Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 70 Chapter 70 Pathfinder

After leaving Blake's old house and returning to the Leaky Cauldron, Li Feng leaned against the window with a cup of tea. He looked up at the crescent moon hanging in the sky and thought in his mind: I will start learning the magic of this world tomorrow night. There was no time to explore Hogwarts at night. Although there was more freedom during the day, it was too difficult to sneak into Hogwarts.

So I'd better go to Hogwarts tonight to explore the way. If I'm lucky enough to find the 'Room of Requirement', even if I don't find it, I still have to find the entrance to some secret rooms, such as the passage where the basilisk crawls. As long as Once I find the passage, I can hide in the underground of Hogwarts to practice magic. As long as I use a more concealed portal when entering and exiting from now on, no one will be able to find me.

After thinking for a long time, Li Feng decided to take action tonight. He turned around and asked, "Kreacher, do you know about the 'Screaming Shack'?"

Kreacher thought for a while and asked: "Boss, are you asking about the haunted house in the wizarding village of Hogsmeade? I know where it is."

Great, I'm still worried about where Hogsmeade is and how to get there. Now that Kreacher knows about the Shrieking Shack, it would be fine if he just showed up in the shack.

By the way, doesn’t a shack mean a simple house? But why do I think the screaming shacks in the movie are all in the shape of villas? Is there any misunderstanding here? Did the director think that there was a lot of money and built the shacks into villas, or did the translator staff Is 'villa' translated as 'shack'? It can’t be that British villas have another name, called shacks. I’m not very well-educated, but I’m not easy to deceive.

Hearing Kreacher call the Screaming Shack a 'haunted house', Li Feng couldn't help but curl his lips slightly and said: "That's the one, but it's not a haunted house, but a secret passage leading to Hogwarts." ”

Kreacher blinked and looked at Li Feng curiously, his eyes full of questioning consciousness, as if he wanted to ask but was afraid of Li Feng's scolding.

Li Feng thought for a while. He didn't need Kreacher's help in exploring the route this time, but he might need Kreacher's help in getting in and out of Hogwarts in the future. If Kreacher was afraid of haunted houses, it would be a little trouble, so he might as well tell Kreacher the truth. Che, let him know about the Shrieking Shack, at least so that Kreacher doesn't have to be afraid of the so-called 'haunted house'.

After sorting out the plot, Li Feng said: "Speaking of the 'Screaming Shack', we have to talk about Lupin. He was bitten by a werewolf since he was a child, but later he was able to avoid being discovered while attending Hogwarts. What do you think is the identity of a werewolf? "

Li Feng reminded him that it was related to Lu Ping's identity as a werewolf, so why else? Kreacher tilted his head and counted on his fingers, calculating something. After a while, Kreacher, with a cute expression on his face, opened his eyes and whispered softly: "The 'Screaming Shack' appeared at the same time that Lupine appeared in Hogg." Woz’s time?”

"Yes," Li Feng said with a grin: "That was when Dumbledore took Lupine in and provided him with a place to transform when he was studying at Hogwarts. At the same time, he used a Whomping Willow to protect the safety of the entrances and exits on campus. The villagers in Hogsmeade heard the noises and screams and thought they were the sounds of ferocious ghosts. In addition, Dumbledore specifically encouraged people to spread such rumors, which made the villagers subconsciously fear and stay away from the Shrieking Shack. This is both conservative and conservative. Lupine’s secret also ensures the safety of the villagers from being bitten by Lupine who turns into a werewolf.”

"But now, it's an advantage for us, allowing us to sneak into Hogwarts through the Shrieking Shack."

"Us?" Kreacher blinked and asked, "Boss, are you taking me with you?"

"Of course," Li Feng glanced at the room and said, "The cost of living in the Leaky Cauldron every day is not a small expense. When we settle down at Hogwarts, we will hide in the school from now on, but sometimes you still have to Help me buy some supplies after leaving school, so you still need to familiarize yourself with and master some channels as soon as possible. "

After saying that, Li Feng took out the magic book and the time turner information and handed them to Kreacher, and told Kreacher to keep an eye on a suitcase full of supplies at home. That was Li Feng's entire property, and he didn't want to be stolen by thieves. , Li Fengfeng fainted in the toilet from crying.

"Kreacher, after taking me to the Shrieking Shack, you can return to the Leaky Cauldron and translate the information about the Time Turner into Chinese characters and copy it into the magic book."

The house elf's teleportation is different from the wizard's apparation, but Li Feng still feels uncomfortable. Like the time travel gate, he is squeezed out of the space. So when Kreacher took Li Feng to the Shrieking Shack, Li Feng's first reaction was He was holding his knees with both hands and breathing heavily: Madan, isn't there a more comfortable way to teleport? Or does space magic have this virtue? Otherwise, don’t say that teleportation is related to space, and just change the name to milking spell.

After a while, Kreacher saw that Li Feng had recovered from the side effects of the teleportation spell and said, "Boss, I'm going back to copy the information."

After saying that, Kreacher put down some torches and other tools and disappeared in front of Li Feng in an instant.

