does this guy have to stay in this world? .

What secrets does this world hold?

Hey~ Forget it, no matter what, let’s get down to business first by putting the chaotic plot in front of us back on track.

The black man thought for a long time, narrowed his eyes, and said firmly: "Leave for now, and can't come back until Stark is buried. This is my bottom line, otherwise."

"Otherwise, if we fight, the one lying down will die, and the one standing will have the right to speak?"

Li Feng frowned and checked his physical condition.

I make wishes three times a day. Is my health okay?

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