Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 65 65 Magic Wand

After Kreacher's explanation, Li Feng slapped his forehead in annoyance: reality is reality, and movies are movies. Although I have reminded myself that this is the real world, I still subconsciously forget many things that are not told in the movie.

Like Hogwarts, the movie only tells that every wizard will go to school, but why do those families with rich family backgrounds and many resources still insist that their children go to Hogwarts to go to school? Isn't it good to hire some private professors at home to give children an elite education? It's not that they can't afford it.

In fact, there is an environmental problem here. The environment here does not mean that the family is afraid that the child will be lonely, causing loneliness when they grow up, but the geographical environment of Hogwarts is too good.

First of all, the school's feng shui is too good. There are a large number of magical creatures living in the Forbidden Forest with a slightly lower concentration, and there are as many magical plants on the ground as weeds on the roadside.

As for Hogwarts, which is built in the area with the highest magic concentration, its magic concentration is unknown how many times higher than the outside world.

Originally, this was nothing. After all, many wealthy families have magic arrays that gather magic power, making the magic power in the family more concentrated, and the offspring have better magic talents at birth. But you can't resist the four people who founded Hogwarts School. They not only chose a good school site, but also built a super magic array for the school.

After thousands of years of operation of these magic arrays, how concentrated is the magic power in the school? Look at those stairs that like to move around in front of the Gryffindor dormitory. No one maintains the magic power for these stairs. Where does the magic power come from after moving for a hundred years? It's provided by the school.

High concentration is not enough. The magic power converted by the magic array is also easy to be absorbed by people, just like the school's freshmen are 11-year-old little brats. How can the magic power be absorbed and converted by the freshmen?

The position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor coveted by the mysterious man is the same. Isn't it because he wants to stay in school to enjoy the joy of soaring strength? Otherwise, a curse on a professorship can still be a powerful curse that can last for decades. Is he too idle? Isn't it because he can't get it and doesn't let others get it.

As for cursing other professors' positions, let's look at the strength of the teachers in the school. Let's not talk about Dumbledore. Which of the four college bosses is easy to mess with? If the You-Know-Who wants to curse, he must have the ability. If it is the later You-Know-Who, he may be able to do it, but the previous You-Know-Who, he can't be messed with.

And Dumbledore finds a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts every year. How many wizards are there in the whole UK? At the rate of changing a professor every year, plus the wizards' fear of You-Know-Who, no one will be willing to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in a few years.

The reason why the school can find professors every year is because the school environment is too good. As long as you stay in school, you can improve your own strength. Even if you can only stay for one year, it's good. If it weren't for the fear of You-Know-Who, it is estimated that these guest professors every year would fight for the position of professor.

After a long time, Li Feng smacked his lips and muttered to himself in silence: "This is really a plan that is not as good as change. After talking for a long time, I don't want to participate in the plot. I still have to go to school? Basilisk, basilisk, when did you die?"

Kreacher, who was really busy copying books, suddenly put down the books in his hand, looked up at the ceiling, and said: "Boss, Sirius is back."

"Back?" Li Feng waved his hand, put away the magic book and said: "Then leave, and come back to copy next time when you buy all the props."

The next morning, Li Feng, who was still asleep, smelled the sweet smell of butter bread. Li Feng, who had to work hard to open his eyelids, heard Kreacher say before he got up: "Boss, I don't know what you like to eat, I made bread and milk for you personally. If you don't like it, I will change it immediately."

Li Feng waved his hand. As for food, Li Feng, who was used to wandering, said that he was not picky about food. As long as it was edible, it was fine. I didn't see what he ate before, compressed biscuits, canned food.

After washing up, Li Feng bit the bread and drank a glass of milk. It must be said that Kreacher's craftsmanship is really good. The bread is soft and delicious. Thinking that he will taste Kreacher's craftsmanship in the future, Li Feng said that it is worth it to exchange for Kreacher.

Taking advantage of the meal time, Li Feng turned his head and looked at the room full of gold galleons, frowned and said: "Kreacher, please buy me a suitcase with enough space before going out. As for the cost, you can pay it yourself."

When Li Feng was burping, Kreacher came to Li Feng with a package and a suitcase as tall as a person.

"Boss, this is the package Sirius gave you."

Li Feng took the package and opened it, and looked at the certificate in the package.

This is a temporary certificate issued by the Ministry of Magic, which tells that Li Feng is a wizard who is traveling, but his luggage was stolen unlucky, and he applied for a temporary certificate in the Ministry of Magic to avoid unnecessary trouble.

As for the authenticity of this certificate, Li Feng said that he could not tell, but for Li Feng who wanted to buy magic wands and other magical items, this certificate was enough.

