As soon as he teleported to the vicinity of the earth's orbit, Li Feng was forced by harsh environments such as vacuum and radiation to protect himself.

No problem, in a weak state, it is obvious that the tiger-headed body shape is more resistant to roughness.

After a while, he floated to the Aquilon Empire battleship, knocked on the 'car window' with a professional smile, and grabbed a few infinity stones and shook them.

The intention I want to express is self-evident: Brother, let’s trade a lot of energy gems for the ‘Galaxy’, can it be done? .

In his opinion, the 'Galaxy' is good as a subatomic energy source, but after all, it is only one.

Belongs to the category of precious but impractical.

The Infinity Stones are different.

This thing has a sack, and it has an absolute advantage in terms of quantity.

Even if you exchange ten or eight of them for one 'Galaxy', it won't be a loss.

Secondly, although the Infinity Stones leave the Marvel world, they will lose their core abilities such as controlling time and space.

But after all, it was born in the Big Bang. Not to mention the collection value, in terms of energy quality alone, it is not necessarily inferior to the Milky Way.

Therefore, Li Feng firmly believed that as long as the Aquilonian's head was not caught by the door panel, there was no reason to refuse the transaction.

On the other side, the captain of the Aquilon battleship heard his subordinate's report about the presence of unknown creatures in space. His first reaction was disbelief.

Especially when the report mentioned that the unidentified creature could still breathe without wearing a space suit, it made him even more suspicious that his subordinates had secretly drank fake alcohol.

Until... I witnessed the lively Li Feng knocking on the 'car window'.

What the hell is this? Space monster? ! The captain broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly issued an order, saying: "Quickly, use the signal light to drive away the opponent. At the same time, according to the rules of Aquilon war, use a proton weapon as a warning."

At this time, Li Feng showed a little impatience when he saw that the Aquilonians still refused to open the door to meet each other.

Suddenly, a rapidly flashing light shone on his face:

I wiped it, and the cataracts came out.

While he was groaning, a beam of light quickly passed by his cheek.

Are you telling me to get lost? Li Feng touched his handsome face that was almost destroyed, and felt a surge of anger lifting the Tianling cover.

Damn it, you don’t talk about martial arts, right? Li Feng opened the personal space like a thunder, neatly stuffed the battleship into the personal space, and then closed the door of the personal space tightly.

The whole process is as quick and easy as packing an elephant into a refrigerator.

As for the transaction of 'Galaxy' and whether it will cause disputes afterwards.

Sorry, who said you can only trade with battleships?

Prince Achelon is still lying dead on earth.

He is very familiar with making deals with dead people.

Secondly, what about sparking interstellar disputes?

The little Aquilon Empire still dares to sneer in front of the future boss of the single universe. It is like lighting up a lantern in the toilet to look for shit.

Believe it or not, when he regains his strength and obtains the portable universe, the first thing he will do is overthrow the Aquilon Empire.

After clapping his hands, Li Feng whistled and teleported back to McDougall Street, stopped a taxi and went straight to the autopsy room.

At this time, the 'Galaxy' was still around the neck of the cat named 'Orion'.

And the cat is wandering around in the autopsy room.

As long as the movements are smooth enough, cutting off a beard is not a piece of cake.


Although the idea is good, the reality is too cruel.

When he excitedly opened the door to the autopsy room, he saw a bug disguised as an ugly man holding the Milky Way with one hand and pinching the female coroner's neck with the other, and confronted K and J without fear.

Wan Duzi was a step too slow. Considering his lack of strength, Li Feng immediately revealed his tiger head and human body and shouted: "Bold monster, I can see at a glance that you are not a human being, yet you are captured without showing your true form."

"Who are you talking about?"

Although Chongzi's IQ is not online, Chongzi is naturally sensitive, especially when faced with upcoming dangers. Every nerve is frantically reminding him of danger and to run quickly.

So despite the confused look on the insect's face, he was actually looking around quietly, looking for an escape route.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won’t have to worry about running out of firewood.

We already have the 'Galaxy', why are we still fooling around here? Wouldn't it be nice to run away as soon as possible?

Li Feng understood the insect's intention instantly and stepped forward before he could get close to the vent.

Chongzi's pupils shrank and he subconsciously blocked the female coroner in front of him.

"Beware of hostages."

Before K could finish his words, Li Feng could no longer restrain his strength and pierced the female coroner's chest with one palm, causing a chill on the spot.

"???" Chongzi was stunned: Good guys, which one of us is the villain? You really succeeded in killing the hostage.

Li Feng narrowed his eyes and passed the hand through the female coroner's chest without stopping at all. He continued to move forward and successfully pulled out the insect's spirit body.

Chongzi collapsed to the ground before he could recover from Li Feng's operation.

"Don't move, hold your head with both hands." J was frightened by the bloody scene in front of him. He raised his miniature pistol and aimed it at Li Feng, shouting: "You are arrested for violating interstellar law."

Li Feng calmly glanced at J and K, picked up the 'Galaxy' and put it in his pocket. He asked with a smile: "Interstellar law? What did I do? Why did I break the law?"

"Kill someone, and the deceased is a woman from Earth," J said righteously.

"Huh? Are you sure?" Li Feng laughed out loud, snapping his fingers, and then the already cold female coroner suddenly sat up in front of everyone's astonished eyes.

