As a city where the Flash often activities, Wedge Stone City and Midtown are called the Twin Cities area, although Midtown seems to be a little declining at the moment, but many years ago the development of Midtown is quite good, both economic and cultural are among the best, but also the center of American commerce, architecture, art, known as the “Midwest jewel”, but with the opening of Wedgestone City, a large number of factories and commercial activities from Midtown to Wedgestone City, where labor costs are cheaper, and Wedgestone City has gradually surpassed Midtown.

Now the difference between Midtown and Wedge City is like the port area of the two cities, the Midtown pier at night is empty, while the port of Wedge City is still brightly lit, cargo ships dock as frequently as during the day under dazzling lights, countless steel drawbridge-like cranes keep moving, heavy and solid containers pile up.

Away from the hot dock site, not far away is a high-rise construction area, in addition to the port administration office here, a large number of dock workers and their families also settled nearby, the swelling population generates various needs, shrewd businessmen see the opportunity to make money, in this area opened many bright and green entertainment venues, especially one of the bars and inns gathered in the small street, compared with other places, it is noisy and lively.

In a motel that doubles as a bar business, drinkers fill every table as usual, even more than usual, and in the hall mixed with sweat and alcohol, screams, giggles and clinking glasses are heard one after another, so noisy that people at the same table may not be able to hear their companions if they sit a little farther away.

Such a chaotic place is very suitable for people with intentions to hide their whereabouts, and several mysterious people are meeting privately in the corner of the dimly lit hall.

“…… I know it’s been a long time since the last operation, and I know that the previous work was not going well, I said that our cooperation is over, but now the situation is different, Mick, the Flash’s status has been shaken, the TV station has filmed a new speedster challenging him, he can’t take care of us for the time being, this is a good opportunity, so I need new members, like guys like you. ”

A tall man sat at the deepest table in the dining room, the whole person hidden in the shadows, only the eyes full of wild and lust | shining in the darkness.

The companion he wanted to persuade did not look moved, and the big man called Mick just sat indifferently on the opposite side, holding a lighter in his hand and constantly pressing the flame.

The tall man knew the character of his companion, but he was not impressed, and still continued to persuade.

“You can accept extreme ideas and you have some ability, but you just need someone to show you the way, and I can do that.”

As he spoke, he opened a small tin box, and a strange-looking weapon inside immediately attracted the attention of his companions.

It was a gun that could spew hot flames, which was in line with Mick’s flame-obsessive nature.

Looking at the way he held the flame gun and couldn’t put it down, the tall man smiled slightly.

“So, do you join or quit?” He asked.

Mick didn’t answer right away, just raised his head and looked at the others next to him.

“Are they the new members you invited too, Snyt?” He asked, pointing to the drinkers at the nearby table, where there were strangely dressed young women, middle-aged men with a wretched appearance, rude street gangsters, and some guests whose appearance and clothing did not seem to match this vulgar place, and as the Sninters spoke, these strange faces entered the bar one after |another, turning their heads from time to time to look at the two people sitting around this table.

If it weren’t for Mick’s deep understanding of the police, they would almost think that these people were spies sent by the police, but these guys look at them like fans expecting stars, or tourists looking at rare animals.

“No, they have nothing to do with me, I only invited you one.” The tall Sninter leaned forward slightly, and his upper body emerged from the darkness, revealing a handsome and cold face.

He held another uniquely shaped gun in his hand, and the chamber of the gun covered by the trench coat flashed with icy light from time to time.

While the two were secretly vigilant, a dark-skinned woman stood up from not far away, and she separated the crowd all the way, swinging her waist to their table.

“Captain Cold?” She looked at Sninter and smiled slightly.

“Who are you?” Sneye asked coldly, the muzzle quietly adjusted under the table, and unconsciously aimed at the woman’s lower body.

As soon as the other party shows any abnormality, he will immediately fire without hesitation, using freezing rays close to absolute zero to let everyone know what cold means in Captain Cold’s nickname.

But the woman showed no sign of making a move, she just came over to say hello and introduce herself by the way.

“Shauna Bates, Superpower, this morning I heard that the only Captain Cold who can fight the Flash is looking for a partner, so I came over, can we talk about cooperation now?” Dressed madly, Shauna looked at Snaitt with |a bit of adoration, and as she had just said, Captain Cold was one of the very few people who could still gain the upper hand after many confrontations with the Flash.

Snlater frowned and didn’t answer yet, Shauna’s words annoying his companion first.

“Just now you said that you only invited me, and you lied to me again!” Mick, who was holding the flame gun, was immediately furious.

