This year, the whole world seems relatively calm and stable.

The two superheroes, ‘King of War’ Alan Hammer and ‘Iron Man’ Tony Stark, rarely appeared, disappointing the news media.

There was also little friction between countries around the world during the year, and there was almost no war, and the whole world looked thriving.

The Umbrella Company’s first building in Sokovia and the pilot of the ‘Ark Reactor’ energy regeneration function were unprecedented successes.

Under the rush of news media, the umbrella company talks have become a large number of culminations, and the deployment of energy sites in Europe, Asia and other places has begun.

At the same time, the second, third and fourth buildings in Sokovia are also building a new generation of clean new energy low-cost apartments are also quickly established, and Sokovia’s 300,000 people have now 100,000 people living in new homes that are almost free.

Coupled with the arrival of funds from the ‘Reconstruction of War-torn Redemption Fund’, co-founded by Umbrella Company and Stark Industries, the lives of the people of Sokovia have changed dramatically.

And because Umbrella announced a year ago to cut arms production and supply by 20% again, the world saw the determination of Umbrella Corporation and Stark Industries to develop civilian use.

For a time, the reputation of the umbrella company and Stark Industries immediately rose a lot, especially in Sokovia, Africa, the Middle East and other war-torn regions to obtain high support rates.

At a time when people all over the world are gradually relishing this apparent peace of the world, a change is quietly happening.

In a special large underground research base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

“BOSS, there’s something wrong here!”

Hill sent a call, and when Fury took over, Hill’s somewhat anxious voice came over.

“How bad is the situation?”

Fury asked succinctly.

“The worst part is that we don’t know what’s going on! Just now Dr. Shavig detected a burst of energy from the Rubik’s Cube! ”

Hill said solemnly.

“I remember I didn’t authorize Dr. Shavig to conduct the test, how could he trigger the Rubik’s Cube?” Did Hawkeye see that? ”

Fury was shocked, and then said coldly, Fury thought it was the private research of a mad scientist.

“Hawkeye has been staring at Dr. Shavig, he has not tested it, he has not even approached the Rubik’s Cube, which is automatically activated by the Rubik’s Cube!”

Hill explains.

“What level of energy is it now?” Is it still stable? ”

Fury asked with an ugly face.

“It’s still rising, it’s very unstable, and Dr. Shavig can’t shut it down, I’ve given the order to retreat, but it will take time!”

“How long will it take to evacuate?”

“About an hour! But sir, I don’t think the evacuation may be of much use! ”

Hill seemed to have a different opinion.

“Then shall we just let those people sleep like this?” I want you to make sure the Phase II prototype can be safely evacuated! ”

Fury’s fierce way.

Since it is no longer safe there, it is enough to evacuate immediately, and they S.H.I.E.L.D. are not short of funds and resources now.

“Is it time to prioritize caring for those weapons? BOSS, if we can’t control the energy of the Cosmic Cube, then I don’t think it’s useful to hide anywhere! ”

Hill said with some dissatisfaction.

“Unless the world is over, or the days will continue, the second stage is that we have invested a lot of human and material resources to restart things in order to have the power to protect the earth, and we absolutely cannot afford to lose!” I’ll come right over and supervise the evacuation at the same time as you! ”

Fury hung up the call and flew with Coulson to a secret military research base.

When Fury arrived, before he could get some fame out of Hawkeye’s mouth, the Cosmic Cube spontaneously ran and formed a portal.

A young man with a scepter, long hair, and an evil smile on his face appeared there, and without hesitation, he did something to them.


Dozens of agents shot wildly at the man, but the bullets were useless to the man, which made Fury’s face look very ugly, and he thought of the Asgardians who had arrived a year ago.

This man is Loki, Thor’s younger brother, who this time has the support of a cosmic boss and comes to Earth to prepare to seize the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, the Space Gem.

And the scepter he holds in his hand is the scepter studded with the Jewel of the Heart, and Loki’s arrival means that the plot of “Avengers 1” has finally begun.

Loki directly used his scepter to control Hawkeye, who had made two moves with him, because he felt that Hawkeye was something special, different from those ordinary people.

Then Loki looked back faintly at Nick Fury, who was packing the Cosmic Cube in a suitcase and preparing to sneak away:

“Please put the box down, I need it so much!”

“There’s no need to make the atmosphere so tense, is there?” Who are you? ”

Fury took a deep breath and slowly looked at Loki and said calmly.

“My name is Loki, from Asgard!”

“Loki? You are Thor’s brother

Dr. Shavig was also here, and when he heard Loki’s words, he immediately said.

“Yes, I have no great mission on your shoulders!”

Loki said proudly.

“We don’t have any real conflict with you!”

Fury intended to appease Loki first.

“Ants and shoes don’t have any vendetta against you, don’t they?”

Loki laughed.

“So you want to trample us to death?” I see you’ve come to the wrong place! ”

Fury finally understood that the man in front of him could really be an advance soldier sent by Asgard, and he felt that Asgard might have to take action.

But no, Fury had heard Shavig say that Thor and Loki’s relationship was still more inclined in Fury’s mind that this was Loki’s personal action, and Thor and Asgard should not do anything to Earth.

“This time is different, this time I have brought you a truly carefree world, and you are powerless to resist!”