Li Feng scratched his head and stomped on the wooden floor by the stairs while amusing himself and said: "I only remember that the entrance to the passage is under the floor by the stairs, but I don't know where exactly it is. If I get lucky, Sorry, I couldn't find the entrance shack, but don't blame me for buying a few Erha, known as the 'expert' in house demolition, and keeping them here."

Before Li Feng finished mumbling, Li Feng felt that the sound on the floor under his feet was abnormal, and there was a hollow echo.

Found this? Do all houses in the magical world have spirituality? Are you also afraid of creatures like Erha that can tear down homes? Otherwise, why did I find the entrance just as I was chanting Erha?

Li Feng licked his lips and without saying a word, he raised his hand and unleashed a magical impact on the floor.

The rotten floor could not stand Li Feng's tossing, and suddenly a dark hole appeared under the impact of magic.

Li Feng stroked his eyes with one hand, opened the "Dharma Eye", lit a torch, jumped into the dark passage, and walked leisurely to the exit of the Whomping Willow.

Li Feng carefully poked his head out of the hole and looked at the Whomping Willow, which twisted itself into a twist and rested quietly.

Not sure about the sleeping quality of the Whomping Willow, and not wanting to disturb this plant that likes to hit people, Li Feng carefully explored the surroundings, then tiptoed out of the passage, and ran into the school along a narrow path under the cover of night.

I don’t know whether I should say that Hogwarts is big enough or it’s a bit late now. Students and teachers have already rested on their beds. Li Feng, who entered the school with the ‘Dharma Eye’, walked around for half an hour without encountering any human figures, but he did encounter a few ghosts. You know, there are real ghosts in Hogwarts, and they can act as night guards. Fortunately, with the ‘Dharma Eye’, Li Feng was able to avoid them in advance.

After a long time, Li Feng, who hadn’t found any hiding spots, stayed in a dark corner, speechlessly watching a fast-moving snake-shaped spirit appear in the wall.

There was no need to guess, Li Feng knew that the guy with such a large spirit body and the ability to swim in the water pipe was the monster in the secret room, that is, the snake monster that would make anyone pregnant if he stared at them.

Mr. Basilisk, you are dumbfounded, right? Your glaring ability can't penetrate the wall, so now you find me and can't kill me, but I can see you clearly.

I remember that the petrified students happened in the corridor and other places, so this basilisk must be able to crawl out of the water pipe.

Li Feng scratched his head: How about following this basilisk and finding out where the entrance to the underground secret room is, or where his nest is? After all, that is my future "home", it's not good if I don't know something about it.

As for this basilisk, when he returns to his snake nest, I will find some steel and welding machines, let me, a junior welder, show my skills and weld the door of his house shut, so that he doesn't have to go out to make trouble for me.

Speaking of which era was the welding machine invented? Is there a welding machine in this world? The power supply is also a problem. How about I open a portal to the power plant and borrow some electricity directly?

Li Feng relaxed himself in a self-entertaining way, while watching the spirit of the basilisk vigilantly, in case the basilisk suddenly came out of the water pipe and glared himself to death.

After a while, the basilisk crawled out of a door that seemed to be painted on the wall as Li Feng had expected. When the snake's head just showed a little, Li Feng quickly opened the mirror space and isolated himself from the real world.

Li Feng didn't believe it. As a mirror space that can isolate the connection between the devil and hell, the basilisk can't stare him to death through the mirror space.

If the basilisk really has such a powerful ability, Li Feng will open the door and go home without saying a word, and then look for roosters that can lay eggs all over the world, and then find some toads to let them help hatch the basilisk. At that time, Li Feng, who was infested with a group of basilisks, dared to directly face Thanos without the Infinity Gauntlet, let alone a small scene like the Battle of New York. Even if Thanos's magic resistance was high, he couldn't be alive and kicking after being surrounded by a group of basilisks.

Until the basilisk disappeared in front of him, Li Feng grinned and opened the portal to leave the mirror space and quickly got into the water pipe.

After turning around and around along the water pipe for a while, Li Feng, who kept walking down, came to a pit full of bones.

After looking at the entrances to the passages around him, Li Feng rubbed his brows and recalled the direction of the snake monster's lair. After a long time, Li Feng, who couldn't remember anything, picked up a bone that looked like a mouse on the ground and threw it into the sky.

After looking at the passage pointed by the mouse's skull, Li Feng walked into the passage. After a while, Li Feng looked at an iron door with a snake relief carved on it in silence: I just gave up the idea of ​​looking for a secret room, and you suddenly appeared in front of me? Also, I forgot that the entrance to the secret room needs to be opened in snake language. I can't get in even if I find the secret room, unless I find some TNT to blow you up.

Since he couldn't get in the door, Li Feng had nothing to hesitate about. He rubbed his eyes, which were a little sore because he had been using the "Dharma Eye" all the time, and immediately turned around to search for other more open places.

After a long time, Li Feng finally found a satisfactory open space. However, before carving Merlin's Magic Ring, Li Feng first had to make sure whether the concentration of magic power in the tunnel of Hogwarts was the same as that on campus. If it was different from the campus, Li Feng would be a fool to risk practicing near the basilisk's nest.

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