Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Return

When David heard the doorbell, he suddenly remembered that he had not yet told Barstow and Li Feng about his invitation to Betsy last night.

Regarding being able to be alone with the goddess he has secretly loved for a long time, David tactfully told Barstow and Li Feng, "If you don't want to eat dog food, please leave politely."

Barstow wanted to talk to David about Hoffas coming to kill at any time, how tense the current situation was, etc., but Li Feng was already pulling Barstow with a pale face and was about to leave.

Compared to Barstow and David, Betsy was the first to notice the heavy cold sweat on Li Feng's face. She pointed at Li Feng and signaled to Barstow and David whether they should take Li Feng to the hospital first.

Barstow glanced at the pale Li Feng and understood that the time energy in Li Feng's body was rioting again. Considering that Betsy was just an ordinary person and in order to hide the world of magicians, Barstow glared at David and supported Li Feng. He hurried out and returned to the station.

David also wanted to care about Li Feng, but he just thought that Li Feng would not be in any danger with Barstow's care. On the other hand, he could show off his own sense of excellence by being alone with Betsy. After thinking for a tenth of a second, David Choose to be alone with Betsy.

As soon as Li Feng and Barstow walked out of the station, Barstow helped Li Feng calm down the time energy with a confused look on his face and said, "This is impossible. I have helped you calm down the time energy before."

Perhaps thinking of something, Barstow said in a bad tone after Li Feng's face returned to normal: "You studied time in private after David and I left last night? Maybe I misjudged you, this kind of pain of being torn apart by energy Maybe you should endure it for a while, so that you can understand that the wizarding world is full of dangers."

After regaining his composure, Li Feng put his hands on his knees, gasping for air while smiling bitterly, wondering if he should tell the other person that he was not from this world.

It's better to explain it to Barstow. Maybe the other party's knowledge reserve can help me return to the Marvel world.

After thinking for a moment, Li Feng rubbed his forehead, which was still a little painful, and whispered: "This is not time energy, but quantum energy."

Barstow was stunned, and suddenly thought that the scientific name quantum might be time in magic, but quantum is not the same as time, but related to time, and it was exactly as before that made him feel so calm. Time energy will riot again, because the root cause has not been found, and no matter how he casts the right spell, it will be ineffective.

Otherwise, if his majestic level 777 magician cannot soothe a little time energy, where would he put his face?

Stretching out his hand, Barstow motioned for Li Feng to continue. He was very curious. After getting along with each other for a few days, it turned out that Li Feng, who was both a scumbag and a mysterious person, had a relationship with the Quantum Realm: Don't tell me that you are still Scientists in the quantum field, I'm afraid my belly will burst out from laughter

Of course, Li Feng is not a scientist. It is enough to say that he just stays at home.

When Li Feng scratched his head and told that he was not from this world, Bastow didn't believe it at first, and then thought that Li Feng's three unique spells did not belong to this world, and

Barstow stretched out his right hand to release the portal in the open space, and said: "You can come to my world because of it."

It has to be said that a level 777 mage is nothing but a fool. It only took Barstow a few days to successfully release the portal.

Li Feng glanced at what looked like a parking lot on the other side of the teleportation gate, nodded and said, "Yes, this teleportation technology can indeed boast world teleportation in theory, but it has clear requirements for the caster."

Barstow said without thinking: "You need to know where you want to go. Remember the place you want to go in detail in your mind. The more detailed you are, the faster you can cast the spell. On the contrary, you are not sure whether you are going to a place or a place that does not exist." The spell will fail."

It is also this basic requirement for spellcasting that allows mages who have never left the Marvel world to use portals in their native world, instead of freely traveling through other worlds. Otherwise, Ancient One's subordinates should not call them mystics, but directly call them travelers. Forget it, mage.

And the entire Kama Taj will not be supported only by the Ancient One. Think about how many ways to make mages powerful in other worlds. If the temple mages can freely enter and exit those worlds, haha, what's the matter with Domumu in the Marvel world? A random mage who had reached the peak of his cultivation in another world and then went home to relax would have pressed Dormammu to the ground and rubbed it.

As for the purple sweet potato essence, do you want to be a sheep grazing on the ground, or a fat pig raised in a pig pen? Maybe turn into a panda and be watched by people? After all, it is a national treasure that has no worries about food and clothing. Compared with the sheep and pigs that are accidentally slaughtered and brought to the table, the national treasure is of a much higher grade.

Barstow was still a little confused. With the portal to another world, he thought he still couldn't go to another world.

Squinting, Barstow stared at Li Feng and thought: So the quantum energy that Li Feng specifically mentioned before is most likely also a necessary part of time travel.

Thinking of this, Barstow walked to Li Feng's body and pressed his right hand on Li Feng's forehead to feel the quantum energy. After a while, Barstow, who understood something from it, looked at Li Feng in surprise.

