Shortly after the underground base opened, the laboratory welcomed a special visitor, the former President pro tempore of the Senate and the new Rodriguez.

“…… The Battle of New York was a watershed that separated the old and the new. Although the world has suffered an unprecedented impact, but human beings will not fall into despair, the warm spring of the US economy is quietly coming, I am very pleased to see that a number of high-tech enterprises represented by cutting-edge laboratories have risen rapidly, and it is clear that outstanding young people are becoming the backbone of the road to recovery. ”

As the president’s speech gradually |deepened, the audience burst into thunderous applause from time to time, and this sentence became the theme of President Rodriguez’s speech when he visited the cutting-edge laboratory. More than 17,000 people, including government officials, celebrities, local citizens and laboratory employees, listened to the president’s speech in the square in front of the laboratory, many of whom waited for hours to meet the new president and hear his ideas about the future situation in the world. In his speech, Rodriguez praised the important role of the laboratory, but rarely skipped Stark Industries, which is also known for its high technology, but the president’s apathy is understandable when he considers the huge | controversy over the company in recent days.

Under the guidance of Dr. Connors, Otto and others, Rodriguez and his entourage visited various departments of the laboratory with various media reporters, from the world-famous biology department to the unknown precision mechanics department, and were amazed by the amazing achievements of the laboratory. However, they did not know that if the things that required extra secrecy had not been transferred to the underground base, their mood must not be described by the word surprise.

Throughout the visit, Ross accompanied the president with a gentle smile on his face, doing his duty as a local host, during which he noticed that a dwarf passed by him and Connors and others consciously or unintentionally, and at the same time quietly turned on some kind of miniature electronic device under his clothes.

This dwarf is, of course, the dwarf scientist Bolívar Trask, who was known for his strong anti-mutant stance decades ago, and then imprisoned for his crimes, and only in recent years has he been freed to become a scientific and technical adviser to the | Solar, this time he does not know how to get into the ranks of the new president, and at this time he wants to verify Ross’s identity with his mutant examination instrument.

However, the electronic sound did not sound as expected, and a presidential aide glanced at him covertly, and found that Trask stopped stunned, his expression was blank, so he ignored the former scientist, left him behind, and followed everyone’s footsteps to the new scientific research department.

Trasker knows more about mutants than most biologists, and he deeply understands that mutants’ superpowers come from special genes, and understands this, no matter what method they use to hide themselves, they will be as conspicuous as fireflies in the night, as long as they capture some kind of pheromone through electronic instruments, they can immediately distinguish these special individuals from the crowd.

In the past, he has always regarded this as his last reliance, wanting to rely on it to win the trust of big people at critical moments and make a comeback, but what Trask didn’t know was that when he first opened the wormhole and went to the Flash world, Ross had found a way to use particle accelerators to create superpowers, and after this method of secondary transformation, the original genome would mutate, and the genetic abnormalities would be more hidden, so Trask’s electronic instruments were completely useless against the modified mutants.

Ross didn’t care what new abilities Particle Storm could give him, he just made a slight adjustment, burning his original abilities into his genome so that he didn’t have to worry about encountering mutant inhibitory serum and other drugs.

The president’s smile invisibly became more enthusiastic after receiving hints from his staff, and after watching Dr. Octopus’s artificial sun 2.0 power generation system in the energy department, he and Ross entered the ding-level office for |a private meeting of only two people.

“Rose, I think you must know where I mean.” Taking the coffee that Ross handed him, Rodriguez took a shallow sip and placed the cup on the coffee table.

Ross certainly doesn’t misunderstand.

Since the end of the war and the swearing-in of the new president, the fishing boat community has been constantly arguing whether to launch a retaliatory attack on alien invaders, although after the war in order to rebuild the city and the army, the national economy has been stimulated in the short term, employment and production data seem to be more optimistic than imagined, this is the so-called warm spring phenomenon, but every sober-minded economist understands that the impact of this war on the economic pattern of the United States and even the world is extremely violent. The most immediate manifestation is that stock exchanges and major banks that lost most of their customers’ information in the attack have not been able to resume business so far, currency prices have also fluctuated greatly, and if governments do not respond properly, they will face a more |protracted recession in the future, and even the collapse of global financial markets.

In order to avoid these horrific ideas becoming a reality, the White House and the Pentagon have been gathering forces for several days to find all ways to break through the predicament, and the cutting-edge laboratory is naturally also a focused institution, so there are those alien materials collected after the war.

