As if he couldn’t fully control this newly acquired ability, Parker seemed very anxious along the way.

Although he had already taken the chair down halfway, this did not change his sense of realizing that his body had changed drastically, which affected his anxiety.

This, what to do about this?

On the way home, Parker has become deeply aware of the abilities he currently possesses.

Just now, he accidentally clashed with several gangsters on the road due to an accident, and as a result, he actually easily knocked down several people, which was unimaginable in the past!

Because of this unusual change, Parker was a little timid at home.

He was afraid that he would hurt his loved ones under the uncontrollable situation of this power at the moment, and as a result, he had already arrived home but did not go back, but walked around the neighborhood, thinking about his changes…

Until the sun gradually dimmed, after nightfall, Parker, who did not know what to do and where to go in the future, was already a little hungry at the moment, so he could only go to the nearby store to buy something to eat.

At this time, Parker did not know that Uncle Ben had wandered around the vicinity outside in order to find him who had not returned for a long time.

When Parker chose something and wanted to check out, he argued with the cashier because he didn’t bring enough money.

“If you don’t have money, go home and drink milk!”

Parker looked at the cashier in front of him, endured the anger in his heart, and at the same time felt a deep helplessness, so he had to turn his head and leave to go home, thinking that he would have to go back to face it anyway, and there was no point in hiding outside.

When Parker came out of the store, he had not gone a few steps away when he suddenly heard an exclamation from behind him.

“Wait, someone robbed.”

I saw a figure emerge from behind, and the man threw Parker a can of drink that was not enough money to buy before, and then ran all the way down the street, until a few seconds later, the clerk chased out of the store.

“For God’s sake, help brother?”


Parker shrugged and spread his hands: “But I’m going home for milk now.” ”

Is it funny?

He is not an idiot who helps everyone, with his keen reaction now, just now Parker clearly saw that the robber criminal had a pistol on his waist, is it really worth it to provoke that kind of criminal for a clerk who quarreled with himself?

Decisively ignoring the clerk, Parker headed in the other direction.


As a result, before he could go far, a gunshot suddenly sounded behind him.

Thanks to the fact that he has experienced a lot of things that can be called life and death moments in this time, Parker suddenly heard the sound of gunshots, but he didn’t feel any fear.

No matter how scary the gun is, are the two big guys who fought on the streets of New York before?

Are there those steel men scary?

Parker felt that he was also a battle-hardened person, and a gun could not scare him at all, not to mention that he was now different from the past, and he was not a helpless person.

It’s just that although Parker didn’t want to care about the clerk’s affairs just now, but if there was a shooting because of this, it was something he never expected, and he subconsciously felt that he should go and see it.

So he turned around and walked towards where the gunshots rang out.

Before he took a few steps, the scene in front of him suddenly felt a chill in his heart, as if he had lost something important.

I saw that Uncle Ben had fallen, and the man who had robbed the clerk that he had let go before was gradually moving away with a pistol in a panic.

“No, no, no, no, it shouldn’t be like this!”

Parker hurriedly rushed to the side of Uncle Ben and knelt in front of the other party at a loss: “Uncle Ben, where are you injured, I will send you to the hospital now!” ”

The next moment, he saw Uncle Ben open his eyes in confusion, and his hand covering his chest slowly loosened.

With a crisp sound, a brass-colored bullet fell from his hand.

Parker was stunned for a moment, then looked at Uncle Ben.

After realizing that he was unharmed, he couldn’t help but hug Uncle Ben: “Oh God, fortunately you’re okay… Damn, it’s all me! ”

Thinking of this, Parker felt a heart palpitation in his heart.

If something happened to Uncle Ben, he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life, and he couldn’t believe that he almost killed Uncle Ben!

Seeing this, Uncle Ben was also stunned, and after he stayed for a while, he patted Parker’s shoulder.

“Okay, okay Parker, I’m okay.”

Uncle Ben only couldn’t help but act when Parker saw him injured and was frightened, but he didn’t know that Parker’s heart was full of guilt and regret at this time.

“We’re going to call the police first, that guy still has a gun in his hand, it’s too dangerous.”

“Call the police? Yes, call the police, Uncle Ben, you call the police first, I’ll follow to see where the guy has run. ”

“No, it’s too dangerous, you don’t have to.”

Hearing Parker’s offer to track down the criminal who shot him, Uncle Ben immediately thought that this was too dangerous a thing to do, and it should not be done by a young man like Parker.

“On the contrary, Uncle Ben, this is what I should have done, it was my fault, and I had to do it!”

Parker gritted his teeth and said the words.

The moment he just saw Uncle Ben fall to the ground, he almost had a sense of loss and despair that the world seemed to be destroyed, and how could he not feel regret that all this was caused by himself.

And now that Uncle Ben is not injured, it is the moment when he must redeem his mistakes, and he must not tolerate that he actually let that person go, and the mistake just made must be corrected.

Seeing Parker’s such a firm expression, Uncle Ben no longer persuaded him, but just told him: “Then you must pay attention to safety, don’t do reckless things, go to the police first, and leave the rest to the police!” ”

“Of course, Uncle Ben, I won’t do anything stupid.”

Knowing that Parker realized this, Uncle Ben was relieved, he believed that Parker would not do anything beyond his ability to put himself in danger, and he should know how to protect himself.

After getting Uncle Ben’s permission, Parker chased after him in the direction of the man’s escape at a speed far beyond ordinary people, and Uncle Ben, who was caught in the feeling of relief that the child had grown up, did not realize how amazing the speed Parker ran out.

At this time, a sound of footsteps sounded.

“Are you all right?”

Hearing the voice, Uncle Ben turned his head to look, and a familiar figure stood beside him.


Qi Mu nodded, in fact, he had been standing here for a long time.

In fact, he has followed Parker since he left the Osborne Mansion.

I followed Parker for a long time, and found that the other party was walking around near the door, so I sat in a nearby dessert shop while eating special coffee pudding while observing the situation with clairvoyance.

It wasn’t until later, after seeing Uncle Ben go out to find Parker, who refused to return home, that Saiki turned his attention to Uncle Ben.

Saiki knew very well that Uncle Ben was a man who had no shortage of courage to act righteously, and when he saw the man running out of the street corner, Saiki realized what Uncle Ben wanted to do.

Sure enough, Uncle Ben stopped the man, and when the two pulled, the man also fired a shot at Uncle Ben, and at that moment, Qi Mu teleported directly to Uncle Ben and blocked the bullet with his mental power.

It’s just that he was suddenly shot at this almost zero distance, and even Uncle Ben himself thought that he had been hit, so he subconsciously covered his chest and fell, and this happened to Parker’s panic scene after seeing Ben fall to the ground.

As for Parker’s pursuit of the robber, Qi Mu does not plan to intervene, whether the other party can become Spider-Man, to be honest, he does not care very much, and he does not care about the end of the robber, since the moment he came to this world, the world has long changed.

Now Qi Mu is more troubled by whether he should have a few more desserts with Parker, and he always feels that he seems to be a bit of a loss……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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