Back in New York, Ross had just entered | office when Yuriko, a shrewd assistant, walked in from outside holding a folder.

“Did Agent Barton leave?” Looking at the information sent, Ross asked casually.

“He left the day after his vacation, but he didn’t seem very happy looking at his expression.” Yuriko covered her mouth | chuckled.

Hawkeye Patton has indeed had bad luck lately.

First of all, he was implicated in the disappearance of Ross, and had to patrol the underground base all day, the boring life was desperate, and before he saw the light of day, he was suddenly forcibly caught by Ross in the other world, and fought hard with the irrelevant Green Arrow, and in the end there was no gain, even the opportunity to watch the otherworldly | was deprived, and he was directly thrown into a small cell in the dark and locked up for a whole month… Replaced by another person, who has experienced this inexplicable and dangerous trip, I am afraid that there has been a small psychological barrier, although Barton is determined and will not feel relaxed if he thinks about it, so Hawkeye’s reaction is actually very normal.

When he returned to his original world, there must be a lot of news he wanted to report to Fury, but Ross naturally had a way to make him unable to say anything, and could only vaguely recall the fragmented experience.

“In addition to this, General Thaddeus Ross personally called earlier today to meet you as soon as possible, he has some important issues to discuss.”

“Oh?” Ross closed his eyes and pondered for a few seconds, then picked up the special line.


An hour later, Ross’s plane landed at Dulles International Airport, not far from the Pentagon, and the general personally went to meet him, and the two wasted no time and met directly in the airport VIP room.

“Thank God, Ross, you’re finally over your damn vacation!” As soon as they met, the general couldn’t help but shout, and although he tried to maintain his demeanor, his demeanor could not help but show a trace of anxious emotion.

“What happened, did a world war break out when I wasn’t in New York, or did the Asgardians invade Earth again?” Ross made a joke, took the black tea sent by the guard, and the two sat down on the sofa at the same time.

“Worse than that, Stark’s new energy revolution is driving us crazy, and I’d rather see aliens attacking Earth than see his smug face on TV.” The general shook his head, by which time he had regained his composure and began to explain the latest situation for Ross.

Perhaps because of the progress of cutting-edge laboratories in the energy field, Stark realized the existence of potential competitors, and his determination and effort to promote clean energy was much greater than Ross remembered.

In the original timeline, the Stark Tower’s clean energy demonstration project was originally completed shortly before Loki led the Chitauri invasion, but in this world, Tony did not delay time, directly invested heavily in promotion activities, not only completed a number of demonstration buildings in major cities on the east coast, but also began to lay out new energy vehicles and other fields, vowing to challenge the dominance of traditional energy, newspapers and television were recently full of Tony Stark’s interview shows, The attention has exceeded the period before he closed the weapons department.

Even Ross had to admit that Tony was indeed a genius, and when he put all his energy into something, he quickly made progress in that area, and the company’s operations were no exception.

After this period of operation at any cost, the prospects of the new energy industry have gradually emerged, and the impact on the industry is also extremely shocking. The rise of the emerging force of cutting-edge laboratories will attract the vigilance of industry giants such as Watsons Pharmaceutical, and now Stark, the big | elephant, dances, in just a few months to complete the work process that originally took ten years, leaving no buffer for others, this radical strategy has naturally caused a huge | economic earthquake, not only manufacturing peers trembling under his footsteps, the energy industry is also extremely nervous, although ordinary people have not experienced it for the time being. But other related companies have already felt the cold countercurrent in summer in advance.

Under such circumstances, the rapid development of the new energy industry has forced the White House policy to change, which has been hijacked by oil. The valuation of the traditional energy industry has plummeted, established conglomerates such as Roxon Oil are facing huge losses, international hotspots are cooling down, and military operations that could have been rewarded are becoming less and less meaningless… With this series of evolutions, the economic pattern and foreign policy established by the United States since the war will inevitably collapse.

In such unprecedented changes, every stakeholder hopes to find a way out of the predicament as soon as possible, arms dealers are eager to continue to get defense orders, generals do not want to lose promotion opportunities because of the sudden peace, oil tycoons are angry at the rapidly depreciating stocks in their hands, if they change to another company, they have long been forced to stop production because they have offended public anger, but the Stark family has become a member of the ruling group after decades of operation, and even the old chaebols are difficult to cope with for a while. Not to mention that Tony himself is a superhero.

So at this time, all forces urgently need to introduce new hostile forces in exchange for time, even Asgardians from outer space, this moment has become extremely cute in the eyes of some people.

As long as a conflict can break out with aliens, even a small local conflict, the use of the media can turn it into an uproar, thereby delaying the imminent crisis.

This idea is very good, the only problem is that to fight the Asgardians there is a problem that the earthlings must face, that is, the insurmountable spatial distance between the two sides, except for the mutant alliance army once killed Asgard, other countries have not yet found a way to the god domain, so Ross’s research on the cosmic cube has unknowingly become a topic of great concern.

“We’ve had a breakthrough on that.” Ross did not disappoint the general.

He can open a passage to the homeland of the Frost Giants, where there is a small amount of Asgardian activity.

“That’s great, I know you’re more efficient than the S.H.I.E.L.D. guys!” The general was overjoyed. “Then we have a reason to refuse Fury’s rude request!”

Hearing Fury’s name, Rose raised his eyebrows.

According to the general’s explanation, not long ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. suddenly repented, Fury and Stark asked to regain control of the Cosmic Cube in the hands of government agencies, and there have been many powerful people who have been successfully lobbied by them, if there are no results on Ross’s side, I am afraid that the Cosmic Cube in hand can only be handed back.

This situation is a little strange, but Ross should know what the reason is, counting the time, Fury’s attitude change is about two days after Barton’s return, although he is not sure what happened, but it does not prevent him from re-realizing the importance of the Cosmic Cube.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is this attitude, on the other side, if it can cause Ross some trouble, presumably Stark himself is extremely willing to cooperate.

Not as annoyed as the general thought, Ross just smiled slightly.

Now that the Rubik’s Cube is in his hands, it can be controlled by the Infinity Gauntlet at any time, and it doesn’t matter if he is not by his side, considering that Loki will arrive on Earth through the space gate in the future, and then bring his Chitauri army, it is also a good choice to hand over the Rubik’s Cube now, and let Stark and others take responsibility for it in the future.

After listening to Ross’s opinion, the general looked at him in amazement, found no signs of irrationality, and did not discuss the issue too much.

Speaking of which, the role played by the general in this matter is somewhat awkward, last time he acted as an intermediary to propose a deal to Ross on behalf of a chaebol, but in the past month things have taken a major turn, compared with the interests that Ross gave up, the other party obviously did not enter his own responsibility.

Change to another enterprise, now the general’s reputation will be dealt a major blow, maybe he will be forced to withdraw from the military to apologize, fortunately, Ross did not pursue, he in turn comforted the general, by the way changed the topic to other aspects.

“How is Bronnski doing lately, I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“It’s great, Emile never hesitates to carry out missions, he is a true superman, our most powerful soldier, the Hulk beast is completely incomparable to him, even Captain America does not have his ability to execute.” When Bronsky was mentioned, the general was full of praise.

Strictly speaking, Bronsky was still a member of the Watchmen, but the general hired him as a military adviser and avoided nationality.

“Although super soldiers are not a new thing, how to apply them correctly is still a matter of attention, especially when the opponent is an alien, no matter how cautious it is, how about we have a warm-up match before officially contacting the Asgardians?”

“Warm-up matches?” The general was slightly startled. “And whom?”

Ross casually flicked the globe on the VIP room table and gently tapped it in the far middle of Africa.

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