When Betty was carefully helped out by Ororo, she was seen, and the employees below inevitably had various conjectures, and the women around Ross also called the storm woman to ask what happened, and through the channel of Ororo, her experience quickly spread in the laboratory.

Ororo is an enthusiastic person, since coming to Ross, her character has always been very |, no matter what circle, mutants or Gwen, Mary Jane and Pepper and others, she can get along quite well, and Betty’s high IQ and low EQ are completely two typical. The relatively inaccessible piano, everyone is willing to interact with her.

This time through Ororo, everyone knows about Betty’s situation, and they have come to visit her in the apartment, and they can’t get rid of it for a while, they will also call for comfort, after they understand Betty’s difficulties, they all feel that Ross’s attitude is too bad, especially Gwen hates Rose to the root of her teeth behind her back, she, like Betty, has been scolded by Ross for mistakes at work, and has a deeper understanding of Betty’s mood than others.

Through this incident, the faint rejection between this group of women gradually dissolved, they seemed to have found the same position, and the relationship was invisibly much closer. After everyone’s comfort, Betty, who originally thought that she was alone, felt warm in her heart, and at this time she herself gradually reacted, finding that she was too sensitive to |, and she couldn’t help but feel a little funny when she thought back to the previous gaffe.

But seeing someone care about her still makes her feel a deep warmth.

Of course, Betty has some grudges against Ross, who never showed up.

The day passed quickly, and after sending Ororo and the others away in the evening, Betty returned to her room alone to look through the experimental records she brought back.

In fact, she has seen this thing several times, but she has never been able to see anything mysterious, Ross’s research efficiency is unusually high, this is a recognized thing within the laboratory, it seems that as soon as he enters the |team, the whole team will immediately take him as the center, like a well-trained army with tacit understanding, into the | into a high-speed operation state, this atmosphere must be experienced on the spot, just by browsing the text record has little effect.

Betty patiently looked at it again, but still didn’t get much gain, so she put it back.

Sometimes she can’t help but wonder, what would have happened if she hadn’t been to New York?

Would it be better if I stayed at my previous university?

will not meet Ross, will not be distressed by his hot and cold attitude, and completely lose the focus of his life; will not reunite with Banner, will not transform into a weird and fearsome female red giant because of her cleverness, will not adopt Jennifer, an amnesiac female Hulk who is the same age as herself, out of pity and sympathy, hovering between work and family like a single mother, and will not fall out with her father who loves him but values his career…

All these imaginations once made Betty’s mood fluctuate, until she realized that she had gotten into the horn again, which smiled from the negative emotions.

After all, there are no ifs in life.

Now thinking back to Ross’s criticism, Betty is competitive, and she wants to try again to see if she can fit into the group.

Early the next morning, Betty settled Jennifer, who lived with her, and entered the laboratory by herself to welcome the rising sun|.

She originally thought that she was the first to arrive, but to Betty’s expectation, Ross and the others were already waiting in the spare research room, looking at the thick tiredness on some people’s faces, it was clear that they were working overtime all night.

In addition to Ross, Maya, deputy head of biology, joined the temporary team.

Seeing Betty arrive, Rose clapped his hands and gathered everyone together.

“Today we don’t do experiments, we revisit the previous development process.”

Hearing this arrangement, Betty was a little surprised, but looked at the others as expected.

Ross saw her surprise, but explained nothing, he abandoned today’s research plan with only one purpose, which was to help Betty get back to normal and adapt to the rhythm of the team as soon as possible.

Under his leadership, Maya and others tried their best to cooperate with Betty to repeat the previous experiment, teaching her various details and routines step by step like simulation training, and every time there was a mistake, Ross would decisively pause, and then pull Betty to explain in detail.

This made Betty suddenly a little moved.

In early February, Ross and Connors had been nominated by the Nobel Committee for their significant progress in gene repair, and Maya was seen as a contender for the next prize for leading the development of Hercules’ drug. Doesn’t it still mean that such a Nobel figure gave up his rest and spent the whole night preparing to help himself, and there was a quasi-Nobel Prize person next to him to help him with all his strength?

After realizing this, the self-pity and self-pity in Betty’s heart completely disappeared, and only then did she gradually calm down and quietly experience the details and rhythm of teamwork. This time she finally gained a lot.

In this way, after two days of continuous training, the cleanup of the contaminated laboratory was completed, and Betty got rid of the troubles caused by the transformation and returned to her previous state.

