“What kind of monster is this?”

Captain America raised his shield to block the bone spurs ejected by a mutant on the other side, who had the ability to manipulate bone growth, which was quite difficult to deal with.

Just like the armored giant in “Attack on Titan”, the skeleton mutant in front of him directly covers the surface of his body with bones, and his physical strength is amazing.

Rogers threw out the shield in his hand, hit the opponent’s knee accurately, causing the bone to break, and then directly raised his leg to knock the opponent down.

Unfortunately, the opponent’s bone spurs continue to grow from the arm, making it difficult for the captain to carry out effective attacks in close quarters and constantly distance himself from the opponent.

As long as the time can be delayed until the satellite positioning is successful, the launch of fire will wipe out the two million people on the ground.

In desperation, Rogers had to take out a frozen grenade to calculate the time of the explosion and then throw it at the other side.


A blast sounded, accompanied by a chill that spread, directly freezing the skeleton mutant into a sculpture.


Captain America raised his shield and jumped up and smashed with all his strength, directly causing the opponent’s head to fall to the ground, feeling tired but still holding on to replace the electronic chip.

“The C boat is replaced, Tony, what’s the situation on your side?”

Tony Stark also solved Charlie, a troublesome guy, but he did not expect that the biochemical virus in the other party’s body actually clashed with ordinary medical serum.

Just when he made a mistake in his own operation, he launched it, and watched Charlie’s meridian burst and die.

Underground base, in a secret room.

Hill has accurately halted Project Insight, targeting the satellites on three Sky Motherships.

“Rogers, Tony and Allen hurried out of that place, and the missile was about to be launched.”

World Security Center building, top floor conference room.

Pierce watched the plan that had been planned for many years fail, like a crazy mentally ill man, planning to hold the representatives of many countries hostage and die.


A sound of glass breaking sounded, and Alan glided directly through the air to choose to break the window, kneeling on the ground and gliding directly to jump up and control Pierce.

“When you’re old, you think about destroying the world all day, save you!”

Black Widow tears off her disguise, and the backhand and the female mutant Kelly fight together, the other party can not only come beyond ordinary people, but also has average melee fighting ability.

Despite this, the other party’s nails are extended and contracted, and they can be fired as a dark weapon, which still makes Natasha suffer a lot.


Several fingernails turned into streamers, directly tearing a hole in the black widow’s leg, pulling out a pistol and trying to fight back, but was nimbly dodged by the other party.


At the critical moment, Alan fires both frozen and explosive bullets, hitting Kelly’s legs with precision, causing her to lose her ability to move quickly.

“Your companions are dead, are you sure you want to continue to struggle?”

Director Fury also arrived at this time, and was stunned that he and Pierce lifted the security confidentiality agreement and successfully stopped the operation of the space satellite.

“You know what? I’m willing to take any bullet for you before… But now you’re letting me down. ”

After successfully seizing the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury ordered Pierce to be imprisoned and sentenced to death at a later date.

As a high-ranking person of Hydra, he was already a threat to world peace, not to mention that this time he almost killed two million people in an instant.

This attack requires an account for the people of the world.

Tony and Falcon, the captain arrived one after the other, relieved to see that the situation was under control.

“It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. is really unreliable, and it can still be pulled down from power on its own turf, so I think it is better to leave it as soon as possible.”

Hearing Tony’s ridicule, Fury said that this time the situation would never happen again, otherwise he would be too embarrassed as a director.

Only Alan really knew that Hydra’s real core team hadn’t been destroyed yet, and it seemed too early to be happy.

Fury saw the female mutants who had been knocked down, felt that the biochemical virus in the other party’s body was of great research value, and planned to let the researchers start to study.

Only a few months after mutating so powerful, this technology, if unearthed, is undoubtedly another existence comparable to Captain America.

Then everyone celebrated in the evening at a nearby hotel, after which Alan returned home and hugged Susan and kissed her passionately.

“It’s really dangerous, if I didn’t know what you do, I would have dissuaded you from resigning as a member of the Avengers.”

Feeling Susan’s concern, Alan chuckled, “Just because of my relationship with Tony, it’s not a matter of minutes to want to quit, but the world needs me.” ”

Susan then proposed that her younger brother Johnny wanted to set up a space company, and it was heard that a solar storm would soon strike, and the large amount of radiation light carried by him would become a new research hotspot.

When Alan heard this, he didn’t have any ideas, but lamented that the plot of “Fantastic Four” was still inevitable.

“Then let it go, there is no need to worry about the financial aspect.”

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