When the two arrived at Stacy’s house, it was just evening, and the crimson afterglow of the setting sun spilled in from the window like a dream, illuminating Stacy’s house beautifully. At this time, George and his eldest son Howard were still on their way back, and only Gwen’s mother Helen and young son Simon were at home, and her mother and brother and |brother were very happy to see Gwen and Ross enter the door together.

Warmly welcoming Ross to sit down, Gwen went back to the room to change clothes, mother Helen went to the kitchen to continue sorting out tonight’s ingredients, and then her young son came over.

Simon is eight years old this year, he has a good relationship with Ross, even closer than his brother Howard, who is seven years older than himself, and every time Ross comes over, he always brings him some gifts, and today is no exception, the little boy happily took the small cage given to him by his sister and boyfriend, cheered and ran back to the bedroom to call his classmates to show off.

“You bought a cat?” Mrs. Stacy asked in the kitchen, where she was washing the leaves when she saw her youngest son flash past with the furry mass in his hand.

“No, the stray cat I picked up when I walked with Ross, I named it Baiqi, it is so cute, if it weren’t for Simon’s constant desire for chong, I wouldn’t be willing to send it back.” After changing her clothes, Gwen leaned over to her mother, hugging her waist and rubbing her cheeks from behind.

“It seems to be the name of a biscuit, I hope it will be obedient.” Mrs. Stacy smiled, patted her coquettish daughter on the |buttocks with her backhand, handed her lettuce and cabbage by the way, and assigned her to make a vegetable salad.

Rose didn’t wait long, and a few minutes later Howard brought his little girlfriend into the door with him.

Simon finished the phone call and rushed out to show his brother his gift, and Ross also greeted Howard.

Howard coped with a few words, his attitude a little stiff, he didn’t know what to say to Ross.

The eldest son of the Stacy family is not as simple as his younger | brother, and his feelings about his sister’s boyfriend are somewhat complicated. On the one hand, as he grew older, the delicate relationship between Ross and Gwen and Mary Jane made Howard feel slightly displeased, on the other hand, Ross was a person his sister liked very much, his parents valued him very much, and even Howard himself admired him. These feelings are intertwined, often making Howard feel confused, so his attitude seems a little dull for a while.

Fortunately, his little girlfriend has a very active temperament, chasing Ross to ask questions, her eyes shining like fans, coupled with Simon’s fairy tales, the atmosphere in the living room is not embarrassing.

Soon George also returned home, and Gwen’s mother and daughter, plus Howard’s little girlfriend, made dinner together, and then the family gathered around the table and sat down.

At this time, the sky has completely darkened, the lights outside are brilliant, the night view of the city is beautiful and |fascinating, and only a dark area in the bustle in the distance is a little abrupt.

It was still the damage caused by the Hulk when he stormed the city, and of course it was not all the credit of the Hulk, the military and the public-spirited superheroes had considerable contributions, and they probably destroyed a little more than the Hulk with only their stature.

The two sides fought very happily, but afterwards left the city with a trauma. Although the real estate damage was mainly concentrated in commercial buildings, and most of the residential areas along the route were safe and sound, the electricity and gas pipelines were damaged in many places during the fighting, and many places have not yet been able to restore power, and looking out the window from Stacy’s house, at least two or three blocks outside were gloomy, and only generators could provide some power for emergencies.

“Let us observe a minute of silence in memory of the citizens who have suffered from this disaster.” At George’s suggestion, Ross and the others waited quietly until the end of the minute.

The sumptuousness of the dinner can only be said to be average, but the matching is quite careful, the nutrition and taste are very good, the family eats while talking casually, in addition to chatting about recent life anecdotes, George and Ross also inevitably talk about work matters.

“I heard that Hercules has been reviewed by the FDA, how do you plan to price it?” George, from the perspective of an old policeman, instinctively worries about drugs that can strengthen the human body.

“There is currently no idea of putting it on the retail market, the Pentagon is our only customer at this stage, after all, the efficacy and impact of the new drug are relatively large, and we are still thinking about how to limit the direction of its use.” Ross scooped a spoonful of creamy shrimp soup and explained it to his girlfriend’s father.

