“Okay, do you have that time?” Pepper is busy, and you’ve heard you’re in your lab every day! How to make it the same as I used to! ”

Alan said this, and the tone suddenly became serious:

“Tony, seriously, what the hell are you worried about, what are you afraid of?” The New York War, my ability to cope with the war is still not enough to reassure you? I also have a sense of crisis, and I’m always preparing, but not like you! ”

Alan immediately saw Tony’s current state, and now Tony was completely anxious, unable to sleep at all, and often had nightmares.

“Alas, I’m afraid that next time it won’t be a portal, and the army of people will press in, and there will be no hole for you to block!” Your success this time is purely because those Chitauri people underestimate us, you should know the gap between us and them, if it really gets to that point, what will happen to the earth? We need an army! ”

Tony said in a deep voice, and then seemed to take a deep breath and said:

“Forget it, don’t talk about this, I am looking for your help this time, have you seen today’s news?”

“Oh, look, Happi was injured, you reported your home address directly to the world, what do you think?”

In the face of Tony’s questioning, Alan and Susan looked at each other with some embarrassment, because neither of them had watched today’s news, but it was difficult to defeat Alan.

“It’s not about politics, it’s revenge, I’m going to kill you, it’s a contest between the two of us, and if you’re going to come to me, then my address is 10880 Malibu Street, 90265-!”

“I’m not going to close the door!”

Only to see Alan quickly communicate with the ball in his mind, through the ball, Alan immediately knew some of the things that happened today, and knew that Tony had spoken to the Mandarin, so he did not panic.

Hapi is Tony’s bodyguard and has been promoted by Tony to the head of security at Stark Industries.

After all, Tony doesn’t need bodyguards at all right now, and if something happens, Tony will be distracted to protect Hapi.

Because there was another explosion on the other side of the ** theater, and it was the handiwork of a full man, Happi was in the explosion and was now taken to the hospital and not out of danger of life.

So this angered Tony and made Tony speak harshly to the media.

“I reported my address on impulse today, and now I’m a little regretful, and I don’t want to go to the Nick Fury guy so he’ll look down on me, so isn’t this coming to you?” After all, I didn’t care, but it put Pepper in danger! ”

“So what do you want me to do?” Have you found out where the other person came from? ”

“No, but I found that the explosions caused by the other side are related to the soldiers, that is to say, the military has been infiltrated by them, it is possible that some soldiers are members of the other side, in the face of this situation, if the other side has some officers, maybe some of the military forces can be mobilized to deal with me, such as helicopter gunships or something!”

Tony’s words made Alan’s eyelids jump, this Tony also has the attributes of the crow’s mouth, and he really guessed correctly.

“So you want me to come over and help?”

“Of course! After all, if you have more ability to deal with these terrorists than the ability to summon support, I believe no one is more proficient than you, right? I still remember vividly how you wiped out those terrorists when you first came to Afghanistan to save me! ”

“I’ve said before that you should keep a low profile and you don’t!” There is no shortage of challengers in the world, even if you are strong, someone will come to you for trouble! ”

Alan skimmed his lips and said.

“If only you weren’t afraid, would you?” Who would dare to touch you now? ”

Tony was unconvinced.

“Don’t dare? It’s just that I’m low-key enough not to cause trouble, and you think that S.H.I.E.L.D. is not putting pressure on me? Now the World Security Council is still talking to me about the installation of quantum bombs on satellites! So I’m still trying to figure out how to increase my strength, even if there is no one on Earth, what about aliens? You’re just taking it for granted! ”

Alan lectured Tony.

“Don’t nag me, it’s really unsafe on my side right now, there are media helicopters everywhere, and Pepper is clamoring for me to move away with her, completely unaware that I’m here to protect her well!”

0········ Ask for flowers…

“By the way, I couldn’t sleep during this time, got a steel legion, and strengthened Jarvis so that he could operate a steel legion. Hurry up and send someone to support you! ”

Tony said with some disbelief.

“What do you want me to do when you have the Iron Legion?”

Alan asked puzzled.

“The Jarvis division of labor operation interface has not yet been done, my side of the new remote control wearing armor has just been researched, just lift the prototype, can not fight very well!”

“That is to say, you have been doing it for a year, and now the combat effectiveness has declined?” When can I not wipe your ass? I’m 26 years old now, and I don’t want to get into these troubles when I’m old! ”


Alan’s lazy tone made Tony across the street feel a little sore in his teeth.

“I’ll come right away!”

“That’s it, I love you, Susan, remember to wear the pajamas I bought him the next time I let Alan sleep!”

Tony was greatly relieved to hear this, and before hanging up, he also teased Alan by the way, making the corners of Alan’s mouth twitch, and he scolded:

“This guy is really mouth-crushing ah!”

“Oh, isn’t Tony like that?” But this time he seems to be really in danger, you go and take a look, after all, he is your real confidant friend! ”

Susan looked at Alan’s angry look and immediately laughed, he felt that Alan was more human than before, although he could not see it on the surface, but the indifference in his bones Susan knew very well.

“Well, I’ll go see this unconscious guy!” However, we are still ten minutes away from walking today, so let’s take a walk with you! ”

Alan said and continued to pull Susan to scatter.

Tony’s side, not long after talking to Alan, the doorbell rang.

“Please, Jarvis, no one should be able to get close to the house now, I just declared war on the terrorists, can you give me some strength?”

Tony looked at the surveillance and immediately complained to Jarvis. Outside the door was a woman doing it. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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