Thick dark clouds shrouded above the Jacob Javits Exhibition and Convention Center, as if the end of the world was coming, in the black-pressed clouds, dazzling lightning bolts burst out from time to time, swaying the slender body wantonly like a silver viper, and again and again with a deafening roar cut through the gloomy and bleak sky.

In the strong wind and rain, Thor, the god of thunder, stood in the sky with his warhammer held high, proudly looking down at the untenable human troops below blown by the wind, these armed forces were originally prepared to deal with Magneto, all equipped with well-made high-end polymer weapons, if the mutant leader really desperate to kill, the military can effectively threaten him.

But unfortunately, the person who was supposed to come did not come, but another strange guest appeared. Unlike the aging Magneto, Thor’s skin is almost as solid as a monster like the Hulk, and the polymer needles and bullets have no effect on him at all.

The storm was wrapped in torrential rain, sweeping most of Manhattan Island in a few minutes, the ground was dim, visibility was even lower than at night, heavy rainfall made the streets less than adults’ knees, tens of thousands of tons of sea water and gravel were forcibly rolled up by the hurricane, rushing towards the city at a speed of 85 miles per hour, frantically shaking all the buildings in the nearby block, and the sound of flapping, colliding and human shouts mixed together, forming a majestic and poignant march of the army.

As Thor showed his might, columns of smoke continued to appear from the air, and teams of armored Immortal Palace warriors descended through the Rainbow Bridge to join Thor’s command to fight the earthlings.

“Why are you here?” Thor was pleasantly surprised to see several friends also appear, and quickly manipulated the hammer to fall to the ground.

“Loki said that your life was threatened in the atrium, we have already started a war against the Midgards to save His Royal Highness, and now we can fight together again.” The bearded Vostagg stroked his shaggy beard and laughed loudly.

“Going to war, why?” Waiting to see his friend’s surprise, Thor grabbed Vostagg by the collar and shouted.

“Of course for you, they offended the majesty of the whole of Asgard.” The black-haired and black-eyed Hogan looked at him strangely, Thor was not like this before, where there was a war, he would only happily pick up the hammer and rush forward, never asking a superfluous word.

Thor saw his friends’ doubts, and he explained them sincerely.

“Vostag, my friend, I thank you for your love for me, I used to do this, but since I came to the atrium, I have met some new friends, not everyone who is different from us is bad, there are good people among them…”

Jane’s shadow quickly flashed in Thor’s mind, and he quickly shook his head and pulled his mind back to the original place.

“In short, let’s not fight anymore, now stop and leave each other a little leeway, the Midgardians have seen our strength, I can let them hand over those who dare to offend the majesty of Asgard, and stop hurting innocent people.”

His friends looked at each other a few times, and the female warrior Sif looked closely at it, making sure that Thor’s will was not controlled before she was relieved.

“Okay then, listen to you.” The warlike Vostag was a little sullen, but he had always been headed by Thor, and he never questioned his decision, and immediately put the horn around his neck into his mouth and blew it, which attracted the Asgardian warriors scattered within a radius of more than ten miles.

“Guys, Thor ordered us to collect the troops…”

Before he could finish his words, a powerful beam of light shot past Thor’s shoulder and hit him straight in the face, forcing the huge Vostagg to fly out.

A golden and red steel man passed by everyone, circled in the sky and then turned back far away.

“Damn, missed.” Iron Man Tony Stark muttered in the steel suit, he had just received an emergency call for help, and was flying at high speed from the direction of the seaside mansion, Tony wanted to try to teach Thor a lesson, but he didn’t expect that the original shot fell into the air, did not hit the target, but hit the accomplices next to the target.

“Although the armor giantization can improve my battlefield survivability, but it also reduces my agility and accuracy, I decided to pick up my previous thinking after this war, performance and aesthetics are my consistent style, I can’t give up life principles for the sake of temporary interests.” Stark thought as he kept closing in on an angry Thor.

“Then you need to get down first.” Artificial intelligence Jarvis hit the nail on the head.

“I just ate a few more beef burgers for breakfast, a dozen onion rings and a big glass of Coke, why do you always remember the details so clearly?” Tony’s face suddenly looked a little ugly, and he decided to change the previous program settings. “Jarvis, I order you not to tell me any more bad news from now on.”

“Are you being locked by enemy weapons and can’t you tell?” The smart butler reminded politely in a London tone.

