Outside, Thor was looking for Coulson to ask his girlfriend Jane a question.

Natasha ran to Loki alone and used her fierce acting skills to get Loki’s words. Knowing that Loki’s target is Dr. Banner, he wants to induce Dr. Banner to transform.

Natasha, who had received the news, hurriedly and anxiously passed the news to Fury. Then the two ran together to Banner’s lab. And inform Thor to come too.

Alan who sensed something through the ball frowned and shook his head. Now that you know Loki’s intentions, shouldn’t you not provoke Banner? How can there be a feeling of guilt in such a hurry? Didn’t trust Banner at all.

As soon as several people came in, Fury said to Tony, who was hacking into the S.H.I.E.L.D. system:

“Tony, what are you doing?” You should find a way to find the location of the Cosmic Cube! ”

“Yes, we’re doing it. The signal is locked and the mark of the gamma signal is being searched. When we find it, we’ll target it within half a mile and you’ll be able to get your cube. But now let’s talk about what is the Rubik’s Cube Phase II.”

Tony didn’t panic at all, said mockingly.

“The second stage is when S.H.I.E.L.D. uses magic to make weapons, and it is a weapon of mass destruction!”

At this time, Rogers came over with a gun that was oversold and threw it in front of Fury and continued:

“I thought the world had changed and it turned out I was wrong Fury”

Banner smiled at Natasha, who was staring at her as soon as she entered:

“Did you know that S.H.I.E.L.D. is using a Rubik’s cube as a weapon?”

“Do you want to leave this place?” Doctor, I’m afraid I can’t get into your wishes, Loki is using you.”

Natasha said unceremoniously, to Alan how this Natasha was so bold, wasn’t she afraid of Banner?

But then Allen immediately felt that the Spiritual Gem in the scepter on the experimental bench over there was emitting an energy, and it was this energy that aroused everyone’s emotions.

However, Alan did not say anything, and it is not appropriate to rush to change the plot now, and it is likely that the location of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube will not be known at that time.

And Alan wants to get the Scepter of Hearts, following the plot is the best choice, using the familiarity of the plot, Alan can easily find a loophole in the days to grab the Psychic Gem.

“What about your purpose?” I was in India at the time, and Loki could have foreseen that I would come? ”

Banner sneered.

Alan also stood up and whispered:

“I think Loki is using you, Natasha?” As soon as you come in, you are aggressive with Dr. Banner, are you trying to make Dr. Banner transform? ”

Natasha and Fury both winced. However, the two people who should have reacted under Alan’s reminder did not look sorry, but Natasha said to Alan:

“Of course you’re not afraid, you have your smart assistant, and you can run in an accident!”

Alan was also a little annoyed to see this, but then he didn’t bother to care, so he thought about it and sat down to watch the play.

Over there, Banner pointed to the computer Tony had cracked and asked Fury:

“I wonder why S.H.I.E.L.D. is using the Rubik’s Cube to create weapons of mass destruction?”

Fury saw that there was no way to hide except to point at Sol:

“Because of him!”

Thor looked confused: “Me? ”

Fury said to himself:

“Last year Earth welcomed an alien visitor, and some of his grievances led to the razing of a small town, and also attracted the arrival of alien armies, and fought with us, and we learned that there are other civilizations in the universe, and they are much more advanced and powerful than us!”

Thor heard this and said angrily:

“We have no ill will toward your planet, and we in Asgard have been guarding the Nine Star Domains, including Earth!”

Thor said angrily.

“You should not be the only ones in the universe, right?” And shouldn’t it all be yours? For example, the army that is coming this time. ”

Fury talks:

“There are a lot of people in this world who can’t find opponents, and they also control!”

It was said that after several people turned their eyes to the people here, they basically quarreled.

“So you want to control the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube?”

This is Rogers.

“It was because of your development of the Cosmic Cube that you attracted Lo and his allies. For other planets, this is Earth ready for advanced war! ”

This is Saul.

“Advanced warfare?” This is Rogers again.

“You forced us, we have to strengthen our self-protection ability” This is Fury.

“Like a nuclear deterrent?” This is Tony.

“Stark, how did you get started?” This is Fury again.

