Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 556 Chapter 575 Finale

"Your expression is very lewd. Are you thinking about something dirty?"

Heimdall's mean tone sounded in Li Feng's head.

"." Li Feng was furious: he's a slut.

How could he, as an 'honest and lovely young gentleman', feel dirty.

This is slander, outright slander.

Feeling aggrieved, Li Feng showed a fierce look on his face and used his spiritual power to capture Heimdall who was hiding in the dark.

Just as he was fantasizing about putting a knife to Heimdall's neck and asking whether the compensation for defamation was private or public, the corner of his eye inadvertently glanced at Vostagg and Fandral.

It was seen that Volstagg was still vigilant, guarding against him like a thief.

Fandral still held the hilt of the sword and looked around with sharp eyes.

Obviously, the two of them didn't even care about him, otherwise they would have raised their knives and greeted him warmly.

Li Feng thought for a moment that he seemed to have been using the invisibility spell.

One of the most powerful functions of the invisibility magic is to shield everything from the outside world.

Therefore, Stagg and Fandral's blind behavior is normal.

On the contrary, Heimdall Temeow, who could transmit sounds and locate his position, was obviously abnormal.

What kind of unfortunate species is this thing, how can it see through the invisibility magic?

Li Feng was confused, his eyes were blurred and he was lost in thought.

Although Heimdall's 'Heimdall's Eye' can perceive everything, it is said to be invincible to any enemy, and even Odin is afraid of it.

However, there is an upper limit to awesome eyes.

For example, when the Reality Stone was too lazy to come out of Jane's stomach, Heimdall was stunned to find no sign of Jane.

Obviously, facing the Reality Stone, the 'Eye of Heimdall' directly defeated Haofa.

With Li Feng's current ability to use the magic of invisibility, it stands to reason that Heimdall would not even be able to locate him, let alone transmitting messages to him.

Madan, that makes no sense.

The more Li Feng thought about it, the more confused he became.

Especially when he thought that the invisibility magic, one of the means of saving his life, had been cracked without realizing it, he was so panicked that he broke down in cold sweat.

"Hey~ It seems that the head of visiting relatives and friends has finally gone to work,"

Heimdall 'seeing' Li Feng was at a loss, and joked with a smile: "You can't escape being monitored even if you use the magic of invisibility. What do you think of this, little Austin?"

I want to send you a MMP

However, the communication channel established by Heimdall could only communicate in one direction. Li Feng's sincere greetings could not be returned at all, and they could only get stuck in his throat in frustration.

Wait, how does this guy know the 'Invisibility Technique'?

After catching a clue, Li Feng started the reasoning mode as if he was possessed by Conan.

There are only a handful of people who know the magic of invisibility. Apart from him, only Odin and Frigga know it.

Moreover, since Odin was present when he taught the invisibility technique, he never considered whether there were eyes peeping thousands of miles away.

Therefore, maybe Heimdall opened the 'Heimdall's Eye' at that time, witnessed the whole teaching process with his own eyes, and learned it secretly.

Secondly, the magic of invisibility was improved by Frigga.

I won’t mention the effect of the improvement, but since Frigga can improve the invisibility spell, it means that this spell has been fully exploited.

If you can understand it thoroughly, you can naturally deduce the cracking method in reverse.

So, will Frigga secretly teach how to break the invisibility spell?

You must know that Heimdall's duty is to guard the door, and there is no need to say more about the benefits of learning the 'anti-invisibility magic'.

At least don't even think about breaking into Asgard relying on the magic of invisibility.

For Heimdall, he is invisible and can steal a hammer.

"Frigga?" Li Feng asked softly and tentatively.

There was an inexplicable sound in the central control room, causing Vostagg and Fandral to tense up and search for Li Feng in unison.

It's a pity that both of them can see a ghost with their eyes open.

