“Yes, I think so too. Of course, Marco’s physical data also surprised me greatly. The Doctor under the mask replied with a hoarse voice.

Dr. Connors does not know what glorious deeds he has in another time and space, and at this moment he is not the lizard doctor who is cornered, enemies of Spider-Man, and bent on turning all eight million New Yorkers into monsters, he is just a disabled scholar who is too fanatical about cross-species inheritance, and Ross’s intervention has changed his tragic fate. Although he already had some premonitions when he came this time, he saw with his own eyes the madness and chaos created downstairs, as well as the thick bloody qi that came from his nose, all of which still made his stomach pouch churn for a while.

Kurt, these people are villains, scientific research must have someone to sacrifice—- Connors desperately cheered up, while analyzing the data, while trying to convince himself in his heart, in a panic he didn’t even know what he and Ross talked about, his brain seemed to be out of control involuntarily cranky, suddenly he recalled the past ten years of life… Those days of falling from the clouds to hell, carrying the shame of stealing life, the biting cold of the ghost bred by the broken arm in the rainy weather, and the soreness in his body, they all constantly remind him: Connors, no matter what the cost, one day, you will regain your honor!

Thinking about the hardships of the past, Connors’s mood gradually calmed down, he took a deep breath, and sank down to discuss with Ross.

“…… Check out this video. He pointed to a clip on the screen where the red tank crashed into the table in the early stages of the war. According to my observations, the mass of the table is about 40 pounds, it stands still, the horse can rush over at a speed of 50 feet per second, and the force generated in that instant is as high as 3500 to 3600 Newtons, about 800 pounds, this data is really unbelievable, to know that the vertical force of the average human forearm bone will not exceed six hundred pounds, large. The force on the leg femur could not reach nine hundred pounds, and Marco only this time he could withstand the force that could fracture ordinary people, but did not suffer any damage himself, which is really worth studying. ”

“That’s right,” Ross nodded quietly as he looked down quietly. “Mutants are a valuable treasure trove, but they don’t know how to open it, now the key is in our hands, and what we have to do is lay the foundation in advance and wait for the upcoming period of great development.”

Ross looked in the direction where the witch left, as if he saw the scene of the future mutant civil war opening again, Xavier Academy, the Magneto Brotherhood, and the sinister Stryker and others like a poisonous snake… These long-grudged forces are entangled. Tangled together, how destructive it will be, but this time Ross will never let the opportunity slip away.

When no one was discussing the research topic next to the two of them, the downstairs had fallen into the final madness as the Red Tank was knocked down by the spirit attack.

“Grab him, catch him!” The white man shouted hoarsely, his companion was a superpower who was good at mind control, a secret that few people knew, in the past, they were tools used by Jin to control his subordinates to fight against dissidents, and rarely participated in this level of fighting, and today they were forced to take a risk in a desperate situation, and achieved miraculous results, even the invincible red tank was confused.

If you can arrest this guy who was named above to be arrested, you will definitely receive an extremely rich reward.

The white man thought and thought, and finally greedy. Greed overwhelmed reason, and he decided not to run away first, staying and taking the risk.

Under his command, the gang members who had not yet escaped pounced on the red tank, held him hand and foot together, sat on his back, and crushed him. He couldn’t turn over underneath, and at the same time looked around for iron cables and ropes, trying to take the opportunity to tie him up.

People press people as if the ground is flat to form a hill, seeing that the target is controlled, a little relaxation below but struggling again, human body mountain. The mound gradually rose, frightening the whites and the leaders of the various gangs to kick and beat and send more manpower. Dozens of people stepped on the red tank below, and everyone pressed him with all their strength, raising again and again, suppressing again and again, and this process was repeated more than ten times, so tired that their hands and feet were soft and sweaty.

Fortunately, losing power, the red tank was finally restrained to death, and the resistance became less and less, and only then did the bosses breathe a sigh of relief.

“There are still people upstairs, and they are in the same group as the Red Tank.” Finally, someone remembered this, but when they looked up, it had become empty.

Ross came down there at some point, just putting a helmet on the red tank.

This helmet was modified by him using the helmet obtained from Magneto, which can effectively isolate spiritual power, and even a mind controller like Professor X cannot break through its defenses.