“If Stark is still making weapons, then I believe he has been buried in the condemnation of conscience,” Rogers mended.

“Wait, how come all of a sudden the spearhead is aimed at me again?” Stark was confused.

“I’m sorry, haven’t we been targeting you from the beginning?”

Rogers mended the knife again.

“I thought the people of the earth could be a little more civilized”

Thor sneered.

“I’m sorry, we didn’t go to your planet to make trouble!”

Fury counter-taunted.

“Didn’t come? Ask the red-eyed boy, the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed by him, I spent a lot of dark energy to help you, Asgardians will die using dark magic! ”

Thor thought of Heimdall, Odin was asleep, the only one who could use dark magic was Heimdall, and in order to send Thor down, Heimdall would be weak for a while and would cause some permanent damage.

“You people are so naïve, S.H.I.E.L.D. is just monitoring potential threats”

Natasha angrily brushes the sense of existence.

“It turns out that the captain of the United States is also a potential threat, and the captain’s ranking is before or after the poisonous spider?”

Banner chuckled.

Looking at a group of people who were mocking each other, Alan found through the ball that Hawkeye was sitting outside and firing an arrow at an engine of an aircraft carrier in the sky, and on the arrow was a small high-explosive bomb. But Alan did not sound a warning, which had nothing to do with him.

In any case, Alan felt that his explanations were superfluous, and when it happened, they knew how to face it.

“What kind of team are we?” No, no, we only create chaos when we get together, we are time bombs! ”

Banner was a little annoyed.

“I think you should calm down”

Fury’s careful persuasion is interrupted by Tony:

“Why shouldn’t men vent properly?”

“Are you afraid that the world will not be chaotic?” You’ll just hide in the armor and be a hero. What do you count without armor? ”

Rogers continued to target this Tony.

“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist”

Tony didn’t care.

“Oh, you always have a fallacy. Listen, you may not be a threat, but don’t think of yourself as a hero.”

Rogers kind of couldn’t say enough about Tony.


Tony was very upset with Rogers.

“Put on the armor and let’s go it alone”

Rogers couldn’t stand Stark’s look in contempt at him.

“Agent Normanov, please bring Dr. Banner to him…”

Before Fury could finish speaking, Banner interrupted:

“My prison? Didn’t you lend it to Loki? You tried to kill me, but you can’t, you should have tried it for me!” ”

Seeing that everyone turned to look at themselves, Banner sighed and said a little sadly:

“I was so frustrated because I couldn’t see the future, so I shot myself in the mouth. But Hulk spat out the bullet. So I barely survived, tried to help other people, and did a good job until you guys pulled me to this freak show.”

“Do you want to see my best play?”

Banner’s mood was a little tense at this point, and in the face of this threat, everyone immediately turned back, and cold sweat flowed from everyone’s foreheads, except Saul.

Thor didn’t know how powerful Hulk was, but seeing that Alan was already in a state of battle and looking at Banner with full guard, Thor finally knew that this Banner was not simple.

Suddenly, a sound came from the computer next to it tracking the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube. When Banner heard this, he knew that the Demon (King Li Zhao) Fang had tracked it down, calmed down, put down the Loki Scepter and ran over to see it, seeing the location of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube Banner cried out in surprise.

Alan knew that Banner was surprised at why the Rubik’s Cube was in Stark House.

Before Banner could say it, a wall of the house suddenly exploded. Blew several people to the side. Natasha was hit by a jar that flew over and crushed her foot.

Alan easily dodged it because he sensed it in advance, and pulled Tony aside without being affected.

“Grass, I’m going to wear the armor, Alan, you’re watching over here!”

“I’m going to change gear too!”

Tony and the captain got up and ran out, and Tony asked the captain to meet him in engine three and run to put on his armor.

Fury asks Natasha about her situation, learns that Hulk is there, and immediately speaks to Alan in the communicator:

“Alan, it’s just you in this situation, Hulk is down there, and Natasha is there!”

“Again, I’ll do my best!”

After Alan replied faintly, he jumped from the hole that had been smashed through, and as soon as he saw it, he saw that Banner was painfully suppressing the Hulk. Natasha next to her was trying to persuade Banner with a look of fear. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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