Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 74 Chapter 74 Collecting Basilisks

Even if the basilisk's magic resistance is high, it can't withstand this kind of abuse where it can only be beaten in a fancy way, but can't make an effective counterattack. In the end, it can only stare miserably and lie there with hatred in a dead-end posture. In the secret room, it became a pile of magic materials in Li Feng's eyes.

Looking at the motionless basilisk, Li Feng scratched his head and asked: "You two, should you go out now or roast the basilisk corpse before going out?"

Snape glanced at Li Feng and sneered: "Don't you know that a creature like a snake can survive for a while even if its head is cut off? Mag and I are not afraid of looking at the basilisk when we go out now, but can you?"

Can you survive if you cut off your head? Do you think the snake is a fly or a weakling? It can continue to mate and reproduce by instinct without its head? Li Feng, who felt speechless, wanted to tell Snape that this was not a matter of survival, but that the snake's nerves were like this. Even if the head was smashed, the body would still react naturally once there was external stimulation.

"What are we doing now? Continue to admire the enchanting corpse of the snake monster?" Li Feng spread his hands and curled his lips and said, "I don't have this hobby."

Mag, who was comforting Ginny, glanced at the basilisk and said, "We can leave the mirror space after the basilisk's eyes lose their magic power."

Seeing that Li Feng didn't understand how to tell that the basilisk's eyes had lost their magic power, Mag added: "Just look at the luster of the basilisk's eyes. As long as the snake's pupils are dim and lose their luster, it means it has lost its petrifying effect on you and Ginny. , then we can leave the secret room.”

Li Feng nodded, indicating that he understood, just like when a doctor in a hospital initially determines whether a patient is dead, he only needs to open his eyelids and look into the patient's eyes to understand.

If it were other creatures, Li Feng said that he had a better way to judge whether the opponent was dead. Only this kind of basilisk with long nerve reflexes, he said that he couldn't see it with his magical eyes. Who knew that when he accidentally admired the snake's eyes, Could the basilisk's nervous system suddenly have a seizure, turning him to stone?

After a long time, Mag saw that the snake eyes had lost their luster, and glanced at Snape vaguely. When Snape nodded slightly, Mag signaled Li Feng to open the portal, and led Ginny, who was in a relatively stable mood, out of the mirror space.

After Li Feng left the mirror space, he picked up Tom's notebook as soon as possible. Then he smacked his lips and planned around the basilisk with great interest. He kept asking Snape behind him: "Brother, what do you mean about snakes?" What’s the material of this snakeskin?”

"Poor guy," Snape raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a sneer: "Not very good. Let's not talk about how troublesome it is to deal with snake skin as rough as toad skin. Let's talk about the color of this snake skin. You definitely want to make it into leather clothing. What? Also, I have to remind you that there is a kind of clothing in the world called dragon skin coat, which is much better than snake skin, and after years of research, dragon skin is easy to process and has various styles. "

Li Feng's movement of stroking the snake skin froze: Ma Dan, I have forgotten that there are dragons in this world. No wonder Harry ignored this fat snake after killing the basilisk. Harry is a second-generation rich man with a rich family, and he is really good at this. Order the snake skin. As for the snake meat, I don’t dare to eat it anyway.

"Snake blood and snake venom are still good materials," Snape said while taking out a glass test tube from his pocket: "If you have props, you can collect some like me and use them to make certain potions."

Li Feng saw Snape holding a test tube the size of his thumb in one hand and using his wand to guide the basilisk's blood into the test tube. However, the glass test tube seemed like a bottomless pit, and no matter how much the snake blood was filled, it would not overflow.

"As expected of an expert in refining medicine, he carries a test tube with the Traceless Telescopic Charm with him." Seeing that Snape was determined not to give up until the snake's blood was drained, Li Feng said a little speechlessly: "Please save some snakes." Give me the blood, I still want the materials."

Snape glanced at Li Feng, nodded, put away the test tube, and walked towards Snake Fang to collect some snake venom. When he seemed to recall something, he slightly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Dumbledore said you took a batch of small items belonging to the little snake." Sirius’ gold galleons, but also the house elf that symbolizes nobility?”

Li Feng frowned. Although he knew that Snape and Sirius were not dealing with each other, and Snape's happiest thing was to see Sirius and others frustrated, but now there is neither a cafe for us to sit down and chat, nor the time to chat. These.

I also want to wait until you leave to ask Kreacher to come over to slice up the freshly baked basilisk and have a good chat with Tom.

"Kreacher is indeed my servant now," Li Feng said while thinking about Snape's purpose of still staying in the secret room: "But that is the reward I deserve. As for Jin Gallon, Sirius had originally said to move It depends on my own ability. Since I have no ability, of course Jin Gallon is mine."

After collecting the snake venom in the test tube, Snape smiled and put the test tube in his pocket. However, Snape had the attribute of facial paralysis. In Li Feng's eyes, his smile was just a smile, and he felt evil no matter how he looked at it?

"Empty? Dumbledore didn't tell me this. If he didn't tell me, Austin would secretly use his weird portal to return to Sirius's house and evacuate the gold galleons, causing Dumbledore not to know now. ? Maybe I will contact Dumbledore personally later, and it would be best to see with my own eyes what Sirius would look like when he knew that his Galleons had been evacuated," Snape said thoughtfully: " Why did you only move the gold galleons? You should have emptied his basement."