The female coroner looked confused at first, then lowered her head and touched her chest.

At this time, apart from a pool of blood, there were no wounds on his chest.

"Am I not dead?" the female coroner asked blankly.

Really, sitting up in shock while dying of illness? .J said that he did not understand this wave of operations and looked at K as if asking for help.

K reached out and pulled up the female coroner, and felt her pulse.

After making sure that the other party was fine, he frowned and looked at Li Feng expressionlessly, saying: "I have seen many aliens with incredible powers, such as those who can grow another head after blowing it up, those who spit strong acid and fire, and even aliens living in the fourth dimension,"

"Aliens who may resurrect the dead are unheard of. Which star system are you from? Tiger Head Star?"

"." Li Feng: Fucking Tiger Head Star

"Can't I be an Earthling?" Li Feng rolled his eyes and put away his tiger head body.

J and K looked at each other in silence, and looked at Li Feng together, saying: "Do you think we are blind or stupid?"

"Okay, believe it or not," Li Feng was too lazy to explain, and threw the insect's 'corpse' and spirit body into the portable space separately.

These two things are bargaining chips on the negotiation table, it would be a pity to throw them away.

After finishing all this, Li Feng asked: "I want to ask, where is the alien prince who was killed by the bugs? I want to discuss something with him."

If he hadn't witnessed the resurrection of the female coroner, J might have made a few jokes.

Now? Forget it, his worldview has long been shattered, and it's the kind that can't be put back together no matter how hard you try.

"Luo Xinbao's body is at the headquarters,"

K seemed to guess Li Feng's purpose, and looked at the pocket containing the "Galaxy" thoughtfully, and said: "Resurrect the prince on the condition that the "Galaxy" belongs to him?. Good trick,"

Li Feng smiled and shrugged, everything was self-explanatory.

K was silent for a moment, took out the communicator, and said: "Notify the Yakirons that someone killed the bugs and took the "Galaxy". He wants to negotiate with the Yakirons."

Li Feng is willing to negotiate, which is the best for the earth.

Whether the talks are successful or not is another matter. Anyway, the Yakirons have no reason to destroy the earth. If they want to cause trouble, they will cause trouble to Li Feng who holds the "Galaxy".

The earth can just be a bystander on the side.

"Uh~ that," Li Feng scratched his head, interrupted K's communication, and said, "I just met the Yakirons in the Earth orbit. These guys are too irritable and gave me a shot when they met. Therefore, I kindly invited the battleship and the crew into the 'refrigerator', hoping that they can calm down."

"." K's whole body was stiff, and cold sweat was pouring out.

Good guy, that is an alien empire far beyond the civilization of the Earth.

Once the Yakiron battleship sends a distress signal, I am afraid that what is parked in the Earth orbit is not a battleship, but a fleet.

If the distress signal is not sent. Haha, a battleship disappeared for no reason. Will the Yakirons act as if nothing happened, or will they send a fleet to investigate the truth of the incident?

Simply put, from the moment Li Feng seized the battleship, the Yakiron fleet has embarked on the journey.

Damn, we have to hand this thing over to the Akirens, otherwise the Earth will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, K hung up the communicator, put on sunglasses and took out the memory eraser, and cleanly erased the memory of the female coroner.

"Damn, you're not done yet, are you?" Li Feng subconsciously covered his eyes when the flash came on, and cursed: "The Akirens shook me once, and you shook me twice in one day. What's the matter, you must blind my eyes today?"

No amnesia? How is it possible! .K was stunned for a moment, and silently gave up the plan to take back the "Galaxy" while erasing the memory.

He took off his sunglasses and glanced at J.

J understood, and stood on both sides of Li Feng with K, and stretched out his hand and said: "Don't you want to see the alien prince? I'll take you to the headquarters."

I suspect you look down on me, at least put a gun against your waist to show your respect. Li Feng said in his heart, and followed the two to the headquarters of the Black Super Special Police.

Tens of minutes later, the three drove to No. 50 Bailey Street, the headquarters of the Black Super Police.

Looking at the strange-looking aliens all around, Li Feng looked left and right like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

"This way," K was in no mood to satisfy Li Feng's curiosity. He pulled Li Feng straight to the morgue, pointed to a 20-centimeter man with naked body and light green skin, and said, "Please start your performance."


After a crisp sound, Prince Luo Xingbao slowly opened his eyes.

"Good evening, buddy," Li Feng took out the 'Galaxy' and a handful of infinite gems, and directly started the transaction mode.

What's going on? Luo Xingbao, who had just resurrected, couldn't think straight for a while and was confused throughout the whole process.

If it weren't for the trustworthy K who explained a few words from time to time, he would have thought that he was not dead, but was successfully rescued after being seriously injured.

After a long pause, Luo Xingbao asked: "In other words, my people are still in your personal space, but they are not harmed?"

"Yes. Considering the huge size of the warship and the inability to land on the earth, I can't release them now. I have to wait until I go to space."

Li Feng waved his hand and opened the light gate connecting to the warship, saying: "Of course, if you want to see them, you can do it at any time."

Luo Xingbao was silent for a moment, picked up an infinite gem and walked towards the light gate, saying: "I need to verify the authenticity of the gem. If it is true as you said, I will submit a proposal to the empire to agree to the transaction."

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