Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 94 Chapter 94 Bob?

As for the understanding of time, Gu Yi is indeed a master among masters. He relied on the working principle of the time converter to organize it into a spell and handed it to Li Feng. It can be said that as long as Li Feng practices step by step, he will be able to return to the past without the time converter one day.

However, the time spell that Gu Yi gave to Li Feng is very different from the function of the Eye of Agamuda.

The Eye of Agamuda allows you to see countless futures in the outside world like watching a blockbuster movie at home in bed. Even if this happens outside the earth, you can enjoy the future while eating popcorn, just like in Avengers 3, Doctor Strange is clearly in Thanos' hometown, but uses the Eye of Agamuda to see Iron Man on the future earth snap his fingers and kill Thanos.

And Li Feng's spell can only see the past and the only future within the range of vision.

For example, after some practice, Li Feng still cannot release the time spell for the apple that he has bitten in his hand alone. He can only release the spell to the surrounding environment, so that he can see the time around him accelerating clearly like a ghost, until Li Feng sees the apple being taken into the RV by the future Kreacher and sliced ​​into apple pie and eaten by himself.

Among them, the scene where Kreacher made apple pie in the RV was made up by Li Feng, because he could only see the future within his sight, and the scene where Kreacher made apple pie happened in the RV, which blocked Li Feng's sight. He couldn't see whether Kreacher peeled the apple with his hands or with a knife without his eyes of perspective.

Unless Li Feng ran into the RV, he couldn't see how the apple was made into apple pie.

As for seeing the past, it also made Li Feng speechless.

Let's take the apple as an example. What Li Feng saw was not the bitten apple returning to its original state inexplicably, but watching the apple being bitten by his past self.

As for the apple's more past, sorry, the apple's past was beyond Li Feng's sight, and he couldn't see it at all.

Unless Li Feng was bored and had to see more of the apple's past, he could only cast a spell while following the apple, watching the apple return from his hand to the supermarket, to the dealer, and finally standing in the orchard watching the apple return to the apple tree.

This made Li Feng a little annoyed. It was useless to only see the only future within his sight. He was not unaware of the plot development.

If it wasn't related to time, Li Feng wouldn't bother to practice this useless time spell.

The herbs in the medicine garden were cut by Klee one after another. Li Feng, who was hiding in a 4-door locker and practicing magic except for eating and sleeping, said that he needed to go out for some fresh air, otherwise mushrooms might grow on his head at any time and he would be poisoned by mushrooms, and there was no cure for good mushroom poisoning (so lonely).

Walking out of the practice room, Li Feng hesitated when looking at the magic wand and a long stick, and finally picked up the long stick in the corner and put it in his shoulder bag.

Speaking of this long stick, Li Feng was actually quite helpless. At the beginning, Gu Yi disassembled countless magic wands and finally understood the manufacturing process of the magic wand. But when Gu Yi put the imitation magic wand into the list of magic tools for his disciples, none of the magicians in Kamar-Taj wanted to use the magic wand.

At first, Gu Yi was still wondering, the magic wand can increase the success rate of spellcasting and the power of spells. It is a good magic tool anyway. Why didn't her disciples even look at it?

It was not until Gu Yi asked her disciples for their opinions that she realized that her disciples did not like batons. They preferred to hold sticks and beat the enemy to death when they were close to them. It would be strange if they would use a baton that could not kill people.

There was no other way, Gu Yi could only go back to the house to continue researching until she moved the function of the wand to increase the success rate of spellcasting to the long and short sticks and strengthened them. Only then did her disciples and disciples give her unanimous praise and say that it was very useful.

The wand-making process that Gu Yi gave to Li Feng was naturally the magic array engraved on the long and short sticks after modification, and the effect after strengthening was better than the wand. This forced Li Feng to give up the baton and replace it with a long stick. After all, the long stick was more powerful and more convenient.

However, there was a slight difference between the long stick made by Li Feng and the magic weapon of Kamar-Taj, that is, this long stick was hollow, and Li Feng also took the trouble to engrave the traceless telescopic spell, so that his army of Dementors moved from the crowded suitcases to live in the long stick.

This meant that Li Feng, with the long stick, could summon his army at any time.

Putting the long stick into the shoulder bag, Li Feng asked Kreacher to look after the house and then reached out to open the portal to Portland, ready to watch a movie and relax.

Li Feng, who walked out of a dead end and was looking for a movie theater on the streets of Portland, felt that the atmosphere in the air was a little wrong, especially when Li Feng passed by the door of a musical theater, he noticed that there were many fully armed soldiers hiding nearby, pointing their weapons at the door of the theater.

Li Feng, who didn't want to join in the fun, originally wanted to pat his butt and leave. It was just a gunfight. The gunfight in the movie was much more exciting than in reality, and there was nothing to see.

It wasn't until Li Feng found that the weapon in the soldier's hand didn't look like a gun at all, but rather like some kind of magnified flashlight, that Li Feng thought blankly: Ultraviolet lamp? Is this a scene of soldiers fighting vampires?

Li Feng was a little curious. He had been in Marvel for many years, but he had never seen a vampire in reality. He had to doubt whether the vampires had been killed to extinction by Kamar-Taj in the Marvel world full of new species.

