“Blind evasion doesn’t seem to be a panacea!”

Dr. Banner looked back at Natasha and Alan, especially when he saw Alan, and the whole person paused, slowly put down the first aid kit in his hand and said to Alan:

“Mr. Alan Hammer, you shouldn’t have come back to me!”

“I don’t want to come, but I owe S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Alan said quietly.

“S.H.I.E.L.D., HEHE, IT’S SMART TO LEAD ME TO THIS REMOTE PLACE, I think it’s already surrounded!”

At the mention of S.H.I.E.L.D., Banner seemed to understand something, but he still casually observed the situation outside the window with a look of indifference.

“Just the three of us!”

Natasha said.

“What about that little girl?” She started the industry early enough to “one six three”! ”

Banner was sarcastic.

“Me too!”

“Who are you?”

“Natasha Nomanov!”

“As for you, of course I know you, and it’s the only battle I don’t remember so far, but I have me on TV to keep you in my mind!”

Banner looked at Alan at this time, and said with an inexplicable glint in his eyes.

Banner had memories every time he recovered after the battle, but only in the battle between Broadway and Allen, anger overwhelmed everything, and Banner remembered nothing.

Banner just saw the video of the battle and felt deep fear and anger at the powerful and invincible strength that Hulk had shown in the battle.

After learning about the incident, Banner is even more secretive about Hulk, and works harder to learn to control his emotions and keep himself in a peaceful state, lest Hulk come out again to harm people.

Up to now, Dr. Banner has been able to direct his anger to lure out the Hulk, and although it is still uncontrollable, some guidance can still be done.

As long as the Hulk wasn’t in the same rage state as Allen’s fight, Dr. Banner had some guiding abilities for the Hulk.

This also eased Banner’s momentary frightened heart, and since then he has been paying attention to the situation of the Umbrella Company at any time, hoping to see what this weapon genius who can pose a threat to the Hulk has invented.

In the past year, the umbrella company has cut down on the production and sales of weapons, and vigorously used the forward-looking technology in its hands to develop civilian use, benefiting mankind, so that Banner recognizes Allen very much.

“I don’t want to be remembered by you, you know!”

Allen’s words made Banner look at him, and he nodded and said:

“So, are you here to kill me?” The person who can kill me may not have been born yet! ”

“No, we invited you on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D.!”

Natasha said.

“How did you find me?”

Banner asked, he thought he was hiding very much himself.

“We’ve been watching you Dr. Bush, after all, you should know how dangerous you are!” But we kept our distance from you, even blocking some of the people who were interested in you! ”

Natasha had entered the state and said slowly.

“Why help me?”

“Because our boss seems to trust you a lot, but you have to go with me this time!”

Natasha took Alan’s hand and tightened it again, the topic had reached this point, and Natasha explained her intentions for the first time, depending on how Banner would react.

“What if I refuse?”

Banner glanced at Natasha and said quietly.

Banner’s words made Alan’s muscles begin to tense up, the strength of his whole body was in a state that could explode at any time, and the ball seemed to shake a little, letting Natasha know that Alan was also on guard, ready to move.

Not because of anything else, but because Alan had seen the Hulk’s strength, which was the attention the Hulk deserved.

“I will convince you that you have not changed in more than a year, and I hope that Dr. you can keep it up!”

Natasha sensed Alan’s preparation, she felt that Alan was now a little stiff, lightly touched Alan’s hand, and then with a smile took out her mobile phone and clicked on a picture and put it on the table in front of Dr. Banner and said:

“Doctor, we are now facing a global disaster, and this Mr. Allen is the main force we have invited together to deal with this incident, and of course, Dr. You!”

“Do you need the Hulk’s power?” Don’t think about it, you can’t control it! ”

Banner stepped forward to pick up the phone and laughed at himself indifferently 0…..

“This is the Cosmic Cube, with the energy to destroy the Earth!”

“What do you want me to do?” Eat it? ”

“No, we want you to find it, the Rubik’s Cube was robbed, the gamma rays it emitted were too faint for us to trace, and no one knew more about gamma rays than you, so Fury sent me to invite you!”

Natasha said.

“What about him?”

Banner looked at Alan with a raised eyebrow and said.

“Mr. Allen just wants to see you when you don’t change!”

Natasha lied and said she couldn’t tell Banner that she had brought Alan to prevent him from transforming into Alan. Although Dr. Banner might have guessed.

“Yes, we are all scientists, in fact, I would like to have more communication with Dr. Banner!”

Alan nodded.

“So you’re not here to catch monsters?”

Banner asked suddenly.

“At least Fury didn’t say that!”

“Stop lying to me!”

Dr. Banner suddenly slapped the table and yelled loudly.


0.3 flashes of light, Alan appeared in his hands with two guns, the revolver and the automatic pistol and aimed at Banner, the slender Alan’s legs were slightly bent, ready to retreat, a pair of sharp eyes like falcons stared at Banner deadly.

There is no way to do this, even if there is this one in the past life movie, but Allen, who has fought with Hulk, can’t really reassure Banner.

Natasha was even more frightened, and a tumbler hid behind Alan, looking at Banner with a look of horror.

“Didn’t you just want to see me when I didn’t change?” I haven’t changed yet! I just want to see how you guys react! I’m so sorry! ”

Banner suddenly flashed a playful smile and said teasingly to Natasha and Alan. _

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