At ten o’clock in the morning, Madison Avenue, which used to flow endlessly, was blocked by countless vehicles today, and drivers honked their horns to make the road noisy, and Peter Parker, chief reporter of the Clarion Daily, was sitting bored in his newly bought car, and was about to pick up a comic book and flip through a few pages, when suddenly the mobile phone rang, and the caller ID was his boss, J. Jonah James, the newspaper owner.

“Pete, what have you been up to lately! Yesterday Ross Byrne and a woman fell | the scene of the seaside air carrier, you didn’t get first-hand news, this morning the seller reported that newspaper sales have decreased sharply, readers are looking for more valuable shocking news, I don’t care if you are really doing hemorrhoid surgery or fl|irting with Harry Osborne, I want you to go to the cutting-edge laboratory immediately to inquire about the news! Remember, don’t bring emotions into work, business is business! “As soon as the phone was connected, there was immediately a storm on the other side, and the roar was so loud that it even suppressed the chaotic noise outside the car.

“Flirting |… Me and Harry? It’s ridiculous! James hung up, and Peter muttered a few words into the phone. Because of Mary Jane, he has been a little averse to contact with Ross lately, so yesterday he did not follow Ross to the cake room to find those lace clues that readers like to see, so that he missed the wonderful headlines.

Just when he was annoyed in his heart, he suddenly heard a scream around him, and people poked their heads out of the windows, pointing their fingers upwards, and this strange sight made him also look up, and he saw a dazzling blue beam rising from the | end of the 700-foot-tall Stark Building not far away, pointing straight to the sky, opening an ever-changing miniature wormhole in the sky.

Through the looming wormhole, countless black-armored soldiers from unknown star domains couldn’t wait to rush in, that murderous posture, like an undead natural disaster pouring out of hell, in an instant, hundreds of intruders passed by the dense crowd of people in front of everyone, and then there were scorching energy light waves | sprinkled in the crowd.

“What is this, are the Asgardians at war again?” Peter opened his mouth | in shock, his head rotated with the alien aircraft, and he unconsciously raised the camera in his hand to grab | desperately, until a light wave fell nearby, and the explosion set off a large number of glass shards, and hysterical pedestrians squeezed him to the side of the road before stopping.

While Peter was struggling for the headlines, news was already being received by various North American media outlets, and TV stations and video websites began broadcasting live broadcasts of the incident.

“Here’s a CNN reporter Louise reporting from the front… The streets of New York City have become battlefields, and the army has arrived to try to control the situation, but apparently they are not opponents, and I have to say, this is the first time in my career that I have encountered this scene, on a larger scale than the last Asgardian invasion…”

“…… It is rumored that this invasion is also related to the Asgardians, we know very little about this alien country, and the Prince of Asgard, who calls himself Thor, claims that the invaders are another alien race, the Zitari, and he is willing to help the Earthlings fight against it, but according to the latest news, the commander of the Zitari to conquer the Earth is also Loki, an exiled prince from Asgard! ”

“A lot of superheroes came out in times of crisis, and we don’t know much about this response team, but people recognized millionaire Tony Stark, famous scientist Reed Richards, and the green big man who once made a big fuss about Manhad… Wait, Spider-Man, who has not been seen for a long time, has also joined the fight, may God bless America! ”

At this moment, the whole world was awakened by the bad news of war, and almost everyone who received the news left their work and came to the TV, nervously watching the latest news.

Through the live broadcast on the screen, people clearly saw the alien invaders flying wantonly in the center of the city full of high-rise buildings, shooting wildly at the desperately running crowd, causing heavy casualties to unarmed citizens, but except for the Avengers composed of various superheroes, few people can cause | obstacles to them for a long time, and the number of invaders is still increasing through wormholes, and more and more Zitari come to Earth to rampage.


At the cutting-edge lab, Todd, the head of security, hurried to Ross.

“The defense system has been activated, important personnel and their families are all under the protection of the watchmen, most of the dollars we have privately held have been exchanged for supplies and bonds, and then we have to sell currency, Magneto said that the Latvian treasury still has a batch of pounds and euros to call…”

Todd lowered his head and asked with sincere trepidation, now that he roughly guessed what the mission that Ross had sent him on before was for, he had an indescribable fear in his heart about the future situation.

“This old fox.” Ross scolded with a smile, ignoring Todd’s thoughts. “Let him keep the paper money as a memorial, the initiative is in our hands, there is no need to waste more energy on this matter.”

When there is a war, the currency will depreciate, and although the laboratory has little cash flow on the books, it has a lot of unseen income in private, and since Ross foresaw the war, of course, he could not watch them become worthless waste paper.