Only Heimdall understood. Li Feng guessed the truth when he blurted out the magic of invisibility. He was stunned for a moment and said with emotion: "Should I say that I am a magician? I have an aura in my mind. It was indeed Frigga who taught me the magic." The purpose of cracking the invisibility spell is to prevent you from visiting the treasure house secretly.”

He said this as if I could stop you by grabbing you. Li Feng pursed his lips in disdain.

Likewise, Heimdall's words also woke him up.

There are no guards guarding Odin's treasury at this time.

And the Destroyer is also not in the treasury.

Li Feng's eyes rolled, and he was ready to "brazenly" sneak into the treasure house to visit, not only to see if Odin had any new collections, but also to brush up on his proficiency in the "pulling sheep" skill.

Heimda seemed to see through someone's thoughts and said, "I think it would be better if you don't mess with the ones that are there and don't have them, and complete the task properly. Besides, except for the props that Hela needs, the treasure house is all fake. Visit a wool thread,”

"." Li Feng opened his mouth and finally responded silently: Damn it, everything was planned by Frigga. I can't live this day.

At this time, Loki's urgent cry for help suddenly sounded from the center console.

"Vostagg, quickly, take us both back~"

Volstagg, who was fully on guard against Li Feng, subconsciously activated the Rainbow Bridge when he heard the sound.

As the Rainbow Bridge opened, the enchanting Hela officially took the stage.

At this point, Thor's large-scale show officially begins.

Li Feng relied on the magic of invisibility and circled around Hela carelessly.

In his perception, Hela's power has grown explosively since she set foot on Asgard.

It can be seen that the longer the nuns stay in Asgard, the stronger the power they can acquire.

Of course, that's just the way it is in Qiang.

Unless Hela becomes a single universe-level boss, no matter how strong her self-healing power is, she will have to kneel down in the face of time stasis.

Besides, Hela is the goddess of death, and her power is obviously biased towards the dark side.

Unfortunately, what Li Feng is least afraid of is the dark power.

The suppression of the dark power by the mark of godhood is simply unsolvable.

He only needs to show the mark on his forehead, not to mention Hela, even if he kills into the dark dimension, he can beat Dormammu to his knees and call him daddy.

"Who are you, what did you do to Thor?" Volstagg asked with an axe.

Hela, who was immersed in the joy of the power surging in her heart, heard the questioning, glanced at Volstagg with contempt, and then raised her hand to shoot the sword.

Volstagg was unable to dodge, and his kidneys were immediately broken into eight pieces, and he collapsed to the ground.

Seeing this, Fandral hurriedly drew out his sword and rushed forward to fight in close combat.

Hela smiled evilly, aimed at Fandral's heart, raised her hand and fired a sharp sword, saying: "I am Hela."

After introducing herself, she shot out the sharp sword again, killing Volstagg and Fandral cleanly and thoroughly.

On the side, Skorchi, whose face was splashed with blood, was a little confused. He knelt on one knee timidly, lowered his head humbly, and surrendered: "I'm just a gatekeeper."

"You look smart and know how to judge the situation." Perhaps because she has been single for a long time, Hela doesn't mind keeping an ant to chat and ask: "Do you want to work for me?"

Huh? . Skorchi looked up at Hela nervously: Is this to save his life?

No problem, he got up and followed Hela into Asgard.

When Hela walked away, the invasion alarm sounded over Asgard, and Li Feng cast a spell to resurrect Volstagg and Fandral.

After thinking for a while, before the two opened their eyes, he knocked them unconscious with another stick and said, "Heimdall, are you there?"

"Yes," Heimdall had already realized that he was responsible for the death of Volstagg and Fandral, and his tone of guilt and self-blame was inevitable when he answered.

He changed his previous attitude and said politely, "Hogan is dead too, please cast a spell."

"Huh? Sister Hela is quite efficient," Li Feng dismantled the Rainbow Bridge as if he didn't care, and said, "I won't pull out the swords on Volstagg and Fandral, so as not to ruin Thor's performance. Don't worry, the two unlucky guys are in good health, and bleeding alone is not fatal. Well, remember to drink more brown sugar water afterwards."

