The night was dark, deep in the Adirondak Mountains, the uncontrolled energy was raging and restless inside the base, various instrument pointers rotated desperately, and a dazzling electric spark burst out from time to time in the void. Although the situation was extremely urgent at this time, and the base could be destroyed at any time by the energy that had nowhere to leak, Fury did not care about organizing the retreat of the personnel, he gave the task to Hill and Coulson and others, boarded a gunship himself, and desperately chased Loki’s group of people who snatched the Cosmic Cube, until the guy who claimed to be from Asgard raised his scepter and released a powerful flow of energy to destroy his landline, and the plane had to make a forced landing outside the wild | to stop.

“Sir, sir?” Just after jumping off the ground, Coulson’s anxious call came from the earphones.

“I’m here, how is the base?” Fury forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and picked up the communicator to ask his subordinates.

“The base is over, many people are crushed | below, I don’t know how many people will survive.” Hill’s tired voice sounded on the other side, and she had just suffered minor injuries when her car was struck by Hawkeye Patton, who was bewildered by Loki, during a frantic chase in the underpass.

“The box containing the Rubik’s Cube was snatched by the Asgardians, issue an emergency order, gather all those who did not participate in the rescue, and immediately go and retrieve the box for me!” Fury said coldly, although he knew that one less person would contribute at this time, and the agent buried below might lose his life, but he still did not hesitate to make a decision.

Between the safety of the many and the fate of the few, he has always been clear and never hesitates.

“…… Got it. Hill was silent for a moment, pursing his plump lips tightly before responding to his superior’s orders.

Fury didn’t have time to pay attention to her emotions, he was still outside constantly issuing instructions, instructing Coulson to immediately return to the bureau to issue a level seven alarm, instructing the others to mobilize all available forces to find Loki who disappeared with the Rubik’s Cube, those buried underground were completely unconcerned by him, even if many of those people were elite agents who had served S.H.I.E.L.D. |for a long time.

Although a little guilty, Hill does not intend to disobey the will of his superiors for these unfortunate people, this is the survival law of S.H.I.E.L.D., and every agent should be aware of all kinds of supernatural dangerous forces.

Thunderous shaking continued to sound from the ground, the ground shook like a turbulent pool, and the agents who had come to the upper level scrambled to pour out through the narrow gate, and soon all the lucky ones ran out, and the rest could only pray below for God’s blessing.

After another minute, the last wave of energy burst out from the depths of the base, the research hall was completely shattered by this fluctuation, and the people trapped inside did not have time to react at all, directly turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace, and the powerful shock wave continued to spread in all directions, spreading silently upward layer by layer like a rushing flood, destroying all the substances blocking the front.

The agents outside the base could not see the terrifying scene underground, they were about to launch a rescue operation, suddenly felt that the abnormal Ning | in the air was quiet for a moment, and before they could react, then a bright fireball suddenly emerged from the collapsed ground, with a thunderclap on a sunny day, a dazzling fire cloud soared into the sky, like a pillar of fire straight into the sky, within a radius of hundreds of miles can see the movement in the mountains, that flame is like a brilliant fireworks, dazzling in the dark night sky.

The energy generated by the explosion rolled up countless rubble and dirt, threw them into the air, and soon after roared and fell like a meteorite swarm| wave |, and the agents who wanted to save people could no longer care about their colleagues, and fled with their heads in their hands, burrowing into distant forests or caves to seek cover.

Looking at the ruins of the base covered in a thick cloud of smoke and dust from afar, feeling the continuous aftershocks on the ground, Fury’s face was livid, and one one-eyed eye was red, as if it was about to drip blood.

In order to find the secret of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, he did not hesitate to break his promise, offended the military and cutting-edge laboratories, and made a lot of concessions to Stark Industries and other consortiums, which brought the Rubik’s Cube back from Ross and persuaded NASA and other institutions to jointly develop research. At that time, he thought that as long as he had a little more time and a little more patience, he would always find the secret, achieve the long-term goal of S.H.I.E.L.D., and add a weight in his hands, but he didn’t expect that before the research had a clue, Loki used the Rubik’s Cube energy from the other side to open the space channel, and then completely destroyed the entire base.

If he had known that there would be this day, it would have been better to leave this thing in Ross’s hands, and he would not have taken the lives of so many elites for nothing.

As soon as he thought of this, Fury’s heart was like a knife, but now that the situation was critical, he had no time to be depressed, and he could not let his subordinates see remorse, so he could only force his spirit to find a car that could still drive, intending to take it to the neighboring supply depot and make the next step in response to the feedback from all parties.

“Pick up Deputy Chief Pierce, there is an emergency, I’m Fury…” He was about to speak when his voice suddenly stopped.

Without time to respond to the inquiry in the headset, Fury saw a blue streamer coming from far and near at an unimaginable speed, passing over his body like lightning and disappearing into the smoke-billowing base.

