Half-forcibly taken to the military base by Potts, the two passed the inspection and were guided by soldiers to drive the sports car to the military’s No. 9 airport.

There happened to be a Boeing 737 landing on the runway, the rear cabin slowly opened, and I saw Tony Stark, who was in a suit and leather shoes, with his trademark beard on his face, slowly walking down with the help of a black colonel.

As the largest chairman of Stark Industries, Tony Stark and the military are inseparable, so the military will persistently search in the Afghan desert for more than three months, if it is an ordinary civilian, they will definitely not spend a lot of resources to search for an unknown result.

“Be careful, go from this side.” The black colonel helped Tony Stark out of the cabin, when two paramedics next to him came carrying a stretcher.

“Are you kidding me? Take it away. Tony Stark raised an eyebrow and waved.

Although he has suffered a lot in the past three months, the Limang in Tony Stark’s eyes is still sharp, and this genius inventor will not be defeated so easily.

Tony Stark walked up to Potts and said in a light tone: “Your eyes are red, do you miss your missing boss?” ”

“I’m happy that I finally don’t have to worry about my job.” Potts laughed.

“Yes, your vacation is officially over.” Tony Stark pouted and went directly around Potts, but saw Qi Mu standing behind her, and immediately said in surprise: “Oh, whether I have been away for three months or three years, your children have actually grown so big.” ”

Potts shook his head helplessly and explained: “He is not my child, Mr. Stoker, we originally agreed to go to dinner, but I didn’t expect you to suddenly appear, so I could only bring him with me.” ”

“So it is.” The corners of Tony Stark’s mouth raised slightly, reached out and deliberately rubbed Qi Mu’s hair, and said: “Hey, pink-haired little ghost, looking at your expression, are you blaming me for disturbing your date?” ”

Being rubbed by this guy’s evil hand all the time, Qi Mu lowered his head slightly, and a pair of golden eyes exuded a strange blue glow.

The future Iron Man… Are you trying to die here?

However, Tony Stark did not know that he was facing the greatest danger of his life, he ruffled Qi Mu’s hair, sat directly into the back seat of the sports car, and said to Potts through the window: “It’s up to you to drive today, I forgot my driver’s license, well, maybe still somewhere in the Afghan desert.” ”

Hearing his words, Potts sighed helplessly, looked at Qi Mu and said: “He has been missing in Afghanistan for three months, and his mental state may be a little abnormal, don’t you mind.” ”

“Actually, I don’t mind.” Qi Mu thought to himself, but was still pushed into the car by Potts.

Looking at Qi Mu sitting beside him, Tony raised his eyebrows and said, “Where did you know this little ghost?” ”

“Restaurant.” Potts replied casually.

“Oooh, what a wonderful encounter.” Tony Stark raised his uninjured right hand, straightened his suit a little, and said seriously: “Immediately help me hold a press conference, by the way, go to the restaurant to buy me a cheeseburger.” ”

“Hold a press conference?” Potts said in surprise: “Are you going to release ten?” You should go to the hospital now to check your body…”

“Don’t force me to go to the hospital, I’ve been locked up for more than three months, these two things are the things I want to accomplish the most right now.” Tony Stark’s tone was unquestionably strong, and no one, not even his personal assistant, Potts, could change his decision.

“Okay, I’ll let Mr. Obadi know.”

Potts has no reason to refute it, and her job is to complete the task assigned by Tony Stark.

“Press conference?” Qi Mu’s pupils shrank, and his eyes instantly became serious.

The famous Tony Stark returned after three months of disappearance, and you can imagine how many people’s attention this press conference can attract.

Among them, there are definitely not only media reporters and ordinary civilians, but more people from the government and military, and even this news may attract S.H.I.E.L.D. to it, and Qi Mu does not want to be the focus of attention like Tony Stark.

In any case, he could not follow Potts and Tony Stark to this press conference, lest he enter the sight of some people or organizations, and he had to leave the sports car on the way to the press conference.

But the problem is that the person sitting next to him is Tony Stark, who claims to be one of the smartest people in the world, and if he shows a flaw in front of him, he is likely to detect it.

“That’s all that can be done now.”

Qi Mu took a deep breath, tried to keep his emotions in a steady state, and then reached out and slowly removed the superpower suppressor on the right side of his head….

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