“Dr. Shavig, are you okay?” Banner, Banner, you come to help, not as simple as we expected, you don’t look at the Kun fighter, come on! ”

The captain said eagerly.

“You need to hold on for another five minutes, I’m planting the instrument, and it will work right away, and then I’ll shield the Earth in this nine-star series to ensure that the enemy won’t have any more support!” But who will protect it, this bullet does not have eyes! ”

Shavig said breathlessly in the communicator.

“Here I go!”

Hawkeye said a word and then ran toward Dr. Shavig.

While the Avengers were fighting the Dark Elves, Sokovia’s underground lab seemed a little too quiet. “983”

“What an awkward atmosphere!”

Alan, Wanda, and Pietro stared at each other with wide eyes and small eyes, and Pietro suddenly said something that he couldn’t stand anymore.

“You also know the embarrassment, Pietro, what do you run when you meet me?” You think I’m an enemy? ”

The corners of Alan’s mouth twitched and asked with some doubt.

“Well, aren’t you here to destroy here?”

Pietro asked with a confused face.

“We? You don’t think I’ve teamed up with Loki to get here, do you? I was just about to kill him!” ”

Alan was also confused, what is this all about!

“No, I mean you Avengers! Didn’t you hear the fighting outside? And just now the laboratory also issued the highest alarm! ”

Pietro said unnaturally, and Wanda next to him also had a worried face.

“So you already know what this place is, right?” So do you regret it? Or do you want to leave? I can help you, and if I’m afraid they’ll get in trouble, I’ll just ruin it!” ”

Much had already been revealed in the looks of the two, and with what Alan knew about the two and here, he immediately guessed it.



To Allen’s surprise, Pietro and Wanda actually refused in unison when they heard Alan’s words, and there was a little panic in their looks.

“What the hell is going on?”

The performance of the two made Alan even more suspicious.

“Alan, do you know this is not a S.H.I.E.L.D. base but nine?”

Wanda suddenly looked seriously at Alan and said.

“Of course, I know, and I knew a year ago that they stole the scepter and put it here, knowing that this is Sokovia, I was involved in the construction of this place, leaving some monitoring equipment!”

Alan nodded.

“Turns out you already knew!” So do the other Avengers know that too? ”

Pietro also asked.

“They don’t know, I didn’t tell them, and if there is something I will explain to them!” So now you can tell me what’s going on, right? Why don’t you want to leave? Wouldn’t it be that Hydra was also added? That’s not a good organization! ”

Allen Road.

“We also stumbled upon this four months ago that this is not a research base for S.H.I.E.L.D., but Hydra’s, and we know that Hydra is lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., and has been able to control S.H.I.E.L.D. to a large extent!”

Pietro sighed and continued slowly:

“Wanda and I also hesitated after learning about it, and felt scared and worried, but at that time our experiment had already begun, and Wanda and I became the only ones who survived and gained ability!”

“Alan, we don’t want to be a killing tool in the hands of Hydra!”

“Since you’ve gained the ability and don’t want to play for Hydra, why don’t you choose to leave?” With the ability of both of you, it should be completely fine, right? ”

Alan was even more puzzled.

“Our experiment is not yet complete, and Wanda’s ability and that of Wanda are not stable enough! Wanda, in particular, has a huge untapped potential and is still in an unstable and incomplete state, Baron Straker and his researchers are trying to help us control our abilities and need this scepter! ”

Speaking of this, Pietro asked Alan to throw a praying look and said:

“So, Alan, can you please don’t take the Scepter away and destroy this place first, at least let them help stabilize Wanda’s abilities?”

“That’s the way it is!”

Alan suddenly turned his head to look at Wanda, who was looking down at the corner of his coat, and suddenly grinned, revealing a gentle smile and saying:

“Of course not!”

Allen’s sudden agreement made some solemn atmosphere instantly freeze, Wanda and Pietro both looked at Alan in surprise, and Wanda asked happily and incomprehensibly:

“You said yes? However, this is Hydra, as we said in the comics we watched as children, Captain America had a hard time eliminating the ultra-racist Hydra during World War II! ”

“And this scepter should be a treasure too, right?” Can the other Avengers say yes? ”

Pietro also has some concerns 0………

“Rest assured, I won’t tell them about it?” But this matter can’t be kept hidden, how long will it take for you? ”

Alan asked after giving the two a reassuring look. 4.2

“This… About a year, right? It’s not easy to say, this takes time to observe, Wanda’s strength is very strong now, but it often runs wild, and when Wanda’s power stabilizes and begins to become weaker, better controlled and no longer violent, it is almost the same, right? ”

Pietro said uncertainly.

“Okay, there’s still a year left, and this should be the limit they won’t find, because Nick Fury’s side has also begun to investigate the Hydra thing, and I have always had a figure inside S.H.I.E.L.D. a few years ago, which has long made Fury’s side suspicious!” It’s just that there are too many things going on right now, so Fury may not have freed up his hands yet! ”

Allen explains. _

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