Hearing the shouts of his subordinates, the bandit turned and walked into the compartment.

“Mine is so good.” As soon as he saw the two people in the room, he suddenly exclaimed. “Is this God’s reward for me, that old bastard actually gave us a billionaire?”

“That’s right, this is Ross Byrne of the cutting-edge laboratory, I saw him on TV, and that woman is his lover and executive.” The attendant next to him also shouted excitedly, and for a while the interval was filled with a beastly howl.

Looking at the delighted robbers, Pepper glanced at Ross, she was not worried about accidents, but the presumptuous eyes of these guys made her very disgusted.

As for the lover or something, it was undoubtedly the groundless speculation of the third-rate tabloids, and she subconsciously ignored the past.

Ross’s face remained unchanged, and his hand reached over and gently touched the back of his female companion’s hand.

“Monopoly, get me up and go back with us for an African meal—- of course, our meal money is not cheap, the more dollars, the better.” Several thugs were still immersed in ecstasy, holding guns and laughing happily, as if they saw a windfall at their fingertips.

“I don’t want to deal with you, if you are smart, quickly take the money and leave, don’t let me see you again.” Ross said lightly, while making a gesture of sending off guests.

“You don’t want to deal with us?” The bandits were furious and pointed the muzzles of black holes at Ross’s head.

Facing six or seven pistols, Ross slowly sat up straight.

“Give you five seconds to disappear from me immediately.”

He whispered, a sharp golden light flashing in his eyes.

The robbers couldn’t see this golden light, and they were about to give Ross some color, when suddenly an indescribable sense of crisis surged in their hearts, and in an instant, their sweaty hair stiffened.

As soon as Ross’s voice landed, the temperature of the entire compartment immediately returned to winter, and fear was like a cold hand quietly strangled their throats, making them like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, unable to even stand steadily, almost suffocating.

A second later, the invisible force broke the will of the thugs, and the look in the bandit’s eyes darkened, and he stumbled out of the compartment with his subordinates like a walking corpse.

It wasn’t until they returned to the corridor that their consciousness gradually came to their senses, when they were surrounded by timid guests and | maids, and no one could cause them harm.

Looking at each other in confusion, the robbers felt as if they had forgotten something, and the bandit leader subconsciously roared low, ordering his subordinates to evacuate this ghost place as soon as possible.

“This is also your ability?” After the thugs withdrew, Pepper asked curiously.

“So to speak.” Ross was noncommittal.

In his spiritual world, the golden gemstone was disillusioned with intricate patterns from time to time, and seemed to contain endless mysteries.

Disturbed by the atmosphere, the two did not plan to stay long, and just as they were about to leave, an unexpected guest arrived.

“Boom —-”

A huge noise fell from the air, and the robbers who were about to rush to the door were stopped by a red and yellow figure, and then these powerful gun-wielding thugs were easily knocked down by the other party, and they were thrown one by one, smashing many tables, chairs and cutlery by the way.

“I heard this restaurant is good, but your | is too enthusiastic, and stockings on your head are also a ninja specialty, I usually prefer them to fit snugly on the legs of the big | of beautiful girls.”

A familiar tone sounded outside, and Pepper couldn’t help but stand up.

“Tony?” She whispered, her eyes looking at Rose.

Ross returned the favor with a warm smile and walked out of the compartment generously around her waist.

At this time, Iron Man was proudly receiving the cheers of the rescued outside.

“This is Iron Man, I heard of him before I came to America.” A foreign tourist exclaimed.

“I like that he has a mask with a nose and looks as handsome as a statue of David.” This is a passionate female fan.

“He’s not going to fight some supercriminal, shall we get out of here?” This person’s personality must be very cautious.

Among the voices, thanks prevailed, and it was not until Pepper and Ross came out that the atmosphere changed.

“Oh my God, Tony?” Seeing her former employer, Pepper couldn’t help but cover her mouth | exclaimed. “How could he be so fat?”

Tony in the crowd seemed to hear her voice, and looked in the direction of the compartment through the heads of hundreds of people, just in time to see Ross holding Pepper’s waist and standing to the side.

This was the first time they had met in more than a month.

Stark today is indeed very different from before.

Since he was stung to the waist by the genetically modified spider thrown by Ross outside the laboratory, a large bag has grown behind his body, although it is not as deadly as the palladium reactor in front of the moon |, but this bag has brought great inconvenience to his movements, not to mention fitness exercises, even the steel armor must be redesigned to wear it.

