Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 67 Chapter 67 Pseudo-Prophet (Thanks to the support and reward from the ancient navigator)

Looking at the few gold galleons left in the suitcase, Li Feng looked at the piles of various magic materials in the suitcase with relief: the gold galleons brought back to the Marvel world are just a kind of material, it is better to replace them with supplies. I said that the golden galleons were not mine in the first place, so it feels really good to spend them.

After thinking about what he had not forgotten to buy, Li Feng signaled Kreacher to go back to the Broken Ax Bar first, while he took a small amount of gold Galleons and prepared to wander down Diagon Alley.

If Li Feng had enough strength, then it would be good to wander around Knockturn Alley to find some black magic items, but now, Li Feng, who had just left the ranks of rookies, said that he would rather look at the Feitian Sweeper to satisfy his curiosity. As for buying one, Li Feng thought it was better to forget about the flying broom, because it was unnecessary and not cost-effective. He really had no interest in riding a broom flying around in a world full of radars. What if someone shot him down? And if you fly in the sky without wearing thick anti-freeze clothing, you may be too cold to be humane.

As evening approached, Li Feng tasted food cooked with magic in Diagon Alley. He tasted a few bites with a look of disgust on his face and then got up and returned to the Leaky Cauldron: Kreacher's cooking was still delicious.

As soon as Li Feng returned to the room, Kreacher diligently took out four sets of brand new clothes and said, "Boss, the owner of Tuofan Clothing Store has sent you customized clothes. Do you want to try them on?"

"Of course, but before I try it on," Li Feng said as he took off his coat, "I'm so sweaty after walking around Diagon Alley all day. Kreacher, prepare some hot water for me. I want to take a bath."

Kreacher was busy preparing hot water and a bathtub. After Li Feng soaked comfortably in the bathtub, he immediately transformed into a bather and rubbed Li Feng up and down.

After a long time, Li Feng, who was clean and clean, put on some fitting clothes and looked at himself in the mirror.

On the side, Kreacher looked up at Li Feng and asked curiously: "Boss, why did you buy 4 sets of clothes? Can't you just buy 2 sets of clothes with constant temperature magic?"

Li Feng's eyes twitched slightly and he looked down at Kreacher: Couldn't you have told me earlier that I forgot? Save money on 2 sets of clothes and allow me to buy more medicinal materials

In the evening, while Li Feng was still soaking in the bathtub, Dumbledore returned to the Black Mansion from Azkaban, dusty and tired.

After Dumbledore rang the doorbell, Lupine opened the door, stepped aside to let Dumbledore enter the old house, and asked, "Professor, how did you check it out?"

Dumbledore shook his head slightly and said: "Austin's method of controlling the dementors is more troublesome than I thought. I only know that it is a kind of black magic, and the dementors are not Austin's pets. He is a slave whose life and death are controlled by Austin. As for breaking the curse, I don't have any ideas yet. Maybe I need to talk to some old friends, or ask Austin directly. "

As he spoke, Dumbledore turned to the restaurant and saw Sirius with a depressed expression in front of the table. He ignored the charred food on the table and just poured wine into his mouth. He blinked and asked Lupine beside him: "What's wrong with him?" ?”

Lupine sighed and said: "We were in a bad mood, and when Kreacher was still in the old house, we didn't feel his importance. But after losing Kreacher, we discovered that we couldn't even cook the most basic food." If I can’t do it well, maybe I should find some time to learn how to cook.”

"Kreacher?" Dumbledore fiddled with the unknown food on the table. Hungry, he immediately put his appetite behind and said, "Food can make people happy. I like to taste some pudding when I am in a bad mood." What happened to the house elf? Sirius set him free?"

Sirius, who was slightly drunk, looked at Dumbledore with a wry smile and said, "I gave him away."

Dumbledore was stunned. He knew what a house elf meant to these historic families. It could be said that the absence of house elves meant that the Black family was completely lonely.

Dumbledore pulled out a chair and asked curiously: "It seems that a lot of things happened while I was away?"

Lupine leaned his back against the wall and said with a bitter look on his face: "There are many, more than you can imagine. Not only do we know that the locket that Austin took is one of the mysterious man's Horcruxes, we also know that Peter Pettigrew became the Adult pets hiding in Hogwarts."

With a surprised expression, Dumbledore motioned to Lupine to describe the incident in detail.

After listening to Lupin's story, Dumbledore, who thought for a long time, asked: "Are you sure that Austin is not from this world?"

Lu Ping shook his head and said: "It is precisely because we don't know whether it is true or not that I circulated Austin's portrait among my friends, but no one has claimed to know Austin or even claimed to have seen Austin. No one from Austin, we guess Austin is telling the truth, and"

Lupine glanced at the slightly deserted Sirius and said: "After we learned about Pettigrew's whereabouts, we specially investigated the Weasley family vole with Sirius. Although we didn't see the shadow of the vole, we also learned that the vole was alive. It’s not normal for an ordinary vole to live for 12 years even if it uses magic medicine, and it’s a vole that just happens to be missing a finger.”

