Marvel’s Scientist to God

Vol 2 Chapter 18: Power and Realm

Chapter 18. Power and Realm

"Why are there so many questions for you?" Miss Chen gave Ye Hai a white look. "Although the principals of the Jiang family are not united at most, their comprehensive strength is also the strongest among the three major families, except that the internal fighting is more serious. Just get up. Look. Mao. Line. Chinese. Chinese. Net Liu family and my Jiang family are similar, but because my Jiang family has mastered this right to trade with the tribe in the forest, my Jiang family is ranked Second. Although the Li family is ranked last, the Li family's weapon smelting technology is the best. It has deals with the other three majors and has always been neutral. "

"What about San Xuan Men?" Ye Hai asked curiously.

"If you interrupt me, I will say," Miss Chen gave Ye Hai a white look. "Our place is called Qing Kingdom, which is one of the seven empires in our southern region, and we have ten cities and three states. We The town of Linquan 237 is Nanjiang, one of the ten provinces. "

"Do you know why I divided Qing Dynasty into three states?"

"I don't know." Ye Hai answered honestly.

"I knew you didn't know."

Ye Hai "..."

"Because we have ten schools and three academies in Qing Dynasty, which are the opposite of the ten provinces and three states. Or it is because of the ten schools and three colleges that we have the ten courts and three houses of Qing Dynasty. I am clear, never shrink back! "

"Then our Nanjiang House corresponds to San Xuan Men?" Ye (cgea) Hai asked again.

"Yes, our Nanjiang House corresponds to San Xuanmen." Miss Chen said these things, full of slowly pride. "And ah, the realm is divided into nine realms, which are Lin and Bing. , Fight, all, all, formation, line, here, before! "

After hearing this, Ye Hai was shocked. Isn't this the true word of Taoism in his own world? At the beginning of my own life, did I have any doubts when I heard about the realm and the military realm? I didn't expect it to be so.

"How are these realms regulated?" Ye Hai asked.

"How could you ask something weird?" Miss Chen glanced at Ye Hai confusedly. "I don't know. Founder has been like this for a long time. Everyone goes like this."

"Well ... curious to ask." Ye Hai said, "Nine Realms, how does my realm correspond to Nine Realms?"

"By the way, I heard that our first masters of the Qing Dynasty are also at the top of the state ~ Feng Ye, we have never heard of the state of going up, we only know its name, and have never heard of anyone who has reached this state Eh."

"Is that so? Then look at my realm." Ye Hai was curious.

"Oh, aren't you in the early stages of advent? You don't know it yourself? How do you practice?"

In the early days of advent?

"System, I want to advance!"

"Drip, how much scientific value does the host use?"

"How many realms can 100 scientific values ​​raise?"

"The system cannot determine-please choose it by the host."

"Can't the system judge?" Ye Hai secretly thought, "use a hundred points of scientific value!"

"Drop, the host uses 100 points of scientific value to perform the upgrade ~ the upgrade was successful ~"

Ye Hai felt the power of the stars nearly doubled in his body, so scary!

"Now, what is my realm?" Ye Hai said to Miss Chen.

"Don't you be a fool, what other realm can you be?" Miss Chen turned her head and looked, "Ah? Why did you reach the peak of the early stage?

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