Unlike in ancient times, modern society uses credit money that is not based on precious metals. With the Federal Reserve as the center and Wall Street as the minions, the monetary decision-making body firmly controls the flow of wealth in most of the world, and through subtle policies, the economy can be detached from the physical goods, and profits can be generated out of nothing for the major consortiums to plunder, even if Stark such a huge industrial giant is subject to them, and the outlier such as the sophisticated laboratory is a thorn in the side of financial speculators.

In the past, the forces of these financiers had joined forces, and Ross had to make a gesture of humility and throw his invention out for the scavengers to enjoy, but this time he wanted to borrow the hands of the Chitauri and defeat these parasites that tried to bind him in one fell swoop, and no longer need to be interfered with by these vile things.

On television screens, the army and police are defeated, the superheroes are struggling to hold on, and General Thaddeus’s Thunder Commando has just returned home to repair and has not yet arrived at the scene, and during the fault line of this resistance, the Zitari attack looks simply unbelievable.

“Cut into the frequency of military satellites, monitor the status of nuclear weapons held by each system, and report any discoveries.”

With Ross’s order, two voices were heard in the air at the same time, and the artificial intelligence Pallas and Gideon monitored each through two operating mechanisms to ensure that the situation was developing foolproof.

At this time, the situation in New York was completely out of control, the chaotic crowd was fleeing under the attack of the intruders, the streets could be heard | fierce gunshots, bullets were fired in the air, plasma and flames were flying, skyscrapers were injured in the battle, and explosions were heard endlessly.

The footage flashes continuously, while the situation in a school is captured in time by helicopter footage, hundreds of students and teachers flee to safety with the help of dozens of watchmen, and this is one of the few places that can provide protection for innocent citizens except for the steel front of superheroes.

Ross had gone out of his way to push off Wall Street’s high-priced employment contracts, ignoring the tear-jerking wails of financiers, and sent his men where they were really needed, and now it seems to be working really well.

“Let the superheroes play the first half, use them to drag the enthusiastic alien guests, and then we will stand up and clean up the mess in the second half, and the victory is ours!” Ross stood up, and Todd instinctively straightened up behind him, repeating the slogan loudly.

“Victory is ours!” There was also a cheer outside the door.

Listening to the roaring shouts echoing through the hallway, Ross shrugged his shoulders and left the security supervisor to enter | his equipment research room.

Between dozens of researchers wearing white antistatic overalls, a new suit has been finalized.

The exterior is still dark and obscure black, but the texture has changed considerably, no longer limited to biological materials as before, but adopting a composite design approach.

In order to complete it, the African country of Wakanda, which has just overthrown the royal rule, provides magical vibranium, and the | and hard Edman alloy accessories are produced by Magneto himself, which constitute the bones and armor of the suit respectively, which are modulated by extremely complex simulation programs, plus the energy-absorbing creature outer layer from Sebastian, the red tank and the transgenic artificial body material of the Hulk, and finally form this new extreme suit of extreme speed.

Compared with the previous types of suits, the current Extreme Speed V has reached the highest level of anti-wear, corrosion and anti-fatigue performance in | history, and good biocompatibility provides additional positive effects for users, but the above changes are still not the point, the real change of the Extreme Five is the superluminal particle enhancer in front of Xiong, which is set as a red lightning badge on a white background in front of Xiong, and two Godspeed Force batteries are | underneath, enough to provide double backup replenishment when the power is exhausted Another innovation is the force field generator on the bottom of the boot.

This force field mimics the force field light waves used by the turtle people in another world to absorb kinetic energy, in front of the turtle people, the speed man like the Flash will also fall into the force field to lose speed, and can only defeat the opponent by grasping the subtle gap in energy regeneration, Ross’s power is far more than Barry, he can forcibly break the obstacle, but this rare characteristic gives him another inspiration.

He and Maya and others set the force field that weakens the frequency under the feet, and automatically releases a small amount of light waves through the program, when this light wave spreads under the body, and the user’s feet step on it at a higher speed, a peculiar phenomenon will occur, and the force field that originally absorbs kinetic energy and hinders progress becomes an invisible stepping stone, which can provide a reverse force, that is, as long as the speed is fast enough, Ross can run freely in the air.

The above elements add up to the extremely fast five-type codenamed | Fallen Knight.

Watching Ross walk to the side of the suit, the surrounding researchers have put down their work, and their eyes followed, when Ross’s hand was on the surface of the |fallen knight’s suit, the suit suddenly produced a slight vibration, and the whole body emitted the buzzing sound of bees flying by, and then the light in the hall was slightly dim, it seemed that it turned into an endless abyss, and countless dense shadows surged in the darkness.

“Listen, this is the voice of the new era.”

Ross patted his suit lightly, and his gaze seemed to penetrate space, facing the powerful overlord on the other side of the universe from a distance.

(Revised: Yesterday the small cake room should be in Queens, handwritten as Manhattan)

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