“Ms. Susan Stone, would you marry Mr. Alan Hammer and make him your husband, and you will not abandon him in spite of his life, old age, sickness, or poverty?”

The priest asked Susan again.

“Yes, I do!”

Susan said happily with tears in her eyes.

“I declare that you are officially a legal couple. Now you can kiss each other! ”

As soon as the priest finished speaking, Alan did not hesitate to hold Susan and kiss her.

After a long kiss, Alan and Susan are finally officially married. Alan felt the burden on his shoulders also heavy.

Johnny below was also excited, and immediately after the kiss, rushed up to give Alan and Susan a hug, and gave a long speech.

It’s just that in the eyes of Tony and others, this somewhat showy kid looks a bit like Rogers’ illegitimate son, because the two are really too similar.

Alan asked Susan and Pepper to help greet the other friends, while he led them upstairs to a large living room couch and sat down, at Tony’s prompting. Roddy was among them, but the black man brought by Rogers didn’t come.

“Tony, what are you looking for us to do?”

After seeing everyone sit down, Captain Rogers was the first to ask.

“Let’s not talk about this first, Rogers, when did you have a grandson?” Are they the Stoners your descendants? Doesn’t that mean Alan is going to call you Grandpa? ”

Tony did not say the right thing directly, but instead asked what everyone was interested in with a gossipy face, but in fact, Tony knew that Johnny could not be a descendant of Rogers, so the expression on his face seemed a little playful.

“No, that’s not my grandson, the looks of the two of us are just a coincidence!”

Captain Rogers’s face immediately went black and he quickly explained.

Sam looked at Rogers and said:

“I didn’t expect you to have a grandson, that kid seems to love the limelight!”

Rogers retorted weakly, “I said he wasn’t my grandson!” ”

“Why are you so sure?”

Roddy wondered. To know that if any woman who had been better than Rogers had left a seed for Rogers, it was entirely possible.

Tony laughed when he heard it:

“Don’t you know? Wow haha, laugh me to death, because Rogers is still a virgin, the last time I found out when I tested his body! ”

“What? Rogers or a virgin? “This is Roddy.

“What? Is it possible for virgins to check it out? “This is Sam.

Apparently the two men’s concerns were different, Roddy was surprised that Rogers was actually a virgin, while Sam magically wondered if the virgin could actually check it out?

“Of course, haha, it doesn’t look at whose technology, in fact, it needs to detect the various indicators of the body and then make accurate calculations, you can know whether it is a virgin!”

Tony smiled and leaned forward.


Rogers couldn’t stand the ridicule of several people anymore and Alan’s eyes, and looked at Tony after loudly interrupting a few people’s words:

“You came to me to say this?”

In the face of the same questioning eyes of Alan and the others, Tony looked square, and then slowly opened his mouth:

“Everyone, yes, after this New York War, I have always had the idea that the government is really unreliable, I want all of you to break away from your respective organizations, we come out and build an Avengers League alone, and everything is paid for by me and Alan!” 」

Tony looked serious, and the words he said made the American team, Natasha, Hawkeye, and Roddy frown a little, and Alan knew that Tony had this kind of mind for a long time, so he didn’t say anything, just watched silently.

Tony saw that the crowd was not speaking, and continued:

“After this New York War, I often called Jarvis in my dreams. Last time we won by chance, what about next time? We need unity, guys! ”

“And will the last time the government dropped a nuclear bomb happen again?” If the aliens are to suppress the territory, do we still have to fight with the government? ”

“In addition to Alan, I’ve launched satellites, we have our own eyes, equipment, situation, everything is ready, we can protect the world our way!”

Tony talked, and several people didn’t speak after listening.

After a while Rogers spoke:

“But after independence, with our combat strength, won’t we make the government suspicious?” And S.H.I.E.L.D. won’t allow it. At that time, if we have a conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D.D., it will definitely affect the entire United States and even the whole world! ”

Alan knew Rogers’ concerns, but Alan knew better that it wouldn’t be long before Rogers would kill S.H.I.E.L.D.

At that point, Rogers, who sees the flaws of these government agencies, will be determined to let the Avengers become independent.

Even later he would turn against Tony, who had changed his mindset.

Allen was already thinking about where he would stand when the Civil War began. But Alan knew he didn’t have much choice. Most likely will side with Stark’s side.

After all, after the Civil War, the US camp was an illegal organization and hidden. Alan already has his own home and has relatives to take care of.

Originally, this line problem Alan didn’t have to think about, after all, Alan had always been on Tony’s side.

Alan didn’t understand why Hawkeye, who also had a family, sided with Rogers during the Civil War.

Even if the government does not convict the Hawkeye family, it will keep a close eye on the Hawkeye family. In this way, Hawkeye basically can’t meet with his family.

“Nice, Tony. You have to know the consequences of our independence, S.H.I.E.L.D. is very powerful, we can protect ourselves, but it is difficult to protect our families! ”

Roddy agrees, and although Tony has been trying to persuade him, Roddy still feels that it is a little unreliable to go completely independent.

“Well, well, it seems that it is still too early, but sooner or later you will find that even S.H.I.E.L.D. must have darkness.” When the time comes, my Stark Mansion will be opened for you, and now that Banner is already on our side, S.H.I.E.L.D. must know, I hope you don’t come to us for trouble! ”

Tony also knew that it was almost impossible to become independent now, and he did not mean to force it, but only gave a few people preventive injections first, and showed that he was not someone who would care about the government.

“That’s it, everyone has come to congratulate me on getting married, this kind of thing will go with the flow in the future, I hope everyone has a good time!”

Alan said and got up and led a few people out.

After a full day of wedding parties, Alan and Susan are very tired, and after sending off their friends and family, Susan and Allen have a deep battle and sleep next to each other.

After all, they are all old husbands and wives.

(The first two chapters, followed by five chapters, I am working on the code!) )

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