Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 55 Chapter 55 Dwarf? Giant? Hagrid!

Passing through the portal, Li Feng in midair excitedly felt the RV rolling freely while quickly opening the portal.

A portal suddenly appeared in the uninhabited desert area of ​​Kuna Province, Afghanistan.

Back on the ground, Li Feng pushed open the door and got out of the RV. He leaned on his knees and looked up at the sky. He licked his mouth and grinned: "Cool~ Exciting~ This is called bungee jumping."

Although the desert area is uninhabited and not suitable for tourism, it is also such an environment that is suitable for Li Feng to practice magic. For example, Li Feng can unscrupulously study and practice the dark magic pried out from Dobby's mouth.

Li Feng, who secretly made up his mind to become stronger as soon as possible, except occasionally driving back to the metropolis to have a good meal to relax, is devoted to studying various dark magic.

After more than half a year of thinking and practicing, Li Feng finally mastered a lot of low-end dark magic.

As for the high-end ones, Li Feng said that he only dared to study but not practice. After all, the spells in Dobby's mouth had not been sorted out by Ancient One. With Li Feng's current knowledge reserves, he could still judge whether there were traps in the low-end spells, but he could not judge what traps were hidden in those high-end spells.

In the early morning, Li Feng counted with his fingers and calculated: Today is sunny and cloudless, a good day for crossing

By the way, I don't know if Li Feng is unlucky or Afghanistan is really like this. Anyway, in the past six months, Li Feng has seen only a few days with dark clouds in the sky. It's only now that Li Feng is playing the portal well. When he is thirsty and wants to take a shower, he opens a bowl-sized portal connecting to the river. Otherwise, he really can't stay in this desert area where water is more expensive than gold.

Before crossing, Li Feng must first hide the RV, otherwise the two worlds will go back and forth for several months. What if the most valuable item Li Feng left in the Marvel world, that is, the RV, is stolen? This is also Mordo's gift, symbolizing the passion of the two.

After a long time, Li Feng, who had been driving around in the desert, finally found a hidden cave in the hills.

After parking the RV, Li Feng set up a magic circle nearby to shield the fluctuations of mana, in order to prevent the opening of the portal from alarming the temple wizard and causing unnecessary trouble.

When everything was ready, Li Feng took a deep breath and opened the portal.

Li Feng, who was squeezed out of a rubber pipe by the portal like milk, had the first impression of this world that it was cold, so cold that he shivered subconsciously.

Li Feng tightened his wizard robe and observed the dim environment around him. With just one glance, Li Feng confessed to Mordo in his heart: "I said before that you had a problem with your character. When I traveled with you, I either arrived in a world full of plague or in an alley full of rats. Now I solemnly apologize to you."

"It's not that you have a problem with your character, but I have a problem. At least I can guarantee my freedom after traveling with you. What about me? I traveled in a cold and damp prison cell. What the hell is this situation?"

"Do I have a prisoner's face or am I destined to be hunted down by someone? There is a boiled egg in the Marvel world who wants to imprison me, but I am directly imprisoned in this world?"

Li Feng, who was full of black lines, drew out the magic long knife and chopped open the prison door with one knife. As soon as he walked out of the prison door, Li Feng saw a huge man in the cell next door, squatting in a corner of the cell and shivering as if the sky was falling.

Li Feng glanced around. In addition to the dim and humid environment, this was a prison without even a guard. He couldn't figure out what this guy with amazing height was afraid of?

It can't be that he is afraid of the dark, right? Could this be the legendary strong man who has a girlish heart that is afraid of the dark?

Out of curiosity about height, Li Feng silently thought about the scene of the two people facing each other and comparing their heights: I am probably only as tall as the other person's chest, so I am just a little bird in the other person's eyes?

Thinking of this, Li Feng suddenly shuddered, because the "bird" nestled in the giant's arms in his mind was him.

Throwing out the hellish fantasy picture, Li Feng knocked on the cell door with a magic long knife, signaling the giant in the cell to look at him, and asked: "Brother, are you a giant or a dwarf?"

Although Li Feng guessed that the other party was a giant with a high probability, considering that the dwarves in the Marvel world are all tall and strong, and abruptly changing the dwarf country to the giant country, Li Feng had to have this question.

The giant shrank back, looked at Li Feng with fear and a little curiosity, and asked, "Are you from the Ministry of Magic? The Chamber of Secrets was not opened by me. I don't want to stay in Azkaban, let me go."

Perhaps because of excitement or fear, the giant spoke a little fast, causing Li Feng, who only knew American English, to be stunned for a long time before he realized what the other party was saying in a British accent.

Ministry of Magic? Is it the government of the mysterious side of this world? If the Chamber of Secrets was not opened by you, then did it open by me? What's the point of telling me this, I'm not an important member of the Ministry of Magic

Azkaban? This is a bit familiar, I seem to have heard it there

And this colloquialism, why does it sound a bit awkward?

Li Feng scratched his head, pointed at his feet, looked at the familiar giant with a full beard, and asked: "Which country is this? Also, I think you look quite silly, what's your name? Tell me, maybe I know you."