Loki didn’t care about Fury’s words, and thinking of Allen’s fighting power that he had seen in Asgard, Loki frowned and walked over to take control of Dr. Shavig.

Then Hawkeye came over and gave Fury a shot and said:

“Fury is stalling for time, this place is about to self-destruct, let’s go!”

Hawkeye then leaves with Loki and Dr. Shavig, as well as some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who are also under Loki’s control, encountering Hill’s obstruction, but to no avail.

It wasn’t until after the entire base exploded that Fury dodged the disaster with his body armor, looking at Coulson next to him in a helicopter and saying:

“Coulson, you go back to base and sound the level seven alarm!” Hill, you sit in the command and let all the personnel go all out to search for the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube! ”

“As it stands, the war has begun!”

“So what do we do?”

Coulson asked in a low voice.

“Project Avengers, it’s time to begin, and that’s the opportunity I’ve been waiting for!” Coulson, you go to Stark’s side! ”

“Then contact Natasha and ask him to get Dr. Banner!”

Fury commanded.

“Yes, but wouldn’t Dr. Banner’s side be too dangerous?”

Coulson nodded, only to say with some hesitation when he mentioned Dr. Banner.

“Dr. Banner must intervene, the gamma rays emitted by the Cosmic Cube are so weak that only his research on the Gamma rays can help us find the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube!” But I’ll let her go to little Hammer first, and he owes us a debt of gratitude! ”

Fury said solemnly.

“I see!”

Coulson agreed, and then began to return to base to sound the level seven siren, and then rushed to the newly built Stark Building in New York.

The top three floors of the Stark Mansion are used privately by Stark, while Pepper Pepper Pots is talking to a high-tech projection instrument in a thin shirt and short jeans.

“You cut off the electricity route and didn’t connect to the grid?”

Pepper asked.

“Yes, none of this is needed, I just joined the new version of the Ark reactor equipment, and the Stark Building will become the benchmark for renewable and clean energy!”

Tony’s voice came from the room, and it was clear that Pepper was talking to Tony.

“Wow, but only if your Ark reactor works and works”

Pepper smiled, she liked the warm feeling of sharing the struggle with the people she loved.

“No problem, close the gates”

Tony’s voice came again, Pepper pressed a button next to it, and the entire Stark Building slowly lit up, indicating that Tony had succeeded.

“Is it pretty?”

Pepper was also pleased, and asked Tony how the mansion looked from the outside.

“It’s like Christmas, but it’s ours”

Tony replied.

At this moment, Jarvis’s voice sounded again:

As soon as Jarvis finished speaking, the phone answered automatically, and a calm, gentle man’s voice came from the phone:

“Stark, we have to talk”

“Oh my God, do you really pick a day, is it so hard to want a two-person world?”

Tony helplessly picked up the phone on the table and answered:

“What you see now is my holographic projection, please leave a message if you have something”

“Things are in a hurry!

The elevator opened suddenly, and a middle-aged man in a suit who looked humble and gentle stepped out of it.

This man, of course, was our Phil Coulson, known as the best man to be a secret agent, the most deceitful and persuasive man.

“My security system has also been hacked? Pepper blames you for this.”

Tony sighed and said.

“Phil, please come in!”

Pepper ignored Tony and enthusiastically welcomed Coulson in.

“Phil? I thought his name was ‘Agent’.”

Tony looked at Pepper in amazement and said.

“I’m going to go right away, the situation is urgent, I need you to see this, it’s about the Avengers!”

Coulson handed Tony a tablet, and Tony was reluctant to pick it up, but in front of Pepper, he took the computer that Coulson handed over to Jarvis to scan, and said disapprovingly:

“I thought the plan was scrapped, and I wasn’t up to standard, didn’t I?” Because this man is capricious, extremely arrogant, and unsociable! ”

This is what Fury showed Tony, and Natasha’s evaluation of Tony, which makes Tony angry!

“This time it’s a big deal, it has nothing to do with character flaws, we need every strength”

Coulson said seriously.

“Is it really that serious?” Let’s take a look.”

Tony said and immediately released the data in the computer, and several videos appeared around Tony.

There are five of these videos.

One is a green giant monster that is smashing it.

One was a man in a star-striped suit who charged through the enemy with a shield.

One is a man and a woman, fighting on a battlefield with guns and bows and arrows.

There’s also a small town where a blonde man in medieval opera-style attire holds a hammer to summon lightning and destroy a steel monster.

The last one was Alan whom Tony was too familiar to be familiar with.

“It seems that you have already determined the personnel!”

Tony said something casually, but in the end he locked his eyes on the cosmic cube.

“Well, I think I’ll take a flight out of New York for Washington first!”

Pepper was also stunned by these images, but he was most concerned about Tony, and she saw a depressed Tony in the video in which Alan rescued Tony, with a large hole in his chest and a reactor on it, looking very miserable.

“Okay, all the way”

Tony didn’t have the heart to care about anything else at this time, looking at a blue-lit cube in the middle of the data and thinking deeply, he never knew that there were so many secrets on the earth, and the data showed that this kind of thing had infinite energy, so what was Tony doing now?

In particular, it also shows that Alan went to study this thing in the six months of his disappearance.

Pepper then leaves with Coulson, who escorts Pepper away, after all, Pepper is now an indispensable figure in Stark Industries.

Tony stayed in the building, carefully studied the material, and began to do his homework. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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