However, the Dark Elves’ goal was clear, and many fleets rushed directly to the Immortal Palace, although most of them were intercepted and shot down, but many of them still rushed into the Immortal Palace, and a team of Dark Elves came down from the spaceship and fought with the guards of Asgard.

Asgardian soldiers are good at close combat, and although the weapons are also energy weapons, they are some energy spears, energy shields and so on.

The Dark Elves were ranged attack guns, so the Asgardian guards fell down a lot before the short soldiers met, and it wasn’t until some of them rushed to the Dark Elves to start melee combat.

At this time, one of the Dark Elves’ warships, protected by a large fleet, rushed over and crashed directly into the Immortal Palace, and Malekis stepped out of the ship with a group of soldiers and directly found the Queen’s Bedchamber through induction.

At this time, Odin belatedly destroyed the dark elves who were guarding the palace, but he did not see the leader of the dark elves, Malakis, and immediately knew that it was not good.

In the queen’s bedchamber, Queen Frigga of Asgard was pinched by a strong, black smoke, red light flowing inside, skin like stone, and a cursed warrior with two horns pinching his neck, but Jane was missing!

“Damn witch! Where are the etheric particles! ”

Malakis yelled at the queen. 617

“Hmm, I’ll never tell you!”

Queen Frigga said hardly.

“I believe that!”

Malakis said politely suddenly, and then cursed the warrior to pick up the dagger of Queen Frigga and stabbed Queen Frigga to death.



At this time, Alan suddenly appeared in the room, still holding a terrified Jane Foster, the revolver in his hand suddenly exploded with great energy, a condensed bullet burst out like a line to shake the bullhorn warrior’s hand apart, and Queen Fregga immediately seized the opportunity to roll on the ground, letting the cursed warrior’s other hand stab the air.

“That said, I know that Odin also has a daughter, the exiled goddess of death, Hela, and that she is the daughter you and Odin share with?” If so, why didn’t you stop Odin from banishing her? ”

Looking at the Queen of Asgard for the first time, Fregard, Ellen turned his head and blurted out the problems that had plagued Allen in his past life as a Marvel mystery.

In the movie that Ellen watched in the past life, the queen queen Frigga never mentioned Hela, the goddess of death, is Hella born of Odin and his former wife? Is this Freja just a second wife?

But it is never mentioned in the movie, and depending on the degree of love between Odin and Friga, it is difficult to imagine that this is the second wife.

“What would you do if you knew your eldest daughter would kill your child?” Believe me, no mother or father in the world wants to exile their daughter! ”

Queen Frigga had already closed her eyes and was ready to die, and Odin wouldn’t have lived a few years anyway.

However, he suddenly hears Alan and discovers that he has been rescued by Alan.

However, Frigga was not happy, but looked dejected before saying.

“That’s the case, thank you for the explanation, then you should also know the purpose of my bringing Jane?”

Alan smiled, then grabbed the struggling Jane and slowly walked over to Malekith and said lightly:

“The etheric particle is inside her, go ahead!” (ajeb)


Before Malekith could speak, the Bull Demon King-like cursed warrior punched Alan straight at him.

“Instant kick!”


The afterimage of Alan’s leg directly collided with the cursed warrior, causing a strong momentum that stunned both Jane and Queen Frigga.

“Pain, sigh, I haven’t felt this kind of pain in a long time!” It seems that my physical strength is simply not comparable to yours! It is worthy of being transformed using a living gemstone! ”

Alan felt a crack in his lower leg bone, knew that he had been injured, and lamented that this cursed warrior was worthy of the existence that could knock Thor’s Thor hammer away with his fist, and his body was indeed very strong.

The cursed warrior over there was also shocked by the power of Alan’s ‘instant kick’, and took a slight step back, showing a little surprise in his expression.

Alan chuckled as the ball began to unleash radiation from Leger the Repairer to heal Alan’s injuries, while Alan watched as the Cursed Warrior and Malekith continued:

“That is, you won’t cooperate?”

When the cursed warrior saw this, he immediately attacked Alan again, but this time he was stopped by Malekith, who looked at Alan with interest and said:

“I don’t know what you want to do, but you’re right, it’s right to take out the ether particles first!”

Malakis said.

Is this Alan’s plan, which is for Malekith to take out the etheric particles and then seize them? Thor also uses this method in the movie.

However, Thor tried to destroy the ether particle with lightning after Malekith took it out, but this is a reality gem, how can it be destroyed, so he failed.

After Malekith finished speaking, he began to move, only to see him raise his hand slightly, Jane directly floated into the air, and then the red stream-like substance in Jane’s body kept seeping out of her body, forming a blood-red mist floating in the air.


At this time, Thor rushed in from outside, saw this, and directly threw the hammer of Thor in his hand at Malekis.


As a result, the cursed warrior next to Malekith directly punched the hammer back and crashed into Thor’s body, knocking Thor into the wall, grinning and falling to the ground, looking up at the cursed warrior with a shocked face.


Odin walked in with soldiers from the outside, and as soon as he came in and saw this, he took a beam of Odin’s scepter and knocked the cursed warrior out and crashed into the stone pillar, directly breaking the stone pillar. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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