When I woke up again, it was early the next morning.

“The temperature is 9 degrees Celsius, which is about 48 degrees Fahrenheit, and the wind is two to three. Level, fifty meters… Or no one stays within a hundred and sixty feet”, endured the dizziness and tingling in the brain caused by rebirth, “Ross” digested the fragments of memory while silently observing the environment, and quickly came to the conclusion that —-Yes, New York in early May is roughly like this, there can be no force to create such a realistic environment on a large scale, even the angle of incidence of the sun tilting in the morning and the wind blowing through the leaves collided with each other. The tiny sounds of the strikes are completely imitated.

In this way, the idea of the institute really came true, and his consciousness crossed time and space to the new world, a place with superheroes and mutants.

After a moment of silence, getting up from the ruins and looking around at the mess, Ross slowly took a few deep breaths, letting his thoughts settle, and the previous memories slowly returned to his mind.

In the original world, he used to be the best agent of the military intelligence department, not only with cutting-edge professionalism, but also in science and technology and art and other aspects have extremely high achievements, with such excellent ability, he has traveled around the circle of high society in various countries for many years, sometimes appearing, sometimes disappearing, a person playing a person with different identities, creating an extremely complex network of relationships, and completing various difficult tasks assigned by superiors alone.

Those days were really thrilling, like standing on the abyss at all times, stepping on a thin steel wire that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

In the cruel work environment, many colleagues fell, and he gradually stood out and became the most hated unsung superstar in the dark, spying, killing, buying, coercing, and things that ordinary people avoided and feared, but no one ever knew his true face.

Living like this day by day seems to be a very interesting life, but unfortunately the war destroyed everything, including the stage on which he played.

Fortunately, the final research project was successful and allowed to enter a new universe.

A universe full of wonders, power and opportunities, with endless possibilities!

Now he is an unfettered kite, and no one can control it anymore.

Ross’s eyes flashed with a strange light, he lowered his head, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it, and after repeating it several times, finally left the alley that descended.


Midtown High School is not far away, just across the street.

“Good morning”.


On the road, it is common for students to greet each other, and most young people come by themselves, although occasionally there are exceptions, and rich rich guys will drive their children in expensive luxury cars all the way to the main entrance of the school.

However, such a thing is very rare, after all, Midtown is just an ordinary public high school, with limited teachers, often facing the dilemma of insufficient financial allocation, and rich people are usually more willing to send their children. Access to well-qualified private schools.

The handsome and shy Harry Osborne was the exception, and Ross had privately speculated that perhaps the classmate had spent his teenage years at this mediocre school in search of confidence. This speculation is not exaggerated, because Harry’s ability is not outstanding, his popularity is not very good, the only friend in school seems to be Peter Parker, the nerd who incarnates Spider-Man, and now the beautiful Miss Mary Jane may also be one, but that depends on the young man’s high lotus. You. Whether the mont fades.

As Ross walked up the front step, little Mr. Osborne was bidding farewell to his venerable father, and behind him, Peter put his hands in his trouser pockets and watched sideways as Ross approached.

“Be kind to your classmates,” met Pete’s calm, slightly defiant gaze, and Ross’s ears seemed to echo the heartfelt warning dropped in the alley yesterday, but he passed the two with a kind smile as if he didn’t know anything about Pete’s hidden identity.

The current Spider-Man is still just a young boy, who has not been taught the lesson of his uncle’s tragic death, and is immature in all aspects except for superhuman strength, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Ross thought so and walked into the campus.

Queens, where the school is located, is the largest of New York’s five boroughs and has always been known for its diverse population, and the proportion of students is no exception, only half white, black and yellow-skinned Asians can be found everywhere on campus, and there are many mixed-race South Americans, and vibrant young people in the corridors, ponds and sugar maple forests that have just bloomed yellow-green flowers.

“Hi, Rose.”

When he was about to arrive at the teaching building, someone finally greeted Ross, no way, this guy used to be really impulsive and withdrawn.

“Good morning, Mary Jane.”

At this moment, of course, Ross was no longer the same dying look, and he stopped and slapped the oncoming girl crisply.

“You’re really beautiful today.”

He marveled, walking up and down the girl with an appreciative gaze.

Mary Jane Watson has natural red hair and an impressive face, her sweetness is very special, there is a girly mixture of little boy playfulness, according to strict aesthetic standards, she is almost “beautiful. The word “Yan” is not available, but it is refreshing and pleasant, like the spring breeze in May, full of charm. Charming and decent femininity.