“For the past month or so, these issues have been discussed in the newspapers, one opinion is that aliens are very powerful and we simply cannot afford to start a cosmic war, while the other opinion is completely the opposite, people see that armies and superpowers can deal fatal blows to invaders, and mutant forces can even launch expeditions against Asgard, so they think that our war potential is not as weak as they think, and we should take the initiative to stand up for humanity. Opening up new areas of existence—- these two opinions have always plagued us, we all have their own opinions, now I would like to take this opportunity to hear your opinion, as a scientist leading the forefront of biology, the founder of the Watchmen company and the creator of the new type of super soldier, I think you can give me some advice. ”

The president’s voice was a little tired, but not false, and he could see that after eliminating some suspicion, his trust in Ross was greatly enhanced, and the main reason was that the recent war had greatly damaged the vitality of the traditional chaebol, and he had to begin to pay attention to the opinions of emerging forces, and of course did not rule out wanting to use the cutting-edge technology of the cutting-edge laboratory and the mutant power of the watchmen.

“Mr. President, in fact, the core of the problem is not whether we can afford to start a war, but whether we can afford not to start a war.” Ross’s words hit the nail on the head, and Rodriguez understood that only war could cover up the impending crisis.

“So in your opinion, is there any way we can reduce the chance of another alien attack while conducting limited military operations?” The president continued to ask that he was not worried about the feasibility of military action, according to General Thaddeus, Ross had a fairly certain chance of imitating the Asgardian space teleportation device before returning the Cosmic Cube to S.H.I.E.L.D., and then found the way to other star fields through captives.

In fact, just a thousand feet below the president’s feet, the Stargate prototype has long been successful.

But Ross won’t take the initiative to tell Rodriguez the good news, and he wants to take the opportunity to get more.

“It’s not realistic.” Ross hesitated. “How can we open a window while not letting the outside air in, unless we control the Cosmic Cube, it is through it that Loki, the Prince of Asgard, opens the wormhole to the other side of the universe, and if we can effectively control it, we must be able to prevent the intruder from returning to Earth again.”

Rodriguez nodded, this opinion was also expected by the White House staff and the Pentagon staff, but the Cube disappeared after the war, some claimed that it fell into the hands of Speed, but others suspected that it was quietly hidden by Thor, the god of thunder after all, the prince claimed to reclaim Odin’s treasure when he first contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. and return home with Asgard captives.

As soon as he thought of this, the president’s dissatisfaction with S.H.I.E.L.D. was difficult to contain, from a certain point of view, this war was almost caused by S.H.I.E.L.D., if they had not had to retrieve the Rubik’s Cube from the cutting-edge laboratory, and used it with Stark and others to do experiments indiscriminately, maybe the disaster would not have happened at all, and now the whole world would have paid for their rashness. Not only the president, but also cabinet members and the White House staff team have lost trust in Fury and others, and if it were not for the deep relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the World Security Council, and the possession of many shady secret materials, they would have long wanted to take the opportunity to cut this arrogant department.

As for whether the Cosmic Cube is Odin’s lost treasure, the president and the generals do not care, in their opinion, the Chitari and the Asgardians are not much different, they are also hateful invaders, for the sake of safety, they will never allow this dangerous item to fall into the enemy’s hands again, and now it is only to avoid intensifying the conflict to temporarily acquiesce to Thor to continue to swagger under the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D.

On this day, the two exchanged a lot of views, and gradually the president had an idea in his heart, but until he left for office, he did not reveal anything.

A week later, the White House commissioner personally sent a document specifically seeking Ross’s opinion on the planning of an agency.

This is a completely new organization, with powers and status similar to that of S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Fury, but with a much broader range of functions and a much more radical purpose.

“The Sentient World Observation and Response Department… What a mouthful name. When Ross opened the file to read, Pepper next to him couldn’t help but smack.

In terms of the length of the name alone, this can already be compared to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s real name, the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, and in the literal sense, the actual power covers all sentient human and non-human creatures, almost everything.

“The President intends to appoint Senator Kelly as honorary director, inviting Ross to serve you as the de facto head?” Ororo looked at the contents from the other side, and when she saw the last paragraph of the document, she couldn’t help but exclaim, attracting the attention of Pepper and others.

“In the future, you can call me the director of the Heavenly Sword Bureau (S.W.O.R.D.).” Closing the paperwork, Ross smiled with satisfaction.

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