“It’s best that way.” George nodded, his attitude slightly serious. “To be honest, we were both expectant and scared of Hercules. If the pricing is acceptable, we intend to purchase a batch for the Secret Service members to use intensively, which is very effective in stopping superpower crimes, but if it is abused by gangsters, it will be a big disaster. ”

“So we choose to use it as something constructive rather than a destructive one.” In fact, the lab is negotiating with the federal government about how to develop regulatory and testing programs to avoid violent crime or athletes using it as doping to disrupt the game, and of course we don’t need to be particularly concerned, since we invented it, we know how to deal with it, and if necessary, just one shot of degradant can make the effectiveness zero, and we will provide the police and the Pentagon with degrading drugs for free, so we don’t need to be particularly concerned. ”

Ross’s reassurance was effective, and George’s concern, like everyone else’s, was mostly due to ignorance of the new drugs, which they didn’t know were only the lowest, weakened versions of the drugs that the lab was providing to the outside world, usually only effective in half an hour, and very powerful. But the laboratory will not disclose secrets, so the outside world is still worried that there will be incidents such as the Hulk again, after all, there is a precedent for Bronnsky, and many people, including some scientists, believe that there is a certain chance of producing giants if large doses of the potion are used, so they will worry about the abuse of Hercules potion.

However, when George learned the control method, the worry in his heart naturally disappeared, and the atmosphere at the table returned to cheerfulness.

“In fact, our original plan was not just to enhance the human body, Hercules can be used to treat diseases, just like Phinex. It can work on incurable organ failure, myasthenia gravis, asthma and other diseases, and it can drag patients back from the brink of death by adding a few milligrams to traditional medicines, so its prospects are equally broad. Ross said with a smile, and Gwen was there to help explain.

“Ross never wanted his invention to be used for inappropriate purposes, which might bring some profit to the lab, but it didn’t fit our aspirations.”

“Well said!” George knocked on the dining table. “A civilized society cannot be based purely on profit, and we need entrepreneurs with a conscience like Ross.”

He and his wife looked at each other, and the two were more satisfied with their daughter’s boyfriend.

The Stacy couple are smart people, and the young man’s greed cannot hide the eyes of the elders, but they have confidence in their daughter and can let the relationship between the three young people | ambiguous. After Betty got closer, her beauty and family lineage made George and Helen a little nervous for a while, plus after the Hulk fled, the general’s daughter continued to stay in the laboratory, which was impossible for the Stacys not to mind, but when testing their daughter’s tone in private, Gwen always pretended to be stupid and avoided questions, so they, like their eldest son Howard, were more or less displeased in their hearts.

But tonight’s conversation made them relax again, and Ross was not carried away by the great success of the |, and they felt that they could continue to observe for a while.

“Let’s have some fun.” Helen patted the back of her husband’s hand and took the topic of work aside.

“What cat did you give Simon, a Siberian cat, a Norwegian forest cat, or a Maine?”

These three cats look alike, and inexperienced people are not easy to distinguish.

Helen looked at the little thing named Baiqi by Gwen, and the cat raised its head very cleverly, raised its paws and meowed sweetly at the hostess.

“Well, that’s cute.” Little stars appeared in Howard’s little girlfriend’s eyes again, and she managed to take the cat out of her boyfriend’s brother | brother’s arms to tease |.

“This is a forest cat, it was a little injured when we picked up Becky, Ross cured it with the best medicine, and then sent Baeky as a blessing | Li, it is trained and very clever.” Gwen didn’t say that the cat was genetically modified and would live a very long life, just in time to be Simon’s playmate.

Such modified organisms may also become one of the laboratory’s specialties in the future.

“How can you treat cats as blessings | benefits.” Helen couldn’t help but laugh when she heard her daughter’s words.

“It’s our originality.” Gwen smiled mysteriously and wrenched his finger to list them one by one.

So far, the lab has launched employee | including free meals, healthcare, fitness massages, dry cleaning and |. Ross has never been stingy in the treatment of employee benefits |, and the number and coverage of these |benefits are so amazing that Gwen has not fully enjoyed them so far. If needed, the back office can even provide a variety of assistance for employees’ ordinary lives, such as planning private dinners.

“How can there be so much, your level of welfare and | profit is too high.” The George couple were surprised and amused, and Howard and his little girlfriend were also fascinated. Such benefits | previously only owned by top-notch IT companies, and costly manufacturing companies simply could not afford it, except for IT companies, only semi-monopolistic scientific research economies such as cutting-edge laboratories could afford it.

“I want employees to focus on their work, and staying healthy and happy also helps us be more productive.” Ross replied.

In fact, the key to Gaofu | is to increase the dependence of employees on the company, and at the same time hide the large amount of research resources needed by the inner departments of the laboratory in the dizzying variety of | procurement.

In the past, the George couple rarely inquired about the inside story of the laboratory, but today listening to the two of them take the initiative to mention it, their understanding could not help but increase a lot, Howard was still a little resistant at first, but in the conversation with Ross, his small dissatisfaction gradually dissolved, and several people chatted around the table until a long time later.

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