“Damn, nothing can be seen, is Stephen losing?” Shall we rush over now? ”

Tony looked at the dark picture and said with an ugly face.

“Wait, the darkness doesn’t seem to have spread, it seems that Stephen’s side has played a role, and when the darkness spreads again, it means that he has failed!”

Banner shook his head and stared dead at the dark Hong Kong in the picture.

Alan was frowning, praying for Stephen’s success in his heart, because if Stephen failed, Alan felt that there was really no hope.

Even though Alan has made a qualitative leap from a year ago, Alan doesn’t see himself as Dormammu’s opponent.

After about ten minutes, the darkness of Hong Kong slowly dissipated, and when the situation in Hong Kong reappeared in the picture, Tony and Banner were surprised to find that Hong Kong was not even damaged at the beginning.

“Is this a success?”

Tony asked uncertainly.

“Yes, the Eye of Agomoto is the artifact that controls time, and it seems that Stephen has succeeded in giving birth to a new Supreme Mage!”

Alan breathed a sigh of relief and slowly revealed a smile.

“This mage really has a hand, and when the darkness spread in Hong Kong at the beginning, it frightened me!”

Banner was also very happy, and then Tony, Alan and Banner began to celebrate in the living room, and Tony even brought Helen Zhao to accompany the three of them to drink a few drinks.

Although Zhao Hailun was a little inexplicable, she did not know what these three people were excited about, but she did not refuse, but generously chatted with several people while drinking.

In the middle of the night, in a high-rise building of the New York Temple, Stephen floated quietly by the window in a red cloak, watching the night view of New York outside the window.

“Dr. Stephen, oh no, you should be called Supreme Mage now, or Doctor Strange, right?”

Alan suddenly appeared in the room, slowly folded his wings and said.

“Alan Hammer! I feel that you have the same power in your body as the Eye of Agomoto, but it is different to say the same! ”

Dr. Strange slowly turned his head and looked at Alan quietly.

After this incident, Doctor Strange’s strength has improved again, and his view of things has become more detached, which is completely different from the feeling given to Alan when they met during the day.

“Didn’t your Eye of Agomoto itself tell you the answer?” But you’ll know, because Koichi knows that I have a similar thing! ”

As soon as Alan’s mind moved, a red gem slowly floated out of Alan’s body and landed in Alan’s palm, and a spiritual force slowly emanated from the gem.

“It’s the same thing, but I don’t have full control of the Eye of Agomoto right now, and the temple is being restored, so what’s the matter with you coming to see me?”

Dr. Strange stared at the Reality Gem in Alan’s hand for half a day before nodding slowly.

“I just want to warn you that I owe Koichi a debt of affection to you, but I hope you don’t stand up and point fingers at my affairs, you know, your mystic guards the multiverse!” If you have trouble, you can contact me at any time! ”

Allen’s mind moved, and he melted the Reality Gem into his body, and then said lightly.

“Hmm, I don’t care about all those things you do, you go!”

Dr. Strange snorted coldly, then turned again to look out the window, ignoring Alan.

Alan didn’t say anything more when he saw this, and disappeared into the room with a direct “whimper”, and then quickly returned to his manor, and put his arm around Susan, who was already asleep.

This time the incident did not cause any waves at all under the handling of the mages, and people did not even know that this matter existed, which showed that the mage was still very secretive and had no intention of coming forward.

The days went back to normal, but five months later, a full year after the New York incident, Alan received another call, but this time the caller surprised Alan.

“Alan, I need your help, on the streets of XXXX, Washington!”


“Hurry, hurry up!”

“Beep Toot!”

Nick Fury’s intermittent voice came from the phone, as if someone was interfering with the signal over there, and soon the other end of the phone was completely cut off.

Fortunately, Fury said his location before the signal was cut off, which made Alan start to rush directly to Washington without thinking, and connected Tony’s communication.

“Alan? What’s the matter? Wouldn’t it be another bar for me? I’m busy, and you’ll get scolded by Pepper if you drink with me regularly! ”

Tony’s flirtatious voice came, apparently unaware of what was happening.

“Tony, just now Nick Fury asked me for help, the place is Washington XXXX, and you built the car you helped him build, right?” You use the satellite to see what’s going on, and his communications have been cut off! I’ll let the ball go right away! ”

Alan spoke quickly as he called up his own satellite viewing.

“What? Okay, Jarvis, you’ve heard Alan’s words too, hurry up and give me the picture, I’ll know what’s going on! ”

Tony was shocked to hear this, and then said quickly and quickly.

“Sir, the picture has been tuned out, and it has been determined that this Chevrolet car that is being besieged by the New York police was built by Mr. Nick Fury, and judging by the data I stored, in the other party’s adequate preparation, this car will not last more than 1 minute, but there is still a weapon storage inside!”

In the picture, four police cars are besieging a Chevrolet SUV, which is bulletproof, but the other party uses a special bulletproof heavy hammer device to knock on the window glass of Chevrolet.

“The weapon is only a heavy machine gun, he simply can’t solve the enemy, give me access to his network, I want to know the specific situation of the vehicle, and then figure out a way to see if I can restore vehicle communication!” 」

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