“Huh?” As soon as Tony looked up, a huge | thunder happened to fall on his body, a strong ultra-high-voltage charge with countless lightning jumped on the surface of the steel suit, multiple circuit boards were burned, and a large number of electronic components were damaged, turning him from high-speed flight to a rapid fall | state, until he crashed into the ruins of the ground.

Bricks flew, sparks flashed, and after a sharp | of metal rubbing and crash|ing, the runaway and tumbling steel suit finally lay flat on the side of the road, and Tony’s face armor had already fallen off, revealing a distorted face with hair that had been electrocuted and cheeks blackened by smoke.

“Po—-of”, Tony stupidly puffed out a puff of black smoke, and the two randomly rolled eyes gradually condensed.

“Jarvis… Next time remind me to install the power guidance module…”

Tony’s embarrassed appearance was faithfully captured by nearby cameras and transmitted to the emergency shelter underground of the convention center through encrypted signals.

“It seems that Iron Man can’t do it either.” The president stared at the screen, slammed the table hard, and sighed hatefully.

Dozens of people stood high and low behind him, half of the cabinet members and some senior Pentagon generals attending the ceremony.

This should have been an incomparably glorious moment for the United States, and its significance was comparable to the Cairo Conference during the Great War, symbolizing the shift from the strategic defense stage to the strategic containment phase of human beings against superpowers, which could lay a solid foundation for future international cooperation in which the world unanimously opposed the continued spread of the mutant threat. But the sudden attack destroyed everything, and now the president, including the president himself, has hastily retreated to underground air defense facilities to take refuge, and the situation of other foreign dignitaries can be imagined.

“Since you think that this is not mutants, then who are they, where they come from, how can we save the situation—- don’t mention nuclear bombs to me again, I want a really feasible plan.” The president turned his head and scanned the senior officials and aides with sharp eyes.

After a moment of silence, Alexander Pierce, former S.H.I.E.L.D. director and director of the World Security Council, coughed and stood out from the crowd.

“According to the latest information received by S.H.I.E.L.D., our head enemy may be related to some alien item that fell | New Mexico, and Director Fury and our team of experts did their best to find clues, and they agreed that these people were most likely Asgardian people in Norse mythology, perhaps their ancestors had been to Earth, or simply the mythical Norse god prototype.”

If you had gone back a few years, Pierce’s statement would have been immediately dismissed as absurd by others, but over the years, all sorts of incredible things have happened, and now no one questions his views.

After listening to Pierce’s opinion, the aides exchanged ears one after another, and the president closed his mouth tightly |, and the fierce | of Xiong’s chest proved that there was a strong anger in his heart, and it took him ten seconds to forcibly interrupt the voices of the crowd.

“So this is an alien invasion? I don’t want to know if they’re Norse or South American gods, or what weird things they came to Earth for, I just need one answer: I need to know what we need to do now to get these damn aliens out of Earth! The president’s questions were sharp |and urgent, but their always shrewd staff were difficult to answer.

If they really had a way, they would have rushed to advise Your Excellency, and they would have needed the President to ask personally?

“Where is General Thaddeus Ross, as far as we know, his men recently established a Thunder Commando team, all composed of super soldiers transformed by cutting-edge laboratories with the latest technology, and it is up to him to stand up for the country against foreign invasion.” Security advisers put the blame directly on the military.

“General Ross was ordered to track the Hulk Banner in Europe and is now on his way back urgently, but no matter how strong his warriors are, they cannot fly to our heads immediately, and the number of his super soldiers is so small, the parliament has refused to increase the defense budget twice in a row, even if he and his commandos join the battlefield now, it is difficult to be a decisive victory, on the contrary, it may bury our last bit of strength to fight back.” The Pentagon generals immediately kicked the blame to Parliament.

“It’s not that Congress obstructs the military purchase plan, it’s really that the cost of super soldier modification surgery is too high, the cost of a soldier’s transformation is equivalent to a million-ton W80 tactical nuclear warhead, and the power is obviously not as powerful as the nuclear bomb, and the army actually requires the formation of a super army of 2,000 people, which will lead to another increase in the fiscal deficit.” The economic situation has been on a downward trend in recent years, and the military and intelligence budgets have risen repeatedly, and it is absolutely impossible for the Senate and House of Representatives to approve the Army’s plan unless the Navy promises not to start building ships next year, or the Air Force abandons the purchase of new fighters. “The congressmen have the most experience in struggle, and in a few words, they immediately provoke the positions of the generals of the three armed services into opposition.

