By the time he came to the feast party, Alan had already released five or six different types of combat robots, hovering in the nearby air waiting for orders.

Sensing that the Iron Legion controlled by Ultron was rushing towards here, he looked like a bad person, and he directly let his mechanical troops intercept and kill.

As the mechanic’s skills continue to improve, today’s mechanical troops are not inferior to Tony’s steel army, and even rely on self-detonation and the other side to die, often can have a partial advantage.

“Is it my delusion?” It was as if I had heard an explosion outside. “Captain America’s facial features are different from ordinary people, and he is the first to perceive that something is wrong outside.”

“Maybe someone is setting off fireworks, right?” The captain is still as sensitive as ever. ”

Natasha sat on the couch and was dressed up today, and her makeup under the heavy makeup was very charming.

Then it was Thor’s turn to prove with his hammer that only the chosen man could lift it, causing a wave of dissatisfaction from the crowd and clamoring for a challenge.

In the end, neither Banner, Thor, Roddy nor Hawkeye could lift it, but instead the American team Rogers shook the hammer a few times.

This scene made Thor, the god of thunder, secretly shocked, did not expect Captain America to have such amazing potential.

“Let me try…”

Alan came over and grabbed Thor’s hammer, trying to lift it up, but he actually picked it up, and it looked very light.

Thor, the god of thunder, was already stunned and couldn’t understand how a mortal could make Thor’s Hammer recognize him.

“I see… You guy has a reality gem in his body, and it is open and hung so it does not count. ”

Thinking about it, Thor felt that only this statement could be convincing, otherwise it would not make sense at all.

Isn’t it precisely because the forehead is inlaid with a spiritual gem that the illusion in the original book can easily lift Thor’s hammer?

“As it is, the Gem of Reality is in your body, and I don’t know if killing you will make it appear?”

Everyone was talking, and suddenly the figure of Dr. Destruction did not know when it appeared on the sofa, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth under the mask.

At this time, the Fantastic Four have played one after another, and see Dr. Doom appear to pose as a fighter, blocking all the other side’s retreats.

“My dear one it just so happens that you are also there, and I detected this guy appearing and my horse came.”

The invisible woman Susan appears and faces the appearance of Dr. Doom with Thunderbolt Fire, Mr. Marvel.

The last time this guy waited for an opportunity to escape, this time he said that he would let the other party be imprisoned for life, so as not to bring great disasters to the human world.

This time the Doctor of Doom appeared, mainly for the Infinity Gems, and now it seems that it is extremely difficult to snatch that one from Alan.

So they rushed out to prepare to hit the Avengers hard first.

A circle of sparks appeared in the void, and Dr. Strange stepped out of it, looking solemn, “What the hell is this guy, it took him a month to sneak into the Holy Land Library to master the magic, and the talent is actually not under me.” ”

Tony and the others were shocked, and the threat to Dr. Destruction rose to a higher level.

Matchless powerful superpowers plus magic, in order to enhance their own strength Victor is really at the extreme.

“Just all three gems are here, so let’s see if you have the ability to keep this treasure.”

0········ Ask for flowers…

Saying that Dr. Destruction frees up the mirror space, intending to trap everyone present in it, Doctor Strange and the Fantastic Four directly enter it and start to fight each other.

On the other side, Tony and the Captain and the others begin to pursue Ultron, who took Loki’s Scepter, leaving Alan and Natasha to deal with the Iron Legion on the field.

Allen ducked into the bunker, throwing his guns at the steel soldiers on the field with his hands spinning, and continued to fire at high speed.

“Huh… The virus that was planted before can come in handy. ”


Pulling out the smart machine and operating on the screen for a while, the virus system in the program in Ultron was suddenly activated, causing the mechanical overload of his possession to crash.

“Damn humans, they actually moved their hands and feet inside my body.”

The steel soldiers on the field began to die, directly smashed by Natasha and Allen, and even Ultron was affected while he was on the run.

For Ultron, it takes a few seconds to know what’s going on in the virus, but that’s enough for Thor and Tony to catch up.

“Roll me down!”

Thor, the god of thunder, held his hammer aloft, his eyes flashing with electric light, and summoned a powerful current to hit the steel armor possessed by Ultron directly.

“I can’t imagine that you have actually failed to live up to my expectations of you, so I will end the curse I bought with my own hands.”

Ultron’s face was not afraid, anyway, he had already created a large number of steel soldiers, as long as one of them existed, he would never die.

“Wait and see, the so-called peace can only be achieved by exterminating mankind, and I will prove myself right with my actions!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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