Looks like Barstow found something

With a little anxiety, Li Feng asked carefully: "Can I return to the original world?"

Barstow answered Li Feng's question with certainty. He was concerned about another thing: the quantum realm is actually related to time travel, and I can feel that the time in Austin's body is not the connection between quantum energy and the earth. The long river of time is connected, and coupled with the characteristics of the portal, the other party can appear on the earth in various time and space.

But this obviously means that I can't travel to another world. First of all, how to let quantum energy exist in my body without killing me is a problem.

I can only say that everyone has his own destiny.

With a little envy, Bastow told Li Feng what he had discovered. Li Feng felt that he had a headache.

It's understandable to use quantum energy to travel through time. After all, it was mentioned in Women's Federation 4, but it's a bit confusing that the quantum energy in my body is related to the earth. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

"This is a good thing," Barstow explained quietly, letting Li Feng understand how much benefit he had gained after the explosion of the quantum channel.

To explain using Li Feng's idea, there are countless tributaries in the great river of time, one of which branches off from the source point of the earth to countless earths. The quantum energy in Li Feng's body allows him to connect with this source of time that starts from the earth. Online relationships.

After a long time, Li Feng licked his excited lips and said, "So as long as there is a world with earth, I can rely on quantum energy to travel through it?"

Barstow rolled his eyes, pointed at the portal and said: "This thing requires energy to cast a spell. I can only say that you can rely on quantum energy to reach various worlds, but whether you can land in that world depends on whether that world has the corresponding The energy allows you to open the portal."

After thinking about it for a while, Li Feng understood what Barstow meant and said, "In other words, although I can't reach an earth with pure technological development, I can land on those earths with magical power?"

Bastol nodded with envy. It’s hard not to be envious. Will there be fewer parallel earths with mysterious side powers? Obviously a lot, especially those worlds with mythical creatures. Not to mention the powerful spells that can kill gods and demons, the formula of medicinal materials that makes oneself powerful is worth his saliva.

Unfortunately, he can't go, at least not yet.

Feeling re-energized with fighting spirit and igniting the idea of ​​continuing to become stronger, Barstow thought: Maybe I can't go to other worlds now, but as long as I continue to practice, sooner or later I will be able to travel to other worlds.

But before that I want to confirm one thing

Bastow glanced at Li Feng, who was grinning so much that he was drooling. He wordlessly took out a handkerchief from his pocket and said, "Wipe your drool first. I'm going to tell you how to return to your original world, and..."

With a look of contempt that even a blind man could see on his face, Barstow continued: "You are a typical example of someone who was thrown into another world in disgrace."

The prerequisite for being embarrassed is that you have to have face. As for Li Feng, he said that his face has been in his pocket for a long time and it is impossible to lose it.

Li Feng took a deep breath and let it out slowly. This was also the advantage of long-term meditation. After just a few seconds, Li Feng focused his mental energy and signaled that Barstow could teach him how to open the door and go home.

Barstow touched his chin and said: "Now you try to calm down the time quantum energy and see if you can return to your original world."

Li Feng scratched his eyebrows, spread his hands and said, "There's no need to try, I know I can't go back, because I tried before, and there was only a ball of swirling orange energy, and the complete portal couldn't appear."

"It seems that part of my understanding is right," Barstow didn't feel sad or disappointed that Li Feng secretly tried to start his way home. If he was inexplicably transported to other worlds, he would also try to find a way to go home. .

Bastow stretched out his hand to cause the calmed quantum energy in Li Feng's body to fluctuate again, and said: "Since you relied on the river of time to successfully travel, you must rely on the help of the river of time if you want to go home, so you need to combine the quantum energy with the portal. Only by uniting can you hope to return home.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Feng felt the pain of his body being torn apart by energy, but this time he said nothing and endured the pain of his body being ground to release the portal to the open space in the distance.

Not to mention, the portal that appeared this time was really blue and white, and it had previous speculations about the time tributaries. The careful Li Feng clearly found that in the blue and white light curtain, a slender green light representing time was constantly twisting. .

When the portal appeared, Li Feng only felt a suction coming from the portal, but before Li Feng could steady his steps, the portal suddenly rushed towards Li Feng.

What's going on? I don't want to walk into the blue and white light curtain, so you naughty portal just swallowed me up? Everyone needs to be reasonable, you know, even though I want to leave, I can't express my gratitude and say goodbye to Barstow. You don't give me this little time. You're stingy.

Although Bastow was a little surprised by the naughty behavior of the portal, he didn't say much. He just silently tightened his fists:

After Morgane is resolved, I will resume my life as a hidden cultivator. Sooner or later, we will meet again in Austin.

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