After arranging important matters, a few days later, Ross decided to leave for the Pentagon.

By this time, Samuel Stern and his bizarre biological specimens had moved to the old laboratory site on East 97th Street.

Although this gentleman is usually not active enough about the work assigned to the laboratory, he immediately becomes quick when it comes to the areas he cares about. On the day Ross persuaded him, Samuel prepared for the handover, and then organized his right-hand men to cooperate with the formation of the new company, and on the third day, all the procedures were basically completed, and Samuel’s work location was transferred to the old laboratory on East 97th Street, accompanied by a group of less reliable employees.

Ross didn’t care what the background of these employees was or what their plans were, but he took the opportunity to pack these inquiring guys with unclean hands and replaced research equipment and send them to a new company, where they would be in the company of annoying non-mainstream biologists in the future.

Maybe the guys could get a little benefit from the Hulk’s cell research, but more likely they were caught up in a surprise attack.

Whatever happens to them, Ross is happy to see it.

For this reason, he really invested in several large insurance policies.

On the other hand, there have been unexpected developments in the secret trade in Central Asia.

In order to defend against the threat of external forces, Omar drew up an ambitious development plan, which had nothing to do with industrial and agricultural industries, but was purely an armament program. Although the previous military speculation failed miserably, after the warlord’s self-reflection, his warlike nature prevailed, and he believed that the defeat was due to the lack of decisive military strikes and too hasty preparations for war, so in order to reverse the situation and regain the aura of the conqueror, he added a new order to the previous order, hoping to get more resources from his secret supporters.

Of course, there is no unprovoked support, and Mr. Omar must secure enough money to sustain the deal, so he once again turns his attention to his fearful neighbors.

So this brought new business to the lab…

Omar’s malicious snooping is a very bad thing for those in power in neighboring countries, especially when the madman has a very lethal | rod in his hands, and the threat of this snooping is greatly increased.

In order to keep the elite troops and enhance their combat capabilities, in addition to purchasing a large number of arms, Central Asian countries have also paid some attention to the products of cutting-edge laboratories recently respected by many military experts, and they have submitted a request to Pepper through the sales department of the Pentagon liaison laboratory, hoping to purchase a total of 30,000 military spider silk body armor and 54,000 Phoenix agents.

Undoubtedly, this is exciting news, and apart from the shady underground trading, the lab has received such a large number of international orders. To this end, Pepper began to expand production, she bought three poorly run clothing companies in one go, transformed the original production department into a new workshop specializing in the production of spider silk fabrics, and recruited some well-known clothing designers to design a variety of styles of body armor in order to completely distinguish it from the old body armor of the past.

It wasn’t something that would end quickly, especially when workers and unions were involved in the acquisition, and it would require extra caution to avoid unnecessary trouble, but fortunately Pepper had considerable experience and knew how to deal with it, so Ross no longer needed to be distracted.

That morning, he took Watchmen’s bodyguards and set off in four bulletproof cars toward Washington, D.C.

On the way, he summoned Bobby the Iceman and Steel Piet to his extended car to talk.

Now these two young people have lost their youthful temperament, no longer being constrained by professors on campus as before, and it seems that they will never grow up. They have legal status, lead a team of bodyguards, receive a good salary every week, can be at their disposal, and for two months have looked like a social elite.

Of course, judging from their dress, there are more or less imitations of Ross’s shadow, after all, they are similar in age, and Ross has become a admired big man, and these young people are very envious in their hearts.

Along the way, Ross and Bobby chatted about the daily situation of the Watchmen Company. Since the last conflict in the laboratory, there have been many skirmishes between mutants and retired soldiers in this time, and since Ross established a resolution model for them before, the subsequent conflicts have basically followed the previous model.

It has to be said that many times struggle is the best way for men to deepen their understanding, when one group of people and another group of people beat to their heart’s content, fists and training bullets can vent emotions, scars and sweat help bridge the distance between the two sides who do not give in to each other, the few guys who can’t accept it have left the watchmen with compensation, and the rest are basically not so strongly hostile, as Ross asked, they can at least respect each other.

For Ross, that’s enough, and he has a way to take all these guys down.

The internal contradictions were solved, and then there were some external problems.

After the news that Watchmen hired some mutants, it attracted some anti-mutant doubts. If it weren’t for the cutting-edge technology lab behind the watchmen, which has always had a very good reputation, someone might have organized a demonstration in front of the door to prevent mutant employees from joining.