After putting the documents away, Li Feng looked at the suitcase in front of him speechlessly. It was called a suitcase, but in Li Feng's eyes it was not a suitcase at all, it was simply an upright coffin. Look at the way the suitcase was opened, it was opened like the lid of a coffin after it was erected upright. The only consolation was that the space inside the suitcase was indeed large enough, and it was estimated that after installing two basketball hoops, it could be used to play a basketball game.

After ordering Kreacher to pack the Galleons into the suitcase, Li Feng, who was in a good mood, whistled and pushed open the door. He had been planning for today's purchase for a long time. Originally, Li Feng planned to replace all the Galleons with materials today. , if the plan hadn't changed and he now had to find an opportunity to sneak into Hogwarts to practice and postpone his return to the Marvel world, he would really buy whatever he wanted.

Led by the familiar Kreacher, Li Feng walked to the trash can in the back alley of the Broken Ax Bar. With a look, Kreacher knocked the bricks on the trash can to open the entrance to Diagon Alley.

"Kreacher, do you know which shop can make custom-made clothes?" Li Feng, who was tired of going into battle every time he traveled through time, lowered his head and asked: "Including underwear and socks, and some that can enchant clothes."

Kreacher said without thinking: "Toofan Clothing Store, there are clothes required by the boss, but enchanting is a slow job and takes time to complete."

Li Feng nodded and motioned for Kreacher to lead the way.

After a while, Li Feng, who walked into the clothing store, looked at the clothes hanging on the wall and said, "Boss, how long will it take you to customize the enchanted clothes?"

The boss looked at Li Feng and then at the house elf following Li Feng. He knew that no one who could have a house elf follow him and serve him was short of money.

The boss smiled and said, "It depends on what magic you need."

Li Feng, who had already thought about this, said: "Automatic cleaning and deformation, but I want 4 sets, one set each for spring, summer, autumn and winter, including socks and underwear."

Automatic cleaning is easy to understand. It's just that Li Feng is too lazy to wash clothes. The ability to change clothes is because Li Feng considered that he can integrate into the local environment faster after time travel. Otherwise, you ask Li Feng to make some suits and then travel to the timeline. Medieval world? People will know you are an alien right away.

The boss was a little confused. He heard the request to enchant underwear and panties at the same time. What was the operation of enchanting socks? But who is the rich man? Since the customer makes a request, of course he will try his best to satisfy it. Anyway, he can make money without biting anyone.

The boss thought for a while, estimated the time needed, and said: "3 days, but if you pay more, I will finish it before dark."

As Li Feng, who emptied the basement of the Black family, said that he was not short of money. As long as he got the items he needed, a small amount of money that he would not take with him in life or death was not worth mentioning.

After being measured by the boss, Li Feng graciously paid the full fee before even seeing the clothes.

As soon as he walked out of the shop, Li Feng couldn't wait to signal Kreacher to take him to buy a wand.

Ollivander's Wand Shop, the owner Ollivander is the best wand caster in the world. Many foreigners come to London specifically just to buy a wand made by him instead of buying it locally. At the same time, all Hogg Watts sold all the wands used by his students.

What impressed Li Feng most about Ollivander in the movie was his extraordinary memory. Even though this guy was old and could only chew tofu, he could remember all the wands and holders that had been sold.

Li Feng walked to the door of Ollivander's store and looked up at the peeling gold-lettered signboard on the door, 'Ollivanders, has been making exquisite wands since 382 BC.' This is an old store with historical charm. shop.

When Li Feng walked into the store, his first impression of Ollivander's was that it was dusty. At the same time, there were so many wand boxes piled up to the ceiling.

Li Feng estimated that Ollivander usually made wands for fun, otherwise where would he have gotten so many wands.

At the counter, Ollivander, a man with gray hair, looked at the unfamiliar Li Feng with a pair of silver-white eyes, and asked with a smile: "This unfamiliar gentleman, welcome to Ollivander's Wand Store. If you are here to buy a wand, ,Please show your ID."

Li Feng smiled and took out his identity certificate, which he didn't know was authentic, and said: "Apart from the fact that the suitcase was too big and was not stolen, my ID and wand were stolen by Muggles. This is a temporary ID I applied for at the Ministry of Magic. , I hope this will allow me to buy a good wand from you."

"It's the wand that chooses its owner," Ollivander said while taking the ID and checking it, not forgetting to correct Li Feng's concept, "So it's not that you think the wand is taking advantage of you, but that after the wand chooses you, it will naturally make you feel satisfy."

After a while, Ollivander handed the ID back to Li Feng and at the same time looked Li Feng up and down and asked, "Mr. Austin, which hand do you prefer to use the wand with?"

Li Feng shook his right hand and said, "I'm used to using this hand. By the way, I still need to maintain the items for the wand."

"A wizard who knows how to cherish his wand," Ollivander turned to the goods shelf, picked up a measuring tape and said, "I am very happy that another wand is about to find its owner."

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