The other party came too suddenly, and before everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. could dodge, they only heard a short sharp light sound suddenly arise, like a bee gently vibrating its wings and flying past its ears, and then a stream of air followed, setting off a heat wave that shook the eardrums of everyone present.

“This is … Speed! A high-ranking agent exclaimed.

Although it has not been seen in public for a while, agents who have studied Ross’s avatar know that the speed of the past has never shown the speed of today, and the air flow and sonic boom are far more destructive than just now, and each high-speed movement will bring some damage to the surroundings, almost equivalent to a supersonic fighter flying over the city. If it were changed to before, just a moment of passing by, the high-temperature air flow generated by the friction between the air and the surface of the body | was enough to cause serious injuries to ordinary people, but now they are intact.

It seems that the power of extreme speed has made another breakthrough.

The agents exclaimed for a while, and their eyes fell on their superiors again.

“Drive.” Fury was expressionless, snorted heavily, and then the car slowly drove off into the distance.

On the other side, ignoring the people of S.H.I.E.L.D., Ross went straight into the |base, where he was no stranger to the structure, and soon approached the side of the destroyed hall.

At this time, the underground part of the base was still trembling violently, and the energy burst came very suddenly, and many agents and researchers did not have time to retreat, and they were involved in endless turmoil and smoke.

The people on the ground floor have all disappeared, and some survivors on the middle and upper floors are trapped between the collapsed buildings and walls, thanks to the earthquake-proof design adopted when the base was created, if it were not for the explosion from the inside, or replaced by ordinary explosives, the casualties would not have been as heavy as they are now.

Over the huge | of ravines| ravines and ruins, Ross’s body turned into a hazy black shadow, there is a way to follow the road, no way directly vibrating cell molecules through the obstacles, thick reinforced concrete and anti-radiation lead plates in front of him are useless, passing through them is no more difficult than passing through the water curtain, if it is not for the fact that the speed power is consumed too much in this world, he can even directly rush into the hall where the space passage is opened, even if it has now been completely stuffed by the collapsed and |fallen masonry.

“That’s right, it’s that power.”

Standing above the ruins of the hall, Ross closed his eyes, silently sensing the remaining fluctuations in the void, and the scene slowly flowed in front of his eyes, as predicted in advance, the Rubik’s Cube was stimulated from the other side of the universe by the same origin existence, and then Loki arrived on Earth and changed the minds of Barton and others with a wonderful power hidden in the Rubik’s Cube fluctuations.

The power was like a clear spring, slowly flowing into the dry ground, and Ross held back the longing in his heart and felt its mystery wholeheartedly.

The first time such a strong expectation arose was when he first came into close contact with the Rubik’s Cube, the spar in his mind directly affected Ross’s will, and the call from his heart kept urging Ross to seize the target.

To this day, Rose can hold this indescribable desire firmly under control, but the voice is still silently reminding him to obtain more gems.

Rationality quietly observed the spiritual world, and the golden spar in his mind slowly emerged, shining with brilliant and bright brilliance throughout his body, and emitting ripples invisible to the naked eye, echoing the space gem on the glove.

Gradually, the golden gemstones became clearer and more detailed, and they radiated as if they were substance.

The brilliant ripples swirled and swirled in the void, and finally evolved into dazzling brilliance, illuminating the entire spiritual world.

When the light reached its peak |, Ross suddenly opened his eyes, and the intense golden light in his pupils faintly penetrated the space and radiated to the other end of the universe.

In an instant, countless lights and shadows flowed, and then quietly retracted their eyes.

After standing still in place for a moment, Ross turned to leave.

At this time, the shaking from the ground has gradually subsided, but the rubble and dust that have fallen | the head have increased, and the complete collapse of the building is inevitable, wisps of smoke and dust have poured out from the cracks above, and the broken corridors and rooms are completely shrouded in fog from the otherworld.

In the darkness, the fire spread everywhere, reflecting the light and darkness all the way, and Ross walked through it, as if rising all the way from the abyss of purgatory.

As he passed a room, the crying inside caught his attention, and through the collapsed wall, Ross saw a girl desperately holding her companion’s body, dragging the boy who had been smashed by falling rocks out of the edge of the fire.

“Fitz, cheer up, the bureau will come to our rescue…”

The girl kept crying and cheering for her companions, and the action of dragging the boy out of danger exhausted her strength, so that she could no longer support her, and fell to her knees on the ground.

Seeing the flames approaching, the smoke choked people unable to breathe, but there was still no sound of rescuers outside.

Just as the crying girl was praying desperately, a black shadow covered in lightning appeared in front of her.

(Is Fitz dead or alive…) Friends who love to watch S.H.I.E.L.D. agents can leave a message on the discussion board if they are interested~)

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