Since the size of this bag is at least the size of a fist, it is obviously beyond the normal range, and there is no sign of subsidence, although Tony feels that there is nothing unusual about himself, and Jarvis can’t check what the problem is, the invited medical and insect experts can only advise him to treat it conservatively when they can’t find a solution—- everyone has scruples and dare not dispose of it rashly, this bag stays behind the waist day by day, making Tony’s consistent | hips become extremely rounded.

If that’s all, it’s not a problem, and compared to the threat of palladium, a harmless bag can be ignored for the time being. But during the days of the doctor’s consultation, Tony has been lying down, Christine takes the opportunity to take charge of the contact with the outside world on his behalf, and Harpy and Roddy, who are misunderstood by her, are embarrassed to come to the door. Idle and bored, Tony, who gave up on himself, could only rely on games to pass the time, while lying on Chuang and eating a lot of high-calorie junk food, until the medical conclusion was drawn, he found that his weight suddenly increased a lot in just over a month.

As a result, the current Mr. Stark looks plump and |, his body is plump and |full, and even the steel armor is more than one circle larger than before, which is quite similar to the bronze statue of the historical figure of medieval France with fat as beauty.

All in all, he became a fat Iron Man, so bloated that he could hardly believe his former life secretary.

“Pepper?” Seeing the former secretary, Tony’s expression was quite surprised.

“Tony, you are…” Pepper pointed to his body, really not knowing what to say.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m just too laid-back, Christine is so capable, I can retire.” Fanning his palm, Stark pretended to be relaxed.

Hearing him mention the name of the woman he hated the most, Pepper shook his head and suddenly lost interest in speaking.

Only then did Tony turn his gaze to Ross next to her, as if he hadn’t noticed him until now.

“Who is this smiling boy next to you—- oh, I remember, the famous Ross Byrne, Mr. Byrne, have you graduated from high school?”

Tony scratched his mustache and seemed to be concerned about sarcasm.

Pepper was a little displeased, of course she knew that Rose’s age did seem a little tender compared to herself.

But Ross didn’t have any dissatisfaction, he laughed and made a cold noise with the other party.

“Mr. Stark is still the same, I remember the exciting debate we had in the concert hall, it seemed that our vision was becoming a reality, and I always miss that day.”

His words sounded nostalgic, but that day was a scar for Tony, because it was the day that Pepper left him.

“There are many words to describe me, nostalgia is no longer among them.” Tony replied expressionlessly. “I don’t miss it at all.”

“I mean I miss it, didn’t say you would too.” Ross returned with a bright smile.

This smile seemed really abhorrent to Stark.

The two exchanged words in public, listening to the onlookers’ eyebrows, and some guests and kimono | waiters quietly took out their cameras to take photos, or simply uploaded them to social networking sites with their mobile phones.

Seeing this, Tony snorted, closed his armor and stopped talking, and clumsily rose into the air like a fat duck and left.

“He’s not going to have an accident, is he?” Pepper instinctively felt that his former employer was in a bad mood.

Weight loss is a precursor to many illnesses, and although it is ironic, she doesn’t want Tony to be plagued by bad luck.

“Don’t worry, if he needs it, the laboratory can provide him with medical support, we are best at this.”

Ross comforted her on the lips, but her heart blossomed.


Flying in the air, looking down at the vast land, Tony’s mood gradually calmed down.

“Jarvis, did you notice the look in Pepper’s eyes?” He complained to the AI butler.

“It’s heartbreaking to see an ex-girlfriend and an ex-boyfriend reuniting after a long absence, but there’s a little bastard standing in the middle.”

“Sir, ridicule is not the right way to save feelings.” Jarvis gently persuaded the master.

“Ridicule… Did I laugh? Hell, was my excess sense of humor forgotten in another suit of armor? Tony asked, rolling his eyelids.

Losing Pepper, he realized that he had lost a lot.

Although he praised Christine in front of Pepper, he couldn’t trust the ambitious woman at all.

It’s just that there is no way to acquiesce to the status quo at present, if luck is good enough, when he finds a cure—- or luck is bad enough to confirm that he has no cure—- then he will naturally find a way to let the current female assistant obediently take the money and leave.

“Ah, it’s been a really bad year, and my mood has become as melancholy as a cloudy day.” He sighed deeply in the armor in the tone of an aria sonnet.

“Sir, the seventh consultation will begin at two o’clock this afternoon, and you still have half an hour to return.” Jarvis interrupted his sadness.

“Well, let me see how well these guys have studied my ass |, I hope my money is not spent in vain, otherwise I will soon be unable to wear this suit of armor in a few days.” Tony pouted, suddenly turned around in mid-air and flew towards the beach.

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