“Block! Counterattack! ”

Alan saw that he had crossed his two guns in front of him, but the axe facing the man’s mighty rainbow was firmly blocked, and his hands did not shake in the slightest.


The fat man shouted in shock, but then his face immediately sank, and a dangerous breath filled his brain.

Only to see that after Ellenge blocked the axe, he suddenly shot the fat man’s abdomen with great speed when the fat man’s strength was just exhausted, making the fat man’s abdomen immediately covered with blood, and he could only cover his stomach and fall to the ground with difficulty.

“Pick up!”

Seeing this, Thor and the four warriors immediately entered a state of combat, the only one of them, a yellow man, named Hogan, who was holding a meteor hammer weapon, and smashed the meteor hammer in his hand and smashed it at Alan.

“This kind of weapon, all rely on inertia, the landing point is fixed, it is not worth mentioning!”

Alan grinned when he saw the meteor hammer coming, slammed into Hogan with great speed and then lifted his knee and crashed into it.


This knee collision is the basic skill of the sharpshooter, the power of the instant explosion is incomparably powerful, and it knocked Hogan up at once, and then Allen did not know when a Green machine gun appeared in his hand, and it was a crazy strafing shot at Hogan in the air.

However, in this Green machine gun, Allen uses ordinary bullets, after all, there is no need to form a death vendetta with Thor, isn’t it? Alan just wanted to maim them.

Under the frenzied strafing and impact of the Allen Green machine gun, Nahogan actually lost consciousness in the air and passed out.

“Yo, beauty, you’re a god too, aren’t you?” The goddess is my favorite! Don’t sneak up on me and ruin your good impression in my heart! ”

Tony’s voice came from behind Alan, and Tony did not hesitate to stumble at the goddess Shiv who wanted to sneak up on Alan’s back.

“Bullying women is not what men should do!”

The tall white man with the Western sword, the last of the four warriors, took the opportunity to stab Tony in the back of his steel armor.

I don’t know what this man’s weapon was made of, but he easily pierced the steel armor made of titanium.

“It hurts, Lean, Jarvis!”

Tony felt his back pierced and yelled.


A strong chill immediately erupted from the back of the steel armor, which was cooling nitrogen, forcing the Western Sword Man to retreat and Tony immediately flew into the air and shouted:

“Jarvis, seal the wound, first”

“Ahem! Tony, don’t be nosy, lethal the shotback! ”

Alan had actually been aware of Shiv for a long time, but Alan was not worried at all, Alan had a “fatal reshoot”, which belonged to the roaming gunner, who could turn around and shoot a shot at any time and anywhere.

However, he didn’t expect Tony to see Ai Jian, so he took a shot, but this melee combat was obviously not what Tony was good at, and he immediately suffered a loss.

Alan was of course a little angry at the sight, so the relentless rein-turn wheel pistol immediately fired a powerful bullet at the chest of the Western Sword Man.


The bullet penetrated the right chest of the Western Sword Man, immediately causing the Western Sword Man to fall to the ground and snort, unable to get up for half a day.


Alan did not give any face at this time, directly turned around and raised his legs to raise his legs to get up and rush over with a spear to Shiv stomped on the ground, and the revolver hand would directly point at the head of the goddess Shiv, ready to shoot.

Shiv tried to struggle, but was trampled by Alan’s death, and she could not open an Asgardian, which made Shiv feel extremely desperate.

Not far away, Jane, Shavig and Daisy were watching the battle on this side in horror, not knowing why it had become like this.

Jane was even more worried about Thor’s safety, and Thor had never gotten up after being shot by Allen.


Just as Alan was trying to end the goddess Shiv out of anger, there was a sudden cracking sound in the sky, and then a hammer burst through the air, and when it fell, it was held by Thor who was lying on the ground.


The moment Thor grasped the hammer, countless lightning bolts immediately struck Thor, and the powerful force made Alan frown, sigh and then step down a little, retreating to avoid.

0······· Ask for flowers… 0

After a few breaths, Thor appeared in front of everyone with a new face, and Jane finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked into Thor’s eyes.

“Mortal, you have succeeded in angering me!”

At this time, Thor was full of confidence, and the dragon walked to Shiv and the others, helped them up, and glared at Alan.

“Yes, that’s what God should look like!” But what if it angers you? Kill me? Come on! ”

Alan eagerly swirled the two guns in his hands, keeping his eyes fixed on Thor, waiting for the battle to begin.

“I’m not the same person I used to be, I said I had more important things to do! Heimdall, take us back! ”

…. 0

But what Alan did not expect was that although Thor was angry, he suddenly looked up at Alan and shouted at the sky.


A seven-colored pillar of light shot down from outer space and smashed into the bodies of Thor and the others.

Alan certainly knew what the situation was, but Alan was also well aware that before the Pillar of Seven-Colored Light had disappeared, he could rush into the Pillar of Coloured Light and follow him to Asgard.

So in Tony’s panicked look, Alan did not hesitate to sneak out like a cheetah and rushed into the pillar of light with the ball at the end of the seven-colored light pillar.

“Tony, I’ll be back soon, and even if they don’t let me go, my bald mage friend will save me!”

Just as Tony looked at the colorful pillar of light that had begun to fade with an ugly face, the last voice from Allen in the communicator made Tony breathe a long sigh of relief.

“Stark, what’s going on here?”

The pillar of light disappeared, and Thor, the Four Warriors, and Allen were all gone, when Coulson arrived in a car that he did not know which ordinary man he had requisitioned. Looking at the huge pit in front of him and the collapsed houses around him asked Tony.

“Let’s go, it’s over, go to me first, and wait until Alan comes back!”

Tony said soaring, and Coulson gritted his teeth and asked Jane to borrow a phone to report to Fury. _

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