“Well, I cut it myself, it only cost thirty-five dollars.” She spun around and showed Ross her proud work thoroughly—- not the intricate bead embroidery and golden fish scales that other girls flock to, but the simple decoration and smooth style, borrowing from the classic style of the Abberk Long Biffitch brand, which is quite popular among young people, gentle chiffon, draped silk, slightly calm and dignified sense and her baby. Baby faces form wonderful chemical reactions.

This is a sincere girl, slightly vain but not excessive.

Ross did not hesitate to praise in his mouth, and at the same time feasted his eyes, enjoying the tall and graceful youth under the sun. Body, until the girl was praised embarrassed.

“I heard, you met Spider-Man yesterday?” Walking side by side to the classroom, Mary Jane asked in a low voice.

The question was so sad that Ross couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Perhaps because he never troubles girls, Mr. Byrne, who has a bad reputation among boys, has a decent relationship with classmates of the opposite sex, especially with the hearty Mary Jane, and now she probably heard the gossip about her idol from yesterday’s party, so she specially ran to Ross to ask for verification.

“That’s right, I was beaten by him.” Ross generously admitted. “I had a neck pain all night, I didn’t even change my clothes in the morning, but the setbacks made people grow, and thanks to the lessons Spider-Man gave me, I was reminded of a lot of the past, my father, mother, and what they expected of me, and I started to want to try a healthy lifestyle.”

He said it half-truthfully, but it made Mary Jane believe it.

“No wonder you don’t look quite the same, thanks to Spider-Man, it’s great.” She opened her eyes wide and patted Xiong’s mouth happily, Feng. Ying’s curve immediately rose and fell, and he was about to say a few more words of encouragement to Ross, when suddenly there was a noise in the crowd.

“Parker, don’t you want to run away today!”

With a roar, Eugene Thompson, the hero of the football team and former school bully, went on a rampage after Peter.

“Get out of the way, get out of the way!”

No one wanted to stop the crazy bull, and before the two men came, the people next to them had already dodged, taking advantage of the momentum Ross grabbed Mary Jane’s shoulders and sideways to protect her behind.

This action fell in the eyes of Peter, who was playing Thompson like a monkey, and immediately made him freeze for a moment as if he had been struck by lightning.

This time, Thompson finally seized the moment and ran into him with all his strength.


“My breakfast!”

Caught off guard, Peter was caught off guard. The big force pushed out, got into the arms of a fat black female classmate, buried her whole face in her choppy xiong, and at the same time waved her arm and accidentally flew a full cup of cereal.

In mid-air, the fragrant breakfast spilled out, moving on the onlooker’s retina like a slowed slow motion, and people held their breath as it flew towards Mary Jane, who was not far away, her carefully cut new clothes seemed to be the ultimate goal.

Peter struggled to break away from the compost and just turned his head to find this, he stretched out. Shot, just when hesitating to reveal his identity and use spider silk, a man saved his secret, and that person stood up in front of Mary Jane and protected the innocent girl with his back.

“It turned out to be Ross, it’s good!”

The students shouted in amazement, some clapped vigorously, others whistled presumptuously. In the eyes of most people, it is inconceivable that the villain Ross would be such a gentleman.

Even Mary Jane, in her own opinion, her friendship with Ross was not enough to sacrifice herself.

“Thank God, fortunately you’re okay.” Ross held her slender waist and smiled, the girl’s elastic and flexible body involuntarily fell back, the posture of the two people was really similar to the famous picture of American sailors and nurses hugging after the surrender of Japan, if it were not for the hot porridge on his back to remind him, Mr. Byrne would like to take the opportunity to go further.

“Thank you, Ross, for coffee when you have time”, being picked up, Mary Jane straightened her hair, then smiled at him, and by the way, she took Ross’s coat and brought it to him when it was washed.

Rose did not refuse, generously took it off and handed it over, his movements were smooth and natural, Mary Jane couldn’t help but look at it a few more times, although they had been classmates for several years, but it seemed that until today, she found that Ross was also a rather handsome young man, and had eyes so deep that they seemed to attract other people’s souls.

Mary Jane was stunned for a moment, her cheeks suddenly warmed, she was sensitive. Feeling realized, Ross was no longer the guy he used to know.

The heartbeat accelerated slightly, and the girl walked into the classroom holding the boy’s clothes casually.

At this time, just as the class bell rang, and to the cheerful music of “Whistle and Puppy”, Ross followed his classmates inside.

When he was about to enter the door, he glanced back, Thompson had successfully retaliated, and had already dropped two cruel words and left, the other party was still sitting on the ground staring at him blankly, next to Peter, Harry Osborne was struggling to help his friend up.

Hello, Spider-Man—- Ross winked, folded his index and middle fingers, and waved vigorously in front of his eyebrows.

Good bye.

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