Midtown, cutting-edge labs.

With Sisko’s exclamation, the control room was chaotic, Joe, Alice, Barry’s father Henry Allen, and Dr. | Sen Wells and daughter Jesse from Earth II |rushed into the room, and then they found Caitlin who had been forcibly abducted by “Speed” not long ago in the corner of the hall, and another young woman who looked like Caitlin, but with more snow-white skin and hotter clothes|, collapsed on the ground next to her.

This woman is Caitlin Snow’s doppelganger in the parallel world, once worked for another Frost Killer, her abdomen was stabbed by a sharp ice pick, the body heat melted the upper part of the ice pick, the blood lost its hindrance, and was gushing out of the | of the body along the wound, and a blood stain spread all over | her body, fortunately, Caitlin desperately pressed the large artery near the wound with her hand, so that she did not die of excessive blood loss.

Without having time to think, Joe quickly turned out the Phinex potion left by Ross before, and then handed it to Henry, who had been a doctor, Alice helped reach out and lift the blood-stained blouse of the Frost Killer, exposing the smooth and cold skin to the air, and then the liquid was slowly injected under the skin, and soon the medicinal power took effect, and the breathing of the injured became steady.

The Frost Killer saved his life temporarily, but on the other hand, Caitlin’s condition was also very bad.

“Caitlin, Caitlin?” Sisko shouted in panic, he had spent the longest time with Caitlin, and at a glance he could see the despair and helplessness that could not be concealed in her tired expression.

Henry rushed forward, rolled Caitlin’s eyelids, looked at her tongue again, and examined it cursoryly before he sighed slightly relieved.

“She was overly frightened.” After the results of the examination, Henry turned around and waved his hand at Sisko and the others, signaling them to lower their voices and stop frightening Caitlin’s extremely fragile nerves.

“How’s Snow?” Carrying the Frost Killer to the observation room with Joe, | Sen came over | and asked in a low voice, although he had not been in this world for a long time, he had already formed a deep friendship with these people in the laboratory.

“There was some dehydration and | good business, but I think she’ll be fine.” The white-haired Henry looked at Caitlin again, Jesse had just poured her a cup of hot cocoa, Caitlin was wrapped in a blanket, shivering all over her |body, greedily |holding the paper cup and drinking a few sips, the heat gradually dissipated in the body |, and the pale and abnormal cheeks were bloody again.

“I’m okay.” She said with a grudging spirit.

“What happened and how did you escape?” Sisko asked cautiously, they all knew that the speedster Hunter Zorromon under the pseudonym Jay Garrick was a mentally abnormal murderer, and Hunter had some kind of special affection for Caitlin, and Sisko could hardly believe that he would be kind enough to put Caitlin back, or that this was a new trap.

“He and the rogue gang attacked each other, Captain Cold lured him into danger, detonated the frozen air cannon to temporarily freeze Hunter, Sneath’s sister Lisa took the opportunity to release me, but their plan was useless, when I left, Hunter already had one hand to break free of the ice, and the ice pick shot by the Frost Killer was knocked back by him, but shot himself…” Caitlin curled up in the blanket, holding the cup in both hands and speaking slowly, finding that the paper cup in her hand was bottomed, Jesse quickly poured her another cup.

“Snow, Speedy is not here now, you are safe.” | Li | Sen hugged his arms and said slowly.

“He will occupy the city, you can’t stop him, you don’t know how powerful he is.” Having seen Hunter’s power, Caitlin shook her head desperately, she burst into tears and was on the verge of breaking down.

“There is only another extreme speed that can deal with extreme speed, Barry has already gone to find reinforcements, and he will definitely get Ross back.” Sisko clasped Caitlin’s hands tightly, gambling on swearing-like comfort.

| Sen shook his head in |, he had heard about Ross, but he didn’t believe that he could deal with the current extreme speed, after all, this was not the previous reverse lightning, but a super speed that gathered the god speed force, the ultimate speed catalyst and superluminal particles, even if that extreme speed was really strong enough, he was doubtful about whether Barry could cross the universe, maybe Barry just strayed into another branch for another period of time.

Although the calm | | Sen refused to be gullible, but hearing Sisko’s comfort, Caitlin’s mood miraculously changed, and after sitting in the chair for a while, her demeanor gradually stabilized.

“I suggest we move immediately, otherwise Extreme Speed may come and take Snow away again at any time.” | | Sen suggested.

“Ross is the top speed.” Sisko muttered. “And Barry hasn’t come back yet.”

The two argued a few words, and | Sen was about to convince Joe and Henry in |, when suddenly a light and shadow shook in front of him, a blue light wave quietly emerged, and then a hazy shadow stepped into the hall.

The whole body is pitch black like the deepest night, and the light blue thunder and lightning are shining.

“Extreme —-”

| | Sen was shocked and shouted.

Unable to care for his own safety, he desperately blocked his terrified daughter Jesse behind him, while picking up a modified anesthesia gun from the table next to him.