In Ross’s mind, the original helmet came from another mutant, Sebastian Shaw, a former Nazi officer who studied the young Magneto’s magnetic control during the Jewish concentration camps, conducted a brutal study of him, and killed his mother.

After the Great War, Sebastian Shaw, who successfully transformed into a powerful mutant, escaped the Allies’ pursuit and entered. Entered the Hellfire Club, tried to use the Cuban Missile Crisis to provoke a world war, but was unlucky, was thwarted by the young Professor X and Magneto and others, after Magneto killed Xiao, he got the prototype of the helmet made of meteorite material by the Soviets, and then continued to transform on this basis, adding magnetizable metal to facilitate his control.

In the Liberty Island incident, Ross got the helmet, studied it carefully, successfully copied its resistance to psychic attacks, and the useless metal components that could be used by Magneto were removed, and finally several similar functional imitations, one of which was specially made for the Red Tank—- Charles Xavier is not the only person with psychic abilities in this world, he does not want the Red Tank to be like Magneto’s saber-toothed tiger, At the critical moment, the most powerful helper is controlled and the blow is reversed.

After being put on the helmet, the brain had an extra layer of protection, and the red tank’s brain suddenly cleared, and the interference from the outside world immediately disappeared, and then he realized that he didn’t know when he was pressed. On the ground.

A dull roar came faintly from under the crowd, and soon the people suppressed above were shaken by the strange force again, with a clear consciousness dominating, this time the resistance was better than any before, in the earthquake-like shaking, some people could no longer press the target, and suddenly a big hand broke free of the restraints and stretched out from below. Come out, grab one of the gang members by the shoulders and throw him into the air with a backhand wave.

“It’s over, run!” In the howl of the ghost crying wolf, the black strong man on the red tank fled like an avalanche, the people trapped inside desperately pushed and shoved their companions outside, and the people outside wanted to regenerate two feet so that they could run faster and farther.

In the panic, a scream came from the crowd, and black gangsters were dragged up and thrown around, and a shower of blood was spilled in mid-air from time to time.

Taking advantage of the momentum of turning over, the red tank rushed all the way out of the encirclement, opening his blood-red eyes like bison to find the culprit who plotted against him, and soon he cheered, ran away from the people in front of him and ran behind the pillar to lift up a white man hiding in the shadows.

“Playing with Tibetan cats, you’re looking for the wrong person!”

In the roar, the white man’s neck was twisted off, and blood sprayed the red tank, and now he finally let out this evil breath.

Without the leader, the already weak resistance completely collapsed, the power of the red tank reached the ding point, and soon the hall was quiet, and there were no more people standing on the ground.

“Great, Marco, you won’t have any weaknesses in the future.” Ross floated past like a ghost, his feet not stained with a single trace of blood.

The red tank laughed on the back of his head, his expression extremely proud.

“Look at this gadget, does it look good?”

Ross narrowed his eyes and shook his fingers, a glowing bead was tied by a thin chain, and there was a rhythmic swing on his finger, and the red tank stood on the opposite side, his eyes unconsciously staring at it and swinging.

“Good-looking… What is it? ”

Red Tank stared intently at the beads, there seemed to be some magic that attracted his attention, slowly he forgot everything, concentrated on it, the round object in the trance became bigger and bigger, the bright light inside became stronger and stronger, warm and comfortable like the sun, and Ross’s voice became more and more distant, and gradually the whole world became unreal as if slowing down the frequency.

In a half-asleep state, Red Tank Coyne Marco followed Ross back to his residence in Queens, and then made him shiver with a crisp snap of his fingers before he came to his senses.

“I’m asleep?” Marco smacked his lips, somewhat strangely.

“You must be too tired, go get some rest first, and when you wake up, the fast food restaurant will bring pizza.” Ross waved his titular cousin and walked up the stairs to the second floor alone.

In the simple laboratory on the second floor, several ornaments that have the same function as helmets are quietly placed on the table.

“It can resist brainwave attacks, but it does not protect against contact hypnosis, and it is ineffective against pheromones… That’s not bad either. ”

Looking at the table full of experiments, Ross muttered to himself.

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