That night, returning to the apartment from the laboratory, Betty accompanied the amnesiac Jennifer to recall a burst of common sense, patiently helped her bathe, and coaxed her to sleep, and then bathed and changed into pajamas, quietly poured herself a glass of wine, listened to soft music in the room, and enjoyed a rare peaceful time alone.

Just as Betty squinted and indulged in the music, someone suddenly knocked on the glass window outside the balcony.

“Who is it?” Betty was startled and hurriedly put down her cup.

She lives in a specially reinforced ding-story apartment, completely isolated from the floors below, and it is usually impossible for anyone to come here through the balcony.

Just as she was about to pick up the phone and notify the guard to come up, a dark shadow appeared in the room with a slight coolness.

The heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and Betty’s body swelled irrepressibly, quickly becoming a large beauty with a crimson body.

“Who are you?”

She shouted as she raised her hand to punch it, and the transformation that usually made Betty feel inferior became the only recourse when danger came.

With a random blow, a faint thunder suddenly appeared in the air, and suddenly the paper in the room flew and the flowing notes were also suppressed.

Betty had tested that such a punch was enough to knock out the rampaging American bison, but it didn’t work at all in front of the black shadow.

The hazy shadow passed through her fist like an illusion and floated straight over, without the slightest pause in between.

Then a hand pressed on Betty’s shoulder and forced her tall and toned body back.

With a bang, Betty fell on her back to the sky and was ridden on it by the black shadow, completely unable to move.

In panic, she saw that the mask on the black shadow’s head automatically parted, revealing a familiar face.

“Ross?” Betty’s eyes widened and she exclaimed, she had always thought that there was no special person like herself in the laboratory except for Bronsky, who was sent to her father.

“It’s me.” Rose looked down at her.

“It’s a little strange to meet you this way, but I want you to know that you’re not alone.”

Betty’s body slowly contracted back, the pajamas had just been torn, and now the perfect curves were exposed without any cover, and just when Rose wanted to stand up, a pair of white arms tightly wrapped around his neck |.


After a long night, the sun rises again.

The morning sun shines through the half-covered curtains into the bedroom, illuminating the room warmly and brightly.

A broken white cotton nightdress was casually draped on the back of the chair next to Chuang, two red high heels were thrown left and right, the woman’s infinitely beautiful | delicate |body was lazily nestled in the young man’s arms, and the thin quilt slipped loosely to the waist, revealing the dazzling white skin of the upper body.

After days of accumulated anxiety, finally ushered in a hearty vent.

Today Betty is destined to take a leave of absence.

At this time, Ross had just hung up the phone, and the people below reported several messages to him.

Betty listened quietly to his heartbeat, her fingers unconsciously placed in front of him and drew circles.

“I used to be so simple, I actually worried about the transformation for so many days… I didn’t expect a superhero to hide next to me. She lay on Ross, mumbling like a guess.

“It doesn’t matter heroes. I try to be as nice as I can to the people around me, but sometimes I do things that are unimaginable. Ross replied peacefully.

Betty didn’t want to ask what was unimaginable, and after going through so much, she began to know to cherish every sweet moment.

Rose lifted the thin quilt up and gently covered her slightly cool shoulders.

“By the way, there’s good news. The general’s capture failed, and after a fight with Banner and Bronnski in the Arctic Circle, they burrowed into the Norwegian jungle and disappeared without a trace, and this time he was really safe. ”

“Thank God, and you Ross, Bruce is a good guy and he should start his life all over again.”

Hearing this, Betty nodded slightly, she had begged Ross to let Banner go once, and now she could completely let go of this matter.

Ross was originally not interested in capturing Banner, what good is it for the laboratory to catch the Hulk, the institution that can provide super soldier drugs in bulk has a laboratory is enough, any peer who tries to encroach on this field is a potential opponent of Ross, and all that awaits them is destruction.

So the failure of the general’s operation is a good thing for him.

“It’s nothing, from the supplier’s standpoint, I don’t want the general’s experiment to succeed, but he is not without results.” Ross narrowed his eyes and pointed out.

Betty raised her head and looked at Ross puzzled.

“Although the capture failed, the General and the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. accidentally discovered an old antique, which was frozen for seventy years, which is also a bonus.”

Ross said, and a man wearing a Star-Spangled uniform appeared in front of him.

That man is called Captain America.

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