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The old woman Agatha gently stroked the black cat in her arms: "I know, I always knew that she was crazy, and she was crazy to make her go to ruin, but she is my relatives after all, she took care of me very much when I was young, don’t you Knowing how discriminatory the environment was against women at that time is something that you contemporary people cannot understand...Young people, leave with your companions, and don't worry about things here anymore."

Bella shook her head slightly.

The old woman squinted at her, and said pointedly: "You don't want to talk about containing ghosts and summoning demons? How much better can you be than me?"

Many mysterious spells swelled up Bella's body, and the psychic energy in her heart suddenly emerged, and the dilapidated house was instantly shrouded in ice.

"I can restrain them from doing bad things, and you obviously don't have this plan."

The old woman Agatha did not want to fight, not at all, but as a spellcaster, she did not want to lose control of the battlefield.

The mage's dependence on the battlefield is very large. If there is more favorable conditions here, there will be one point less.

The old woman flicked her right middle finger, and three small flames suddenly appeared in the ice world. Then her figure relied on the small flames to start teleporting at a high speed. The speed of teleportation was very fast, as if there were more counts beside Bella. Like ten old women.

Seeing Lie Xinxi, Bella hadn't really played against an enemy of this level, and she was a little excited.

Being beaten to death and burned to death by a group of demon hunters and civilians does show that the Salem Witch’s strength is inadequate, but there are always exceptions. Let Mao Shiba’s Five Tiger Broken Door Knife practice for three hundred years, maybe he can also hack the Dragon Master!

Bella carefully observed the opponent's spell characteristics.

She asked: "Teleport, I have seen the control of flames. What are the five elements of the seven formations that you Salem witch inherited from the black female slave Tituba? Take things from the air, control thought?"

"It's divination, vitality transmission and spiritual projection." The old witch's tone was normal, and she didn't mind talking nonsense with her at all.

In fact, both of them are secretly mobilizing magic power, wanting to accumulate the advantages to the maximum, and then they will determine the outcome with one blow.

They are all people with strong convictions, and they can't convince each other by words. Generally speaking, it makes sense to have big fists at this time!

Bella also used the mirroring spell, and many clones made of ice were helping to cover her body. Her body hid in the dark, quietly mobilizing psychic energy, trying to interfere with the time flow of the old witch herself.

The old witch Agatha quickly realized the problem, she wanted to manipulate her mind to interrupt Bella's spell.

But her mental control just hit Bella's unusually strong mental barrier, and she couldn't break through the barrier with three consecutive fierce attacks.

"Mrs. Harkness, I found your flaw! You lost!" There is no magical power of the New York Temple for her to mobilize, and there is no time for gems as a magic carrier. Bella relies on herself, which costs a little. With a little effort, she still found traces of the other party's existence over the course of time.

The old witch has lived for three hundred years, and her mark in the long river of time is several times deeper than that of ordinary people.

There is always a price to pay for eating more.

A turbulent flow of time swept through from back to front. Many time fragments hit all corners of the room like skyfire meteors. Time knocked out dark cavities in the room. The matter in those areas was obliterated by time, turbulence. The old witch in the center area is also a little flustered. What kind of magic is this? Never seen it at all!

However, after living for so many years, she can still be calm and calm. Combining her own flame control, spiritual body projection and teleporting three bloodline magic abilities, she turns her body into a flame in a short time. The body drove the flames to escape the central area of ​​the turbulent time, and then returned to life force and reshaped the body.

Bella's control over time is very weak, and he can't get it back when he hits it, let alone micro-manipulation control.

This trick consumed nearly half of her psionic energy. Although the old witch was embarrassed, she did avoid it.

She has not much psychic power left. The other party reshapes her body and consumes a huge amount of life force. After one move, the two of them did not attack again, and the two sides were considered a tie.

Fire control, air fetching, teleportation, spirit projection, mental control, divination, and vitality transmission. The witchcraft inherited from Africa by the Salem Witch is quite comprehensive, with offensive, defensive, running and fighting skills. plus.

However, because of the comprehensiveness, under the premise that the mental control cannot break Bella's mental barrier, the old witch's divination is also offset by her own divination ability, and she can't be beaten by only relying on fire control and teleportation.

"Let's stop here, I have no intention of fighting with you." The old witch has been hiding alone for so many years, lingering and panting, she has long lost spirit.

Bella also took a step back appropriately: "There really is no point in fighting, take your sister's soul away."

The old witch Agatha took away the haunted ghost of the witch. The haunted house that would have been transformed and upgraded to a higher level was taken away from the core, and the next moment it became gray and defeated~www.wuxiaspot.com~Triangle head, ghost nun and other ghosts The remaining energy in the haunted house was divided up, and the ball ghost and wardrobe ghost all turned into fly ash.

"Professor! Mr. Russell!" Bella's voice appeared at the right time, and the trapped people hurriedly shouted.


"We are here!"

"Save the child first!"

A large group of people walked out of the room, looking at the sun in the sky, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Bella called two ambulances to everyone. The children were very weak and had to go to the hospital for a period of time. She also helped the current owners of the haunted house, the hapless Peruns, to buy a house insurance.

The amount of compensation will not be too much, but at least it will allow this ordinary family to continue to live, otherwise it would be too difficult to rely on Mr. Perron’s job as an electrician to support one wife and five daughters.

With this money now, it is impossible to make a fortune, but renting a house and resettling the children is enough.

"That guy is still there! Black nun's clothes, pale face, have you seen it?" Emma Russell suddenly pointed to the haunted house that had become ruins.

Bella looked in the direction of her fingers, and there was nothing, the ghost nun, Jason and other ‘people’ had been sent back by her.

Now this haunted house does not have any spiritual aura.

In her opinion, these are the hallucinations that Emma Russell has been affected by ghosts for a long time, and now that his vision disappears, the brain automatically produces some illusions.

She also shook her head with the others, saying that she hadn't seen any ghosts in nun's clothes.

Except for Professor Serizawa, who said he was in good health, all the remaining people were sent to the hospital.

In the hospital, Russell and his wife, who were so idle, also worked together to draw a sketch of a ghost nun, which scared the patients, nurses and doctors in the rest of the ward.

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