Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 85 Chapter 85 It is indeed a rat spirit!

In the early morning, when the hot summer sun shone on Li Feng's face through the glass window, Li Feng tried hard to open his eyelids but turned over to avoid the sun.

Unfortunately, Li Feng, who was drunk and sleeping, forgot that he was not lying on his own bed at this time, but was placed on the sofa in the living room by Mrs. Weasley. Therefore, Li Feng's subconscious turning over caused him to fall directly to the ground, still facing his face. The kind of land.

Li Feng, who fell down for no apparent reason, finally opened his eyelids, scratched his head and looked around while sighing. When he subconsciously prepared to ask Kreacher to pour him some water, the unfamiliar environment that caught his eye made him stunned, and he forcefully said the words calling Kreacher to him. Swallow it back into your stomach.

What's going on, why am I still at Weasley's house?

Li Feng sat back on the sofa and rubbed his swollen head. After thinking for a long time, he didn't remember what he had experienced last night. He only knew that he was now weak and would die of thirst without drinking water.

On the side, Mrs. Weasley, who had been busy with breakfast in the kitchen, saw Li Feng sitting on the sofa and rubbing his temples. She took out her wand and pointed at the tea cup, letting the tea cup float to Li Feng on its own. She said with a smile: "Mr. Austin, Good morning."

Li Feng took the teacup, said "Good morning" and drank the warm water in the teacup. He stood up unsteadily and put the teacup on the dining table. He said with a confused face: "Mrs. Weasley, yesterday I didn’t say anything nonsense tonight, did I? Sorry, I either fall asleep or talk nonsense after drinking too much, I hope I didn’t cause you any trouble.”

Mrs. West frowned and said with a smile: "Trouble? Maybe I should thank you for helping me solve the hidden dangers at home."

Li Feng, who didn't understand what it meant, scratched his head and asked inexplicably: "Uh~ What did I do?"

"Peter Pettigrew," Mrs. Weasley said as she handed a sandwich to Li Feng, "I can't believe that my pet vole of 12 years is actually a murderer. I shudder when I think about it. ”

As she spoke, Mrs. Weasley crossed her arms and rubbed her arms. Apparently, one night was not enough for her to recover from the incident.

Li Feng was eating the sandwich while listening to Mrs. Weasley's intermittent description. When he stuffed the sandwich into his stomach, Li Feng understood what he had done last night.

"You mean Dumbledore took Pettigrew away? You also know that Sirius was wrongly accused, and Harry also knows that he has a godfather?"

Mrs. Weasley smiled and nodded. At this time, Li Feng felt his head hurt even more: Harry's plot this year is probably scrapped. It's okay. I didn't want to participate in it anyway, but

Why should I catch Pettigrew properly? Isn't it good to work quietly? It's good now. The magic that blew up half the street was released by me.

After breakfast, Li Feng sat on the sofa with a cup of tea and a gloomy look on his face, reflecting that he shouldn't have messed up after drinking.

In the kitchen, Mrs. Weasley accidentally saw Li Feng's back. She didn't know why, but a strange feeling suddenly appeared in her heart. Looking horizontally and vertically, she felt that there was an indescribable sense of desolation in Li Feng's back.

Mrs. Weasley shook her head to get rid of this strange feeling, and shouted to the bedroom on the second floor: "Weasley, children, get up and have breakfast quickly. We have to go to the Broken Ax Bar to get it later." Harry's textbook, if you get up too late you'll miss the Hogwarts train."

Mrs. Weasley's loud voice also brought Li Feng back to his senses. He drank the tea in his hand and comforted himself helplessly: What else can I do now that Dumbledore has taken Pettigrew away? Come on, I’d better concentrate on practicing my Fire Calming Spell.

By the way, Harry World has to take that Hogwarts Express after all, right?

Thinking of this, Li Feng rubbed his face and turned his unhappy expression into one of happiness. He stood up and put the tea cup on the dining table and said, "Mrs. Weasley, thank you for your hospitality. I'll take my leave now."

Mrs. Weasley looked apologetic. She thought that it was not only Li Feng but also Weasley who got drunk last night. But now Li Feng as a guest is leaving, but her husband is still lying in bed and whining loudly. Sleeping, this is somewhat unjustifiable.

"I'll let Weasley see you off. After all, you're not familiar with London yet."

Li Feng thought for a while, picked up his shoulder bag and said: "Thank you for your kindness. I will just use Floo to get to the Broken Ax Bar. You'd better let Mr. Weasley sleep a little longer. I hope he won't be there when he goes to work today." Will cheer up."

Mrs. Weasley thought for a while and felt that what Li Feng said was somewhat reasonable. After all, a hungover person without a good rest would not be able to work mentally. Now the family's income depends on Weasley, who works at the Ministry of Magic. If they were fired due to work mistakes due to poor rest, their family would be without food.

Mrs. Weasley nodded slightly, apologetically signaling Li Feng to use Floo powder himself.

Li Feng walked from the fireplace to the Broken Ax Bar, then to King's Cross Station via the Knight Bus, and boarded the Hogwarts train across platform nine and three-quarters.

Perhaps it was because Li Feng arrived a little early, and there were only a few students on the train. Li Feng, who was feeling sleepy, walked straight to the last carriage, preparing to find a compartment to relax for a while, and watch the scenery along the way while the train was moving.

At this time, Lupine, who was about to go to Hogwarts to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, happened to be in the last carriage.

Lu Ping was a little surprised when he saw Li Feng. Before he could ask Li Feng why he chose to take the train instead of using the portal, Li Feng saw that Lu Ping, who had bags under his eyes and dark eyes like pandas, had already laughed out loud and said jokingly: "You... What kind of look? It’s very unique. If you weren’t wearing clothes, I would have thought you were a panda that escaped from the zoo.”

Looking at Lu Ping who was still wearing patched clothes, Li Feng couldn't help but smile: "You have made a lot of money recently, why are you reluctant to buy yourself some clothes? Or do you have any special hobbies? Wearing patched clothes?”

Lu Ping rolled his eyes at Li Feng, looked around, then opened an empty cubicle and motioned for Li Feng to enter the cubicle together to talk.

Li Feng walked into the cubicle. Lu Ping closed the cubicle door and said with a shrug: "Everyone in the magic world knows that I am poor. Buying new clothes hastily will arouse unnecessary suspicion. I will wait until the dementor stealing incident subsides." Buying some items.”

While sitting next to Li Feng, Lu Ping pointed to the dark circles on his face and said helplessly: "As for this, it's all thanks to you. I didn't have a rest all night."

toss? Li Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, waved his hand and said, "What you said is very ambiguous. I was drinking at the Weasley house last night, so don't blame everything on me."

Lu Ping, who understood the meaning of Li Feng's words, pinched the bridge of his nose to relieve his fatigue, and said speechlessly: "Where are you thinking? I mean you caught Pettigrew. I was busy in the old Black house in the middle of the night last night. Interrogate him."

"Did you ask anything?" Li Feng, who was feeling sleepy again, rubbed his temples and closed his eyes and said, "You must keep a close eye on Pettigrew. As far as I know, that guy is very cunning and can slip away as soon as he gets the chance. "

"Thank you for the reminder," Lupine said with a bitter and depressed look on his face: "In the early hours of the morning, Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts to welcome this year's freshmen, but I didn't expect Sirius' hatred for Pettigrew. The intention was so deep that when I was guarding Pettigrew in the middle of the night, Sirius actually found an excuse to trick me away and prepared to kill Pettigrew, but I don’t know how Pettigrew did it, but he took the opportunity to run away. "

"Considering that it is inconvenient for Sirius to appear on the street, I can only look for Pettigrew all over the world alone. It's a pity."

There was no need for Lu Ping to continue talking. Li Feng had already guessed that the other party had not caught Pettigrew. He smacked his lips and sighed: "As expected of a rat, this escape technique is, without a doubt, absolutely top-notch."

Lu Ping shrugged awkwardly and helplessly, not knowing how to answer Li Feng's sigh.

For a moment, neither of the two people in the carriage knew what to say. After a long sigh, Lu Ping put his coat in front of him as a quilt and leaned against the seat to catch up on his sleep.

As for Pettigrew, what else can he do now? Are they complaining about Li Feng rashly sabotaging their previous plan to capture Pettigrew while also clearing Sirius of murder suspicion? This is too far-fetched, after all, Pettigrew escaped in their hands.

Fortunately, after Lupine's interrogation, he was able to pry some evidence from Pettigrew's mouth, but before the evidence was collected, he could only force Sirius to stay in the old Black house for a while.

Seeing Lu Ping's attitude of wanting to sleep even if the sky fell, Li Feng guessed that the result of the other party's staying up late to interrogate was not in vain. After thinking about it, Li Feng followed Lu Ping's example and took out his coat from his shoulder bag to cover his head. Blocking his face from the dazzling sunlight, he leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to sleep.

On the other side, Mrs. Weasley brought a group of children to the Broken Ax Bar, packed up the textbooks, changes of clothes and other items that Harry had left in the room, and hurried to Jiuyou with Hermione, who had been waiting for everyone in the bar. On the fourth platform, the children were put on the train almost in time for the train to start.

On the train, the iron triangle formed by Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at the compartments they passed by that were either full of people or with only one or two seats. They had no choice but to continue looking for a compartment that could accommodate three people.

After a while, the three people walked to the compartment where Li Feng and Lu Ping slept, and looked at the two people sleeping side by side. The three people thought for a while and felt that it was not easy to find a compartment with enough seats. They did not want to miss it easily. At most, there are three people sitting in a row.

After entering the compartment, Harry closed the door and said to Hermione excitedly: "You know, I still have a family, and he is my godfather."

I don’t know whether Harry was too excited or he didn’t know how to tell what happened. In addition, Ron was also present last night and knew what happened. He also interrupted from time to time with an excited look on his face. As a result, although the two of them were telling the story of what happened last night, But Hermione was confused.

For a long time, Hermione finally sorted out the key points from the excited and messy sentences between the two, and understood how Sirius was wronged by Pettigrew, why he was imprisoned in Azkaban without trial, and the real murderer turned out to be Ron's pets, etc., and then Hermione said with a confused look, what is going on? Is there no justice in the wizarding world?

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