Still, sporadic spots can also see some guys carrying signs near the Watchmen Company premises.

Of course, it is limited to holding up signs and shouting slogans to attract some media attention.

This year, the anti-mutant movement has fallen into an unprecedented low, Stryker died, Watsons collapsed, even Senator Kelly, who resolutely promoted the mutant registration law, was replaced by the witch of the brotherhood, the most stubborn castles were captured one after another, and the extreme speed of Magneto and Ross incarnations is still showing off their power, and now no big man is willing to take the initiative and burn his life to promote the great anti-mutant cause to flourish.

But don’t be complacent about it.

Soon passing through Washington, D.C., Ross gave some reminders to the two of them in advance in the car.

“If you encounter a nasty guy, try to leave it to the retired soldiers led by Emile to deal with, and if you encounter a last resort, don’t do it alone, be sure to pull ordinary people, I can solve it in the media, but it is best to have a reason to shirk responsibility.”

“We got it, boss.” Pete and Bobby nodded earnestly.

And then they had some doubts.

“Is there anyone else going to attack us now?”

This trip was different from the last attack, Ross not only brought superpowers, but also more than a dozen rough and strong retired soldiers, |including even former naval colonel officers such as Emil Bronnsky, no one should want to find this kind of trouble at any level.

However, Ross does not like the role of passive defense, and many times he is more accustomed to taking the initiative, so it is necessary to tell Bobby and the two of them some common sense in advance to avoid that they do not know how to deal with it in the event of an accident.

Hearing his reminder, the two young men nodded and agreed very seriously.

Ross’s dual identity plays a big role here.

In the eyes of ordinary citizens, everyone regards him as the elite of normal society, and when facing mutants, many mutants firmly believe that he is their compatriot, so that he will not be rejected by mainstream society, and it is convenient to win over mutants like Burning Man Iceman, which creates a lot of convenient conditions for the development of Ross.

In fact, in a way, Ross is now almost a mutant.

The extreme series equipment developed by him is an extremely special biological symbiont, the main material is composed of carefully cultivated mutant human cell tissue, which is a kind of organic material, between living and non-living things, which can be used as an external combat suit to provide abilities that it does not have, and at the same time has a subtle and far-reaching impact on the wearer’s body, promoting the gradual fusion of ordinary human cells and mutant human cells carrying X genes in the equipment.

When Ross moves at high speed, the cell membrane molecules wrapped in the surface of the equipment spread, the cell membrane itself will flow like a liquid | body, and the two cells will melt like two drops of water | into a | | body, and at the same time, the high temperature and high pressure generated by the air resistance encountered by the | in vitro further promote the agglutination of human cells, and everyone squeezes together like a subway to fight external pressure.

Although there are various rejections in human organ transplantation, cells do not reject dissidents as much as the body. Long before Ross, scientists had tried all sorts of whimsical combinations. In the seventies and eighties of the last century, soybeans and barley, man and mosquito, chicken and yeast, hamster and tobacco, plant and amoeba, man and carrot… These cross-species combinations have been tried, but they are not as lucky as Ross to find a way to fuse mutant human cells and ordinary human cells.

So far, this change is safe, and Ross does not intend to interrupt this evolution, even if this path does not work, he has Jimmy’s cell specimen in his hand, ready to extract the inhibition serum and stop the damage caused by the mutation to his body.

To this end, Ross is stepping up research, he has set up a secret research room to serve himself |, artificial intelligence Pallas devotes a large part of computing resources to assist in deduction.

“BOSS, what are we going to do at the Pentagon?”

Approaching the Kennedy Memorial Highway in Maryland, Bobby asked curiously, his first encounter with a symbol of American military power, and his mind was full of all kinds of imagination.

“Participating in the technical seminar of the Ministry of Defense, the Army has encountered some difficulties, and I hope to get our help, the laboratory can get research funds, and maybe we can also give you some defense contracts.” Ross explained casually.

Then he unexpectedly saw the two young men on the opposite side with dazed expressions.

“Didn’t John tell you the scope of the mission before he left?” Ross raised an eyebrow.

“John said that our main task is to provide security for the boss’s girlfriends.” Pete didn’t have time to stop it, and Bobby’s answer rushed out.

“…… This bastard. ”

Rose’s face twitched, and he began to mentally plan how to clean up the unobtrusive brat.

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