“Mr. Stark, please continue with the topic! Mr. Stark, can you listen to me attentively? ”

On TV, the videos that have been a little hot in previous weeks are still replayed, and the protagonist of this matter is still the playboy Tony Stark.

I saw Tony Stark, who was in a suit and tie, sitting in the position of the defendant’s seat, with a flirtatious smile at the corner of his mouth, and did not pay attention to the court at all, and the careless attitude was undoubtedly provoking the senators sitting above.

The senator in the middle is trying very hard to get Tony Stark to pay attention.

However, the incongruous Tony Stark mocked the senator with various ridiculous words, making the other party’s expression stiff with anger.

In fact, the main purpose of the Senate Armed Services Committee this time is not simple.

Senator Stern considered Steel Armor an extremely dangerous weapon and demanded that Tony Stark hand over Iron Man Armor.

But the process was very unpleasant, how could Tony Stark be willing to hand over his steel armor, so he refused directly without hesitation.

For the firm Tony Stark, the senators are also very helpless.

After Tony Stark officially revealed his identity as Iron Man, he began a life of disaster relief, fighting global crime, and targeting terrorists who are still carrying out terrorist activities everywhere.

He even traveled to the Gulf of Aden to repel the rampant Somalia pirates there, spreading the name of Iron Man further afield.

After experiencing the catastrophe in Afghanistan and escaping from the ashes, and Tony Stark’s transformation into Iron Man became the most watched time in 2009, so Tony Stark was also selected as the person of the year by the famous “Time” magazine at the end of that year, pushing Tony Stark’s reputation directly to the highest point.

Even the senators can’t do anything about him.

However, just a few days ago, Tony Stark had another big news, while watching the F1 Grand Prix in Monaco, an attacker suddenly appeared on the track, he had an ark reactor similar to Tony Stark, holding two iron whips with electric currents on the track.

After the Mexican incident was widely reported by the media, Senator Stern Stern, who had a heated debate with Tony Stark on the committee, once again made his position public.

Reiterating Tony Stark’s position that he wants to hand over armor to the government, and talking about the advantages of handing over steel armor to the government, very sincerely analyzing why Tony Stark has concerns, and using various examples to prove that Tony Stark’s concerns are unfounded.

If Qi Mu hadn’t known the truth, it was estimated that even he might have been fooled by this guy, and this skill of turning black and white upside down was really powerful enough.

Looking at the slightly lewd face on TV, Qi Mu pushed his glasses expressionlessly, according to his memory, this Senator Sternn seemed to be an internal member of Hydra, the villain organization with endless miscellaneous soldiers.

Obviously, Senator Stern didn’t want Tony Stark to hand over the steel armor to the government, but the hydra behind him wanted to get the way to make the steel armor.

“The world is really getting messier.”

Qi Mu shook his head, then stood up and reached out to restore the sparkling TV remote control on the sofa to its original state.

Today is the first day of the adaptation period, and he must concentrate on controlling every part of his body to prevent too much strength from causing bad things to happen.

If someone looked closely at Qi Mu’s feet now, they would find that the soles of his feet did not touch the floor at all, but floated a few millimeters in the air.

Of course, this distance is difficult to detect with the naked eye, and no one will deliberately observe Qi Mu’s feet, so he is not worried that someone will find this special place.

Suddenly, Qi Mu frowned, then turned to look at the wall.

Through the ability to see, Qi Mu clearly saw a red Lamborghini sports car driving towards this side.

He recognized it as Potts’ sports car, but now the person sitting in it was not Potts himself, but a red-haired beauty in office clothes.

At the same time, the mobile phone next to Qi Mu suddenly rang, and the caller ID was an unfamiliar call.

After pressing the answer button with mental power, I heard a familiar voice on the phone: “Hi, little ghost, are you surprised to hear my voice?” ”

“Nope.” Qi Mu’s words were merciless, and he directly choked the other party.

“What a nasty little ghost, oh yes, tonight is my birthday party, I have already sent someone to pick you up, remember to come quickly, but I specially invited a famous dessert chef in Italy, although I am not interested in desserts, but you little ghosts should like it.”

Listening to the same frivolous voice as on the TV, the corner of Qi Mu’s mouth twitched slightly, and he casually controlled the remote control to turn off the TV.

Before Qi Mu could reply, Tony Stark spoke again: “I think the people I sent should be almost at your door, go out and greet you.” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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