In the chaos, bureaucrats, parliamentarians and generals shoved and blamed each other, eager to fist their hateful colleagues, and the president completely lost interest in continuing to ask, his mind vigorously thinking about |countermeasures while staring at the shadows on the screen.

Although the city has suffered a lot of property damage due to the storm, the latest assessment results show that there is still some distance from the last Hulk war, thanks to the decisive handling of New York Police Chief George Stacy, who is known for his shrewdness and ability, various emergency plans have been implemented very smoothly, and the cooperation with the Watchman Company, a subsidiary of the cutting-edge laboratory, has strengthened the resilience of the police.

In the sub-battlefields of the various battles, some places have attracted the attention of the president. A group of security guards wearing watchmen-like uniforms fought hard to save some buildings from the enemy, but strangely, even though several of the battlefields seemed to have spare power, they were indifferent to the close fighting.

After flipping through the report, the president realized that this group of people was also related to cutting-edge laboratories, belonging to the damage control company established by Ross Byrne and major insurance companies, specifically to defend insured facilities that may be damaged in special battles to avoid high payouts that insurance companies may face in the future. After the war, the New York government once asked the actual head of the company to accept an emergency employment contract, send personnel to intervene in the battlefield, and cooperate with the military to maintain the situation, but the bankers on Wall Street forcibly interfered and the employment was unsuccessful.

At this time, everyone will have their own interests in mind, not to mention the selfish ghosts on Wall Street, the president even saw the original words of the other party’s reply on the document, they insisted that the damage compensation company stay in the seven blocks from Broadway to the East River, of course, the core is Wall Street, in order to protect “the economic core of the United States and the world from aliens.”

If the war is lost, what is the use of having an economic core? However, some people would rather lose the war than protect their interests from damage.

Seeing this paragraph, the president completely understood that if he could not come up with effective countermeasures and let the situation develop, then even if he repelled the aliens by luck this time, it would be difficult for his position to continue to sit firmly.

Looking up at the screen again, Iron Man failed, Fantastic Four was repelled, the long-lost Spider-Man just appeared and was caught and beaten by a group of Asgardians, as for the Super Daredevil and the Iron Fist and the like, they were completely reduced to the background of the battlefield, either chased behind and ran around, or simply knocked over to the ground and did not know whether they were dead or alive.

At this time, even Thor’s shouts were useless, and everyone’s hearts were filled with anger.

Although the Asgardian warriors are full of fighting spirit, and the human army is equally angry, when the weapon loses its effect, the difference in physique is completely revealed.

Even a hundred elite warriors could hardly resist a fully armed Immortal Palace guard, not to mention that this time the enemy appeared in groups, far more powerful than the rabble of the Magneto Brotherhood that had appeared before.

Looking blankly at the screen, the president suddenly lost his mind, and for a moment he missed the mutants who had been driven to the depths of the Balkan mountains.

If those guys are still there, now you can at least do some private communication through diplomatic means, and deal with the alien soldiers like the last time the various forces joined forces to fight off the Hulk, instead of completely losing control of the situation.

Now these bastards must be hiding in the mountains and snickering—- see how smart humans are, trying their best to drive away mutants, but ushering in alien invaders!

“Bastard!” Thinking of this, the president couldn’t help but pound the table, almost making the documents on the table jump.

Hearing this muffled sound, the generals and bureaucrats, who were arguing red-faced, came back to their senses.

A group of people looked at each other, they did not dare to continue to provoke the president at this time, but they could not come up with any constructive plan, and for a while everyone’s brains were faintly aching under pressure.

“Look, what’s that?” In the midst of embarrassment, a voice suddenly shouted.

Following the man’s hand, everyone present was surprised to find that a new force suddenly appeared from the direction of the coast, blatantly breaking into the main battlefield of the exhibition center where the human army was fighting alien invaders.

“That, that is… Magneto! Senator Kelly shouted in a shrill voice, and other politicians were | aware that there was a surprise in the voice of Congressman Kelly, who has always been known for being anti-mutants.

At the urging of the president and a group of bureaucrats, a group of engineers quickly came in to adjust the satellite remote sensing and on-site signals, and soon the solemn face of Magneto was clearly reflected on the high-resolution large screen.

In front of the mutant leader is the Asgard Legion that invaded New York.

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