In the screams of several girls, the muzzle fire flashed, a sharp bullet carrying a strong anesthetic flew towards the opposite black shadow, the warhead just flew out of the chamber, the whole world suddenly came to a standstill, and then the black shadow stretched out his |hand at will, gently and cleverly offset the kinetic energy of the huge | in front of everyone, and threw this anesthetic warhead that was enough to overturn a group of adult | elephants in his hand.

The world returned to normal, and | Sen held the gun in his |, standing stiffly in place, as if frozen by the extremely cold air.

In this world, in the Har| pretended by Swan the Reverse Lightning, | Sen created the Flash Barry, and in another world named Earth II by Sisko and others, without the appearance of Swan, Barry is just an ordinary person, and Har| from that world| Sen Wells’ particle storm created Hunter Zorromon, the speed-killing star, and both father and daughter were persecuted by Hunter, and all this time Harb| | Sen always tried to correct this mistake and made great efforts, but this time there may be no chance.

At this moment, countless memories came to him, like a roaring tide, quickly flooded | Sen’s mind in the |, and just when he was discouraged, a familiar smiling face popped out from behind the black shadow.

“Hi, everyone.” Barry, who took off his mask, greeted everyone with a smile.

“I brought back true speed.”


Elsewhere in Midtown, Dark Shadow, who closely resembles Ross’s Extreme Speed avatar, is violently beating Captain Cold who is trying to deal with him.


Snlater and fellow party Mick were punched and flew one after another, and before they landed, they were kicked back into place by the opponent who flashed behind them, they endured endless blows like balloons that could never land, and from time to time there was a cracking sound in mid-air, or a few teeth fell | with blood and saliva, when a stormy beating came to an end, Sneye and the two fell back to the ground at the same time, they kept coughing, large bubbling blood droplets came out of their mouths, and their limbs were broken abruptly, and they couldn’t even turn over, How miserable it looks, how miserable it is.

In the original timeline, Captain Cold and Heatwave have left Midtown at this time, but due to the appearance and disappearance of Ross, Snenter and Mick inherited the large inheritance he left behind, taking advantage of the fact that the resources raised by illegal means were not discovered by the owner for a while, and the shrewd Snenter took the opportunity to whitewash a considerable part of his property, so that he had a good foundation, plus those superpowers gathered by Ross, and those simplified steel suits, before Barry inadvertently created the singularity, Sneather and others have been living quite comfortably, and the development of their forces has been extremely smooth.

Originally, with such a strong foundation, Sneye could run his rogue gang into the behind-the-scenes overlord of Midtown, when even the Flash had to bow his head and admit defeat to him, but when Captain Cold was most proud, the extreme speed from Earth Two broke his dream, and after a contest, the two sides decided the winner, Snight and others fell in the mud, and the opponent took the opportunity to put his foot on them.

“Don’t think how amazing you are… Ahem, ahem… I’ve seen guys more powerful than you…” The unruly heatwave Mick struggled to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then a foot stepped heavily in front of his xiong, and half of the xiong chamber and the steel armor instantly collapsed, seeing that Mick only had half of his life left.

Just as he was about to kill these daring guys, a faint fluctuation came from a distance, and the black shadow suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the cutting-edge laboratory from afar.

Then with a buzz, he dispersed into a blue light and disappeared in front of the rogue gang.

The entire Midtown passed in an instant, and the black shadows lined up the light and shadows, and rushed straight into the central control room in the core area of the laboratory.

The footsteps stopped, the black shadow reappeared, he slowly scanned the empty hall, usually this is always the place where Barry and others gather, but today the control room is lifeless, the main screen of the supercomputer is not turned off, the fan emits a slight noise, the blood stains on the ground and the temperature, and there is even half a cup of unfinished cocoa in the paper cup next to the table.

Everything shows how hasty these people dodged.

“Come out.” A dull, husky voice sounded from under the mask. “I know you don’t watch others suffer for yourself.”

The black shadow roared in the hall, and the blue light on his body skyrocketed, but what puzzled him was that the trick of trying a hundred spirits in the past was completely ineffective today.

“Did it really slip away?” He thought secretly in his heart, and when he turned around, his hair suddenly stood upside down, and he found that there was a strange young man standing behind him.

This stranger is naturally Ross, who came to this world earlier than Black Shadow, and when he left last time, he conveniently deleted his own information, so although | Sen and others who later passed through the singularity in the | knew his existence, they did not know what he looked like.

Ross quietly confronted the black shadow, and light blue lightning slowly released from his body.

“It’s you!” The pupils under the black shadow mask shrank, and he guessed the identity of the other party when he boarded.

“It’s me.” Ross smiled slightly, his body gradually covered by the battle suit released from the ring, first his limbs disappeared into the darkness, and then the black tide spread to other parts.

“There are many speedsters, but I will tell you today that there is only one real speed.”

Ross’s voice did not fall, and his face was covered by battle armor.

The fierce light in the eyes of the black shadow flashed, and a burst of air surged in