"As for Hogan, you take back the body first. When I have time to cast a spell to revive it, I will make up a reason such as "strong physique, just seriously injured and unconscious" to fool him afterwards."

Li Feng had figured it out at this time that the Super Rainbow Bridge was actually a bait.

The bait that lured him into Frigga's calculations.

And he ran to Asgard to perform the resurrection spell, which was definitely in the script set by Frigga.

This feeling that his fate was controlled by others made him feel upset and depressed.

He wanted to quit, but Frigga held the space gem, making him afraid to act rashly.

After thinking about it, he decided to stay out of the script and quietly watched Hela stir up trouble. He said: "I'm looking for you, just to inform you that the civil and military officials on the list must take good care of the bodies even if they die."

As he spoke, Li Feng, who dismantled the Rainbow Bridge, teleported into space.

Heimdall had no choice but to stop persuading him. He could only quietly pack up Hogan's body and wait for resurrection in the future.

After that, the plot developed as set by Odin and Frigga.

First, Thor completed his training, brought a spark of lightning to save the people in distress and despair, and successfully harvested a wave of fame.

Then Thor experienced the despairing self-healing power at the cost of one eye, and successfully got rid of the title of "Hammer God" and became the real "Thor".

Finally, seeing that he could not kill Hela, Thor ordered the people to board the spacecraft and evacuate, and ordered Loki to release Surtur, successfully detonating Ragnarok.

When Shutert turned Asgard into fireworks, the "Thor Show" officially ended.

As soon as the closing ceremony was over, Li Feng quietly found Heimdall, resurrected Hogan and other civil officials and generals, and asked for the space gem.

Heimdall said nothing, handed over the space gem obediently, and said: "Thanos is waiting for us in front, what are your plans?"

"Uh~" Li Feng scratched his head, and while inlaying the space gem into the sickle, he asked back: "What suggestions do you have?"

Heimdall silently looked at the 6 infinite gems on the sickle.

Everyone knows that Thanos is pursuing the infinite gems, and Li Feng also needs infinite gems to go home.

There is only one set of Infinity Stones that can be wished for, and the two will definitely fight for it.

"I hope the battlefield can be far away from the spaceship. After all, this thing under my feet is a civilian spaceship, and it may be blown apart by a cannon." Heimdall said earnestly.

"Okay~" Li Feng expressed his understanding.

The remaining Asgardians are all on the spaceship. If they die, Thor will become a lone god king.

At this time, several beams of light suddenly lit up outside the space.

Heimdall looked carefully, patted Li Feng on the shoulder, and said: "Go, kill the purple potato spirit."

"." Li Feng: Suddenly I feel like I'm working for a job, and I don't want to be paid.

With a dark face, Li Feng put on armor, picked up the sickle, teleported in front of Thanos's spaceship, and exuded majestic magic unscrupulously.

After a while, Thanos sat on the floating throne and appeared in front of Li Feng.

"You are..." Thanos stared at the Infinity Stones on the sickle and the rosary made of Infinity Stones, confused: Where did this guy come from, where is he going, how come he has so many Infinity Stones?

"My name is Austin Thanos, ah Thanos~" Li Feng said quietly: "To be honest, I don't want to embarrass you,"

"Do we know each other?" Thanos was a little confused. After searching his brain, he didn't think that there was such a powerful person as Li Feng in the universe.

This shouldn't be the case.

His little notebook clearly contains information about all the powerful people in the universe.

"I don't know you, but I have met you in the parallel universe and I understand your 'dream',"

As if meeting an old friend, Li Feng took out the green-skinned gourd and drank a large gulp, then threw the wine bottle to Thanos and said, "Speaking of which, we have a very close bond."

"In another world, another you once cheated on me unintentionally. I was so angry that I found a new home for your head."