Li Feng spread his hands and said, "I want to, but I don't have the ability, especially those magic books. I don't dare to touch them easily given my strength."

Snape, who wanted to make sure that Li Feng had the ability to enter and leave the Black house at any time, pointed to himself and said, "Do you need help? If you want to empty Sirius's basement, I will be happy to help you empty it."

What's the use of emptying it? You can't help me analyze the magic. Li Feng shook his head and said: "Forget it, let Sirius keep it for me for a while, and then I can get it when I am strong enough."

After chatting with Snape for a while, an owl with a letter in its mouth flew in front of Snape, put down the letter, turned around and flew away.

Snape opened the letter and read it, then burned it. After glancing at the notebook in Li Feng's hand, he walked out of the secret room and said, "Dumbledore has replied. Although he chose to believe you, I will still keep an eye on you." ”

This change of attitude is a bit quick, we were having a good chat just now

Li Feng picked up the notebook, looked at it, and said, "You've been talking nonsense to me for a long time just to delay waiting for Dumbledore to reply to you?"

Snape neither nodded nor spoke, and left the secret room on his own. There was only a slight pause in his steps, which told Li Feng, "You are right."

Feeling a little speechless, Li Feng shrugged and reached out to open the portal to the Leaky Cauldron. On the other side of the portal, Kreacher, who had already transcribed the time converter data and was lying on the desk to check whether the transcribed content was correct, said: "Come here and help."

Although Snape said that dragon skin was better than snake skin, Li Feng said that he didn't have gold galleons to buy dragon skin clothes now, and he would be sorry if he didn't make good use of the materials left by the basilisk.

Even though the flesh and blood on the Basilisk's back had been blown to pieces by Mag and Snape using magic, there were still a lot of good materials left. Even highly poisonous things like snake teeth could be exchanged for money if they were sold. Less gold galleons.

There is also snake gallbladder, but Li Feng doesn't know if the basilisk has this thing. If it does, it is probably worth a lot of money, especially since the basilisk in front of him is not the one that was blinded by the phoenix in the movie, but Is it a basilisk with a complete eyeball, or two complete eyeballs? Most of the basilisk's ability lies in its snake eyes. These snake eyes are worth a lot of money.

It's just that Li Feng thinks that he doesn't have the skills to collect it, so if it gets damaged, he will suffer a big loss.

So after Kreacher crossed the portal, Li Feng immediately asked: "Kreacher, can you decompose the basilisk?"

Kreacher was a little confused when he saw the huge basilisk. He clearly remembered that Li Feng had told him that there were still basilisks in this world, but he didn't expect that he would see a basilisk so soon, and it was still a freshly slaughtered one. Basilisk.

When Kreacher heard Li Feng's question, he hesitated and said, "Boss, I'm not very good at alchemical decomposition techniques. If you just treat the basilisk as food for me to decompose, I'll be confident enough to try it." Break it down, after all, my cooking skills are pretty good.”

Li Feng thought for a while and asked, "Can you cook a basilisk?"

Kreacher shook his head and said: "No, I can only boil and roast snakes, but this basilisk looks like a big snake no matter what, I don't mind giving it a try."

I mind if the name of this thing is a basilisk, but it's not a snake. Li Feng speechlessly rejected Kreacher's suggestion and said, "Can you preserve the basilisk? For example, freeze it or something, and wait until we find a buyer to thaw it?"

Kreacher said it's as simple as buying a broiler chicken home, only to find you can't eat the whole one and refrigerate half of the chicken.

Li Feng's eyes twitched slightly when he saw that Kreacher always regarded the basilisk as a kind of food. He always felt a little weird: It seems that I have to explicitly prohibit Kreacher from cooking some messy food for me.

At Li Feng's instruction, Kreacher froze the basilisk into an ice sculpture and kept it in the secret room.

It's not that Li Feng doesn't want to take it away, but with such a big basilisk, he has no place to hide it unless his coffin-like suitcase is emptied.

As for the shrinking spell unique to this world, even though the basilisk has already burped, Kreacher said that the basilisk is a basilisk, and its magic resistance will be weakened a lot after death, but he still didn't care, and what about Li Feng? His old man has never seriously learned the magic of Harry's world, so where did he get the technology to shrink the basilisk?

The two of them hurriedly preserved the basilisk body, and Li Feng opened the portal back to the Leaky Cauldron.

Shrinking the magic book on the desk to the size of a matchbox and putting it in his pocket, Li Feng asked Kreacher to bring a snake tooth certificate as evidence and said, "Can you contact a buyer who is willing to buy the basilisk?"

Seeing Kreacher nodding and taking the snake fang, indicating that he could do it, Li Feng returned to the secret room with the tent and food.

Looking at the extremely dark secret room, Li Feng strenuously hung some magic lamps around. After lighting up the secret room, Li Feng opened the mirror space while gnawing bread, threw Tom's notebook into the mirror space, turned around and carved a pattern on the ground. Merlin's Ring to restore mana as quickly as possible.

After a long time, Li Feng, who had recovered his magic power, entered the mirror space with a quill.

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