“Cough, huh. Hehe. We met, do you remember? I sent the Destroyer a year ago! ”

It took Loki half a day to endure the pain in his chest to ease up, and did not dare to move, but showed a playful smile and laboriously said to Alan.

“So what? But I also want to thank you for sending the Destroyer! Now that thing is named Hammer! ”

Alan said casually, ignoring the scattered running of the people around him and Loki’s stunned eyes, took Loki’s scepter in his hand and began to scan the ball.

“Sir, there is a layer of isolated substance wrapped around the gem on the outside, and it is necessary to scan the internal structure of the gemstone after destroying it using thermal cutting?”

What Alan did not expect was that the crystal shell on the scepter could actually block the scanning of the ball, which made Alan only count.

After all, the Mind Gem didn’t have much use in Alan’s opinion, and what Alan wanted was always the Reality Gem.

“No more!”

Alan shook his head and didn’t bother with the Mind Gem anymore, while Loki was silent and didn’t want to struggle to escape.

By this time Natasha had arrived with the fighter, and Captain Rogers jumped off the plane and came to Alan’s side to look at Loki, who was holding his hands up under Alan’s gun and did not resist at all, frowned.

Captain Rogers had read Thor’s information and knew that these gods from Asgard were very powerful, and Thor was not at all vain in the face of Alan, how could this Loki be beaten like this in such a short time?

Of course, this can not be blamed on Rogers, after all, Rogers does not know that although Thor and Loki are brothers, they are too bad in combat.

Natasha saw Loki’s well-behaved baby look in the plane and knew it was done.

Just as he was about to drop the plane and press Loki up, he heard a burst of loud music coming from the plane.

Turning my head to look at the console, I saw that the system had been changed and there was a loud pattern.

“Miss me? Agent Normanov? ”

A flirtatious voice came out of the plane’s console. Natasha instantly guessed the identity of the comer.

Rodgers and Loki below were also a little confused by the sudden music coming from the plane. Only Alan knew about it, so there was no reaction.

But still rolled his eyes full of black lines, this Iron Man is really not good.

Only to see a sudden sound of breaking the air in the distance, Iron Man flew over, and as soon as he came over, he fired an energy cannon at Loki, who was already unable to move on the ground, and beat Loki to a snort, making Alan suddenly feel a little pitiful to Loki.

After landing on the ground, all the weapons on Tony’s armor stretched out to Loki lying on the ground:

“Try it again, you reindeer.”


The scene was a little silent for a while, and even Tony finally opened the mask and said helplessly:

“Alan, how did you come so early, I thought that with your character you wouldn’t cooperate with these unfamiliar people until the end!”

Tony knows Alan very well, and Tony knows that Alan especially dislikes pig teammates.

“There is no way this time, I owe Fury a favor, just let him release my brother by the way!”

Alan waved his hand.

“Justin Hammer?” Hey, he’s going to hate you when he comes out, and his company has been robbed by you, but this year’s prison life should also make him understand some things, and he will settle down! ”

Tony grinned.

Several men then pressed Loki onto the plane. After the plane took off, Rogers called Tony and Alan aside and said:

“Something is wrong”

“How? Is it too easy for a rock singer to surrender? ”

Tony didn’t care.

“I don’t think it’s that simple, this guy should be more than that!”

Rogers said solemnly.

“For an elderly person like you, the observation is still quite sharp, what is your secret?” Pilates? ”

Tony looked at Loki and taunted Rogers.


Rogers didn’t know what Pilates was.

“Kind of like aerobics, it looks like you’re missing out on a lot of good inventions. After all spent so much time as a popsicle.”

Tony continued to taunt. Alan felt that Tony didn’t like the captain a little.

But the thought of Tony’s resentment toward his father, Alan, knew what was going on. Howard Stark has been a great respect for Rogers in front of Tony since he was a child. Tony is hating the house and the U.

Rogers understood Tony’s words, and although he didn’t understand why Tony was targeting himself, he was still a little angry:

“Fury didn’t tell me you were coming too”

“Fury didn’t tell you much”

While the two were taunting each other, a flash suddenly appeared in front of the plane that puzzled Natasha:

“Where did this lightning come from?”

Rogers, on the other hand, noticed the lightning bolt and Loki looked up nervously.

“What, are you afraid of flashing?”

Rogers said doubtfully.

“I just don’t like the guy who thundered”

Loki, whose wounds had healed, replied to Rogers.

Hearing Loki’s words, everyone guessed something. Tony walked over and opened the nall behind the plane, ready to go out and have a look.

But suddenly a man landed inside the plane and hit Tony against the wall, and Thor looked at Alan and ignored the others. He came straight over and grabbed Loki’s collar.


Suddenly Allen kicked at Thor without warning, but Thor was actually defenseless, slapping Allen’s leg to the side with a slap and humming coldly:

“I knew you were going to take a shot at me!”

“Hey hey, last time the two of us didn’t have a move, this time we have a good fight!”

Alan was not surprised to see that one of his random legs was blocked, and then he suddenly stepped closer to Thor, lifted his knee and crashed into Thor’s stomach, and the powerful force made Salton’s eyes bulge.


In Loki’s shocked eyes behind him, Thor was directly hit by Alan’s knee and it was difficult to catch his breath, but then Thor reacted quickly, and grabbing Alan’s arm was an over-the-shoulder fall.


Thor’s idea was good, but Alan kicked Thor directly at the crook of Thor’s leg as he turned, kicking Thor to a halt.

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