Li Feng has watched the Harry Potter series of movies, but that was eight hundred years ago. It's good enough to have an impression of Azkaban. How can you think of where this is after hearing the giant's words? Li Feng doesn't have such a good memory.

Until the giant said in a muffled voice: "My name is Rubeus Hagrid, you can call me Hagrid, sir, this is Azkaban, what are you doing in prison"

Hagrid looked at Li Feng with a puzzled look, saying that Li Feng was imprisoned in Azkaban as a prisoner, but he was well-dressed and wandering around the prison with a long knife. Never mind that any prisoner could still go to jail with a weapon.

It didn't sound like he was visiting the prison. At least he didn't find the right person to chat with. Instead, he was chatting with a stranger himself. After hesitating for a moment, Hagrid asked, "Are you from the Ministry of Magic?"

Hagrid? Li Feng stared blankly at the giant man in front of him. He already knew where it was: Azkaban? Isn't it the magic prison built by the Ministry of Magic in the cold North Sea area in the Harry Potter world? No wonder it's so cold

Think about what there is in Harry's world, countless magics, various magic potions and alchemy items. The most important thing is that red-haired Ron's father, Mr. Weasley, has a technology that Li Feng has always been coveted. Transformed into a flying car that can become invisible.

If he learned how to magically modify cars, Li Feng would return to the Marvel world and magically modify his RV, and expand the space in the car. For example, he could use the invisible telescopic spell to transform his locker into the size of two football fields. Let Li Feng roll around in the locker unscrupulously, it's a pleasure to think about it.

Pouting, Li Feng touched his pocket with a little chill: Ma Dan, the prerequisite for doing all this is that I have to have gold galleons in my pocket.

Li Feng asked with a hint of trepidation, "Do you know Harry Potter? Does he go to Hogwarts?"

Li Feng asked this because he wanted to understand what time period this was and where Harry's story had developed. If Harry hadn't been born yet, he would have turned around and left Azkaban. After all, there was nothing in Azkaban worth his nostalgia. s things.

Seeing Hagrid nodding to show that he knew Harry Potter, and that Harry was still a student, Li Feng felt like he was in a scorching summer. Suddenly, a cool energy penetrated his body from the Tianling Gai, and his whole body felt chilly. It was so refreshing. .

Suddenly, Li Feng seemed to think of something. When he looked for the fat sheep in his mind, he looked at Hagrid doubtfully: Azkaban? Isn't it a prison guarded by dementors? I don't remember Hagrid being imprisoned in Azkaban. What's going on? Isn't this a fake Harry Potter world?

"Hagrid, tell me how you got locked up here."

Hagrid's character is a bit naive, but that doesn't mean he's stupid. He doesn't even know who Li Feng is, so how can he dare to casually say something about whether Hogwarts can continue to operate?

Seeing Hagrid covering his mouth and refusing to say anything, Li Feng shrugged and continued to look for fat sheep that could provide him with a large amount of gold Galleons. As for Hagrid, he wouldn't say anything if he didn't want to. He didn't. If you want to sneak into Hogwarts and learn magic, you probably won't see Hagrid again in the future.

And how could he sneak into school when he looked like an adult now? Aren't you afraid that Dumbledore will treat him like a Death Eater and hang him up at the school gate to fuck?

There are many ways to learn magic, such as paying to hire a private tutor. This is probably more efficient than having a professor teach a group of children.

After walking around the cell for a long time, Li Feng finally found the fat sheep in his heart.

Li Feng stood in front of a cell door, feeling a little uneasy. He thought that if he traveled at the wrong time and didn't meet the person he was looking for, Jin Jialong would have to say goodbye to him. Then he would still have to waste time. Thinking of other ways to make some money, isn't this a waste of his precious time?

Looking at the thin man with dull eyes and dirty hair and clothes, Li Feng said: "Hello, are you Sirius Black? I know where Peter Pettigrew is. Do you want revenge? If so, hand over a third of it. I will hand over Pettigrew's property to you."

After thinking about it, Li Feng was not sure that he could capture Peter Pettigrew alive. After all, that guy was so good at escaping. It can only be said that the mouse's escape attribute was fully tapped by him. Li Feng added: "Without a quarter of the family property, I Bring dead Peter Pettigrew to you."

Squatting in the corner of the prison, Black, who looked like Sirius, his dull eyes turned bloodthirsty after hearing Li Feng's words, and a crazy aura gradually spread on his face.

Blake rushed to the cell door and tried to grab Li Feng's collar, but Li Feng had exercised his body after all, so how could he be caught so easily.

Seeing that Li Feng was caught, Black shouted: "Let me out, I will kill Pettigrew with my own hands. He is mine, no one can kill him!"

Hearing Black admit that he was Sirius, Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief. His previous worries that he had traveled through time too late, causing the wealthy Black to escape from Azkaban, disappeared because he knew that he had traveled to the right place at the right time. Location, as long as he takes Black out of Azkaban, I believe Black will pay him a large sum of gold Galleons: If he tells the other party the location of Pettigrew, haha

Diagon Alley, here I come

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