"The second time I met you was from another timeline. Although our relationship was still not good, I didn't kill you with my own hands. I just tricked you to death. Well, you died miserably, with no bones left. ”

"This is the third time we have met. Let's discuss it. Since you are also fighting for your 'dream', as long as you swear not to set foot in the solar system in your lifetime, I can let you go."

In order to show his strength, Li Feng appeared with a tiger head and body as he spoke, and the mark between his eyebrows shone with a glimmer of light.

The universe-level strength of a single body is clearly revealed.

"!!!" Thanos was inexplicably upset.

After finally waiting for the Ancient One to return to the West, waiting for Odin to enter the Hall of Valor, and seeing that the Infinity Stones were about to be his own, he suddenly appeared in the middle and was even more ruthless.

It feels like you finally saved up enough money to buy the chocolate you've been coveting for a long time, but when you open the package and taste it, you'll find that it's full of shit.

Whoever tastes it knows the taste.

After a long silence, Thanos was unwilling to let his "dream" be shattered, and touched the floating throne with a gloomy face: How about giving it a try? Even if you can't fight hard, there's still hope of running away.


"Tch~ The Floating Throne is also considered a trump card?"

Li Feng explained the functions of the floating throne like a treasure trove.

"Can the offensive weapons loaded on this thing penetrate my shield? The ability to travel across the galaxy with just a thought is as fast as the space gem?"

When talking about motivation, Li Feng did not forget to explain how powerful Thanos would be if he wore the Infinity Gauntlet, and what side effects would be caused by using the Infinity Stones.

On the side, Thanos's face grew darker as he listened.

Good guy, he doesn't know anything about Li Feng. On the contrary, his whole family has been exposed.

Just play ball here.

Farewell Thanos never does anything uncertain, nodded and promised not to set foot in the solar system in his lifetime, then turned around and left.

Before leaving, he did not forget to look deeply at Li Feng, as if he wanted to imprint the other person in his genes.

Li Feng was relieved that he was gone.

Is Thanos a villain?

Not entirely in his opinion.

People never kill for the sake of killing, but simply for the balance of the universe, and take practical actions for this.

Like randomly killing half of the creatures in the universe.

Although cruel, the devil knows whether Thanos has chosen the right path.

After all, sometimes the truth is often in the hands of a few people.

As for Li Feng's previous establishment of Thanos as a formidable enemy.

At that time, did he have any choice?

They were all competitors for the infinite gems, but he was at a disadvantage, wondering what happened to his rivals.

There is nothing wrong with that.

But today is different from the past. The chair under his butt is nobler and more glorious than Thanos. It is enough to crush Thanos in all aspects, and his mentality will naturally change slightly.

Therefore, he does not want to kill Thanos.

Besides, with Thanos around, whether Stark will hide or not is a question.

Whether Thor will become Fatty is also a question.

And technological progress is often due to the existence of deterrence.

As long as Thanos doesn't die, the probability of the earth's joint defense against external enemies is far greater than the possibility of civil war.

After the matter was resolved, Li Feng teleported back to Earth, handed over all the black technology he had obtained to Stark, and explained the terror of Thanos.

Of course, you still have to hide what you need to hide.

For example, Thanos never lies and never goes back on his promises.

A year later, the portable galaxy was officially upgraded to a magical universe, and Li Feng couldn't wait to open the time-travel door.

After some twists and turns, Li Feng returned to the familiar world and the familiar house number.

With trembling hands, he pressed the familiar doorbell.

"Who is it?" An ordinary-looking woman held a child in one hand and opened the door with the other.

Seeing Li Feng standing outside the door, she was stunned for a moment, then showed a ferocious expression, grabbed Li Feng's ear and roared: "Okay, you actually went out in the middle of the night behind my back, and you dare not go home all night, don't you want to?" If you don't want to live anymore, just leave."

Hmm~ The familiar thought broke out. Li Feng nodded and bowed to apologize like a grandson, with a long-lost sense of relaxation and happiness on his face.

It feels like home, so good.


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