When the explosion sounded, the plane’s protective measures were immediately activated and oxygen masks appeared in front of the passengers.

The passengers were no longer concerned about the surrounding environment, and quickly put on oxygen masks for themselves in a panic.

Because of the sudden loss of pressure in the cabin at this high altitude, severe hypoxia will cause the human body to lose consciousness within ten seconds, so in any case, they must first wear an oxygen mask.

At this moment, the fair skin of Emma beside Qi Mu turned into a diamond block without warning, and even the clothes on her body were directly assimilated into diamonds, at this time, her face was full of caution, and the seat belt around her waist was directly cut off by diamond fingers.

Emma ignored the powerful suction force, sat firmly in her seat, and shouted at Qi Mu: “The engine is on fire, the plane is bound to crash, we must get out of here before the plane explodes!” ”

Apparently Emma already knew that Qi Mu was no ordinary person, otherwise she would not have said such things to a child.

However, Qi Mu did not respond, but used brute force to break free from the restraints of the seat belt, and then through telepathy, said to the big daddy and Mindy: “The plane will explode soon, I will take you away, Mindy, you grab Parker and don’t let him leave the seat.” ”

After hearing Qi Mu’s voice, the eldest father and Mindy nodded seriously at the same time, they both knew Qi Mu’s ability, so they were not too worried about the accident.


All passengers suddenly felt a violent vibration of the plane, the entire fuselage began to tilt down, and the flight attendants without seat belt protection instantly slipped down uncontrollably and hit the wall of the aisle.

At the same time, the captain’s anxious/urgent voice came from the radio: “Attention passengers! The plane is about to land on the surface, please put on a life jacket immediately! To repeat, the plane is about to land on the water, put on a life jacket immediately! ”


As soon as the words fell, the explosion roared!

The entire cabin made a tooth-biting steel friction sound, and I saw that the fuselage on both sides of the passengers was expanding outward, as if it would tear open at any moment.

Seeing this scene, the passengers were almost frightened and collapsed, and Parker, who was sitting next to Mindy, had a cold sweat on his face, and his miserable white appearance seemed to be dehydrated, if not for the oxygen mask, I am afraid that he would have already begun to shout.

The explosions did not stop and the danger continued.

At this time, in Qi Mu’s line of sight, a ferocious heat wave swept in the rear of the cabin at an extremely fast speed, instantly devouring the second half of the cabin!

At this moment, the hot breath permeated the entire cabin, and the picture in front of Qi Mu’s eyes was instantly completely blocked by this flame.

With his amazing reaction speed, Qi Mu immediately wrapped the shield created by his mind power to wrap the three of Big Daddy, Mindy and Parker before the heat wave arrived, directly blocking out the flames and metal fragments that rolled up.

The next moment, the raging fire unbridled expansion of its territory, covering the entire cabin within its domination, all kinds of screams and cries for help twisted in this explosion, and even Qi Mu could hear the extremely fast burning rattle sound in his ears.

Hot, violently shaking!

The fuselage engulfed in flames carried billowing smoke and fell rapidly from the sky, like an airplane running to hell.



A thunderous sound exploded, and then Qi Mu’s eyes opened sharply.

There were no hot flames or continuous explosions, and the passengers who should have died were sleeping peacefully in their seats at the moment, and the lightning and thunder weather outside the window could not disturb their dreams.

The picture was so familiar, it was like a movie replay, but Saiki was sure that the time of the explosion just now was not his own illusion, but a scene he had personally experienced.

“What’s the problem? Maybe I can help you. A calm voice suddenly came.

When Qi Mu heard this, a drop of cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead.

He knew that this was not a plot of death, and although the explosion would indeed happen soon, what Saiki had just experienced was not a precognitive dream triggered by the ability to preclude.

Now he is truly back in time!

To be precise, the time point in this world is playing on a loop!!

Yes, this is not a natural phenomenon or a human factor, but a time jump caused by Saiki’s superpowers.

The explanation is very simple, that is, time does not advance normally, and keeps returning to the same point in time, and when things develop to a certain point in time, the whole world will return to before the beginning again.

In other words, Qi Mu’s current time jump has been locked in before and after the explosion, and the world will be repeated at this point in time.

This superpower, like telepathy, is completely out of Qi Mu’s control.

But the difference is that telepathy is always on, while time jumps are irregular activations.

Since Qi Mu got his superpower, he had only encountered three time jumps, and he did not expect that a fourth time jump would actually occur today. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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