“No, I don’t know what’s going on!” Sneather denied it, then stared at the woman who was disrupting the situation.

“What the hell is going on, I only emailed Mick, who told you about me and what happened to them?” Captain Cold no longer concealed it, and the muzzle that emitted a cold light was aimed at the woman opposite.

Shauna was a little overwhelmed.

“It’s a message, someone made a message on my Face, asked me to meet here, the signature is your name… We are all the same. She replied hastily, and the raw faces behind noticed the situation here and stood up one after another.

Snyt, who has always been alert, immediately realized that the situation was wrong, and it seemed that someone took the opportunity to meet with Mick and used his own name to send invitations to others, but it is conceivable that the other party most likely saved up the idea.

Just as he hurriedly looked around, trying to find a safe way to leave, the flickering hall suddenly went dark.

Someone cut off the power.

“Let’s go!” Snyt snapped and pulled Mick to his feet.

They pushed away the chaotic crowd in the darkness and walked in the direction of the side door, but turned back halfway through, blending into the crowd and trying to take advantage of the chaos.

Just as the crowd was about to rush out of the bar and disperse into the street, a dark shadow covered in light blue lightning appeared in front of them, blocking Snyt’s path.

“Leonard Snyter.” A low and hoarse voice echoed in the hall, and in an instant everyone stopped as if they were frozen by the cold.

“Who are you?” Snate asked, distracting the other party, and at the same time raised his hand to shoot at the other party, attacking the other party without warning.

With his movements, Mick’s flame guns lit up in unison, they were accomplices who had worked together for many years, and there was quite a tacit understanding even if there was no prior agreement.

Cold light and flame were intertwined, and two forces of completely opposite nature burst out at the same time, and ripples that could be seen by the naked eye faintly appeared in the air of the hall, and in a blink of an eye, they were in front of the black shadow that suddenly appeared.

For a moment, the black shadow’s body vibrated faintly, and two devastating energy attacks passed through the hazy shadow with great momentum, but they failed to cause any damage to the other party.

This is an afterimage left by high-speed movement, although the other party left its original position, but because the action is too fast, the image sensation on the retina of the human eye has not disappeared.

“It’s a trap, the police are coming, they’re coming to arrest us!” Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Sneath retreated into the crowd and shouted, immediately causing a commotion in the fish-mixed hall.

Mick knew what his companion meant, raised his hand and shot at the head repeatedly, with several successive booms, the huge |explosion suddenly shook the entire hall, the raging flames splashed around with broken ceiling fragments, crystal glass, burning wood and sharp pieces of iron fell on the crowd like a meteor shower, and the |hot air flow rushed and scattered from above, and the high temperature caused the people on the ground to be chaotic.

“Your best bet is to be honest and obedient, rather than trying to test my patience.”

The black shadow was exactly the extreme speed of Ross’s avatar, and he was not fooled by Snyt’s tricks, and walked through the chaotic crowd and straight towards the cold captain who was desperately retreating.

On the way, a middle-aged man with a lewd face bravely rushed over, and he swung his arm and smashed it at Ross.

This is also a superpower, and it can be seen that his specialty is extremely powerful power, and there is a faint thunder in the air between the raised hands.

“Sliver to die!” The man’s expression was distorted, and he actually believed Snyt’s nonsense.

“Don’t…”, the black woman Shauna guessed something, she hid under the nearby table and screamed, seeing that the blocking was ineffective, her body turned into a cloud of smoke and suddenly disappeared, and then reappeared behind the bar farther away.

Under the gaze of many onlookers, the middle-aged man’s fist gradually approached the black shadow coming, and Ross looked at each other condescendingly, like looking at a lifeless corpse.

For a moment, everyone who was watching felt some kind of horror, and the eyes without the slightest emotion under Ross’s mask made them feel a tremor from the soul.

The blue light flashed, the middle-aged man’s body froze, his mouth rose and fell several times | urgently, but he couldn’t make a sound, his angry eyes showed a look of pain and struggle, and then he lost focus, and the whole person fell into an irrepressible violent spasm.

Immediately afterwards, with a soft “bang”, his head burst open without warning like an inflated water sac, and the blood mixed with brain plasma sprayed outward| spilled all over the faces of the people nearby, and even poured out the ceiling where the head was still burning, and the hall was suddenly filled with a fishy smell.

Under the gaze of Snyt and the others, the headless corpse of the middle-aged man slowly knelt at Ross’s feet, and a bright red color deeply stimulated their nerves.

“Now, you can decide, prey or hound?” Ross stepped over the corpse, grabbed Captain Cold by the throat, and lifted him up.

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