On the side, Sirius took a deep gulp of wine and said, "If Lupine hadn't tried so hard to stop me, I would have really wanted to sneak into the school and kill Pettigrew right now."

Dumbledore looked at Lupin with a smile and said: "You did a good job. As far as I know, Mr. Ron Weasley does have a vole as a pet, but I have never suspected that there is something wrong with that vole. The most important thing is Ron is still in the same dormitory as Harry."

Upon hearing that Peter Pettigrew and Harry lived in the same dormitory, Sirius immediately thought that Harry was in danger, stood up with a frightened face and said, "No, I'm going to Hogwarts now."

Lupine quickly walked up to Sirius who was in a panic, pushed Sirius back into the chair vigorously, and said: "Calm down, you need to calm down, don't you understand what the professor means? Ron and Harry are in the same room The academy has even been in the same dormitory for more than a year. Peter obviously knows about Harry's existence, but he has never harmed Harry, so we do not rule out that the mysterious man asked Pettigrew to monitor Harry until the mysterious man regained his strength. Harry takes action, but until then, Harry is safe."

Seeing Sirius struggling fiercely and still wanting to go to Hogwarts to kill Pettigrew, Lupine said almost in a roaring voice: "But once your figure appears in the school, it will be different. In addition to attracting the attention of the Ministry of Magic and causing unnecessary In addition to causing trouble, you will also alarm Pettigrew, who was originally peaceful. You are clearly telling him that you escaped from Azkaban and killed him. Perhaps in desperation, your appearance will force Pettigrew to hurt Harry. ”

Lupine's roar finally allowed Sirius to regain some sense. At the same time, he also understood that as a wanted criminal, he really could not appear in front of the public easily. Otherwise, it would not be a matter of whether he could kill Pettigrew for revenge, but whether Harry's life would be safe. The problem is that Harry is the only child of Sirius's good friend James, and he doesn't want the Potter family to become extinct because of his impulsiveness.

When Lupine let go of the big hand on his shoulder, Sirius picked up the bottle of wine on the table and drank a few sips, hoping to quench the anxiety in his heart, or simply get drunk so that his brain could have some clarity. A short rest, but unfortunately the alcohol content of these wines obviously did not meet Sirius's wishes.

Sirius, who was a little helpless and entangled, put down the bottle, looked at Dumbledore and said, "Professor, what should I do?"

"We don't know anything at the moment. The only way to ensure Harry's safety is to do nothing." After saying that, Dumbledore looked at Lupin and said, "Can you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Austin? Since He claims to be able to see many things we don’t understand through time, and I think I can ask him about many of my doubts, such as how many Horcruxes the mysterious man has and where they are hidden.”

"This is not a good idea," Lupine rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Austin likes trading. If you want to know the answer from him, you'd better bring enough gold Galleons."

"And this," Sirius stood up and handed the time turner and a piece of information in his pocket to Dumbledore, and said, "I stole this from the Ministry of Magic today. Austin specified the exchange of the locket. You can only use the time turner and information, and let Lupine teach Austin magic."

Lupine spread his hands and said: "I don't care, I just want to spend some time, and Austin asked to teach basic knowledge, which is not difficult for me. I am only worried about whether stealing the time turner will cause trouble to the Ministry of Magic." 's attention.

"I think the Ministry of Magic has no time to deal with thieves now," Dumbledore said with a clearly worried expression on his face, subconsciously stroking his white beard that reached his waist, "They have learned about Hogwart A student was attacked by a monster. We are currently busy negotiating with the school director to shut down Hogwarts if necessary to prevent students from being attacked again."

Lupine touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Maybe we can ask Austin? See if he knows the true identity of the monster. As long as we know the specific origin of the monster, we can always think of a plan to deal with it. Isn't it?"

"Good idea," Dumbledore said with a smile: "I can't wait to meet this false prophet. Lupin, please get in touch with him as soon as possible."

Lupine nodded, picked up a piece of paper and pen to write, then walked out of the old house with the letter and said to Dumbledore: "On the pretext of trading the locket tonight, I asked him to come to the old house to trade. I hope He came into our world with good intentions, otherwise”

"Otherwise?" Dumbledore shook his head slightly and said, "If Austin only comes to our world with the purpose of learning, I don't mind teaching him for a while and checking his character." Then, Dumbledore winked playfully. Blinking, Youyou said: "If he is evil, Merlin will forgive my decision. After all, I am already an old man and I really don't have the energy to deal with the next mysterious person."

Although there was no murderous intention in Dumbledore's words, Lupine already knew that Dumbledore, who was a white wizard and opposed to killing, sometimes also used killing methods.

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