Stopped, Li Feng curiously opened his Dharma Eye and looked towards the theater, wanting to see what the vampire's spirit looked like. As a result, he didn't see the vampire, but saw a woman sitting on the stage in the theater, who seemed to be playing a cello, and a zombie with a messy spirit hiding nearby, suspected of protecting the woman playing the cello.

The Dharma Eye can only see spirits, so Li Feng really can't see the cello, but he has seen the spirit of this kind of zombie.

This is a spirit that only people who have been resurrected after death have, and Li Feng in the Marvel world is not only clearly aware of the forces that have the ability to resurrect corpses, but he personally handed over the resurrection technology to them, so what other forces can the zombies in the theater be except those from SHIELD?

Li Feng grinned silently and walked away from the theater door quickly: Coulson is also here, and this lady who seems to be playing the cello is not Coulson's girlfriend, right?

Zombies, zombies, do you know how long I have been waiting for SHIELD to resurrect you?

Not far away, Li Feng walked into an empty alley and transformed his coat into a black cloak to cover his whole body. He then pulled out a long stick with the function of a wand and cast the "Illusion Spell". He grinned and cast the "Apparition Movement" to fly into the theater from the back door.

Flying into the theater, Li Feng glanced at Coulson who was guarding the entrance of the theater, and smiled silently as he quietly wrapped the living corpse Bob into the mirror space.

The moment Bob entered the mirror space, he pulled out his pistol without thinking and repeatedly pulled the trigger at Li Feng. When the bullets inexplicably hovered in front of Li Feng, they fell to the ground with a clang after losing kinetic energy. Bob quickly pulled out his dagger and asked with a confused expression: "Superpower?"

Seeing that Li Feng did not answer his question, Bob glanced at the surrounding space crystal wall and looked at Li Feng who was circling around him with a wary face. Seeing Li Feng's interested eyes, Bob suddenly had the illusion that he was a commodity hanging on the shelf, allowing Li Feng to check the quality of the goods.

When Li Feng got the resurrection technology, he was confused and said he couldn't understand it. This thing belongs to the scientific side and has nothing to do with magic. For this reason, Li Feng even had the idea of ​​sneaking into university to study hard.

But later, Li Feng thought that it would be better to practice magic to improve his strength instead of studying. Moreover, he had no money and no equipment to revive corpses. In addition, he was wandering around alone. Why revive the corpse? He didn't lack servants.

Even if he wanted to let the resurrected "Superman" sneak into S.H.I.E.L.D. to be a spy for him, he would have to recruit S.H.I.E.L.D. and climb up step by step to provide Li Feng with the internal information of S.H.I.E.L.D., but it would take too much time. It is estimated that when the spy climbed up to a high position, he would find that S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded and provided no information.

After thinking about it, Li Feng simply gave the resurrection technology to Fury and asked him to help revive the corpse. Then Li Feng could secretly control the resurrected corpse.

Compared to the corpses resurrected by Li Feng, I believe Fury trusts the corpses he resurrects more, and he will feel at ease using them. In addition, the level of the agents resurrected under Fury's nose will not be too low, and the speed of promotion within SHIELD will be faster in the future.

How great it is to have an agent who is SHIELD in public but belongs to Li Feng in secret. It would be even better if Fury resurrected corpses on a large scale. SHIELD can be renamed as "Li Feng's House".

Li Feng was circling around Bob, sighing: It's not easy, I've been waiting for so many years

"Hey, what's your name? When were you resurrected? How many zombies like you has Fury resurrected?"

Bob was stunned, feeling that Li Feng was a psychopathic supernatural person, what he heard was all: resurrection and zombies, why don't you say zombies destroy the world

Bob ignored Li Feng's question, while observing Li Feng who seemed to have no resistance, pretending to be confused, and stubbornly asked back: "Who are you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Bob pounced on Li Feng like a tiger, ready to use the knife in his hand to make a few holes in Li Feng's body.

Li Feng's mouth curled up slightly, and he looked like he was watching a comedy, watching Bob hit his face against an invisible barrier when he was 1 meter away from him.

"It really hurts, and it hurts my face," Li Feng teased Bob while pointing the long stick in his hand at Bob. After petrifying him, Li Feng said faintly: "Little guy, do you really think I don't know anything if you don't tell me? You are so naive."

After that, Li Feng carved a magic circle on the ground to restrain the devil, and cut his finger and carved a summoning magic circle on the petrified Bob's forehead with blood.

After Li Feng finished drawing, he carefully checked the magic circle again to make sure that there was no mistake in the magic circle before opening a portal connecting to the secret place of the theater. After all, the mirror space can isolate the existence of hell. Before the portal is opened, no matter how Li Feng summons, he can't summon the devil.

As soon as Li Feng finished summoning, a soul fireball representing the devil rushed into Bob's body from the portal. Seeing this, Li Feng immediately closed the portal and watched the devil slowly occupy Bob's body.

After a while, the devil opened his eyes, first looked at the space crystal wall around him, then looked down at the magic circle on the ground, squinted at Li Feng hiding in the black cloak, and asked: "The mirror space of Kamar-Taj? I didn't know that the people of Kamar-Taj would actively summon the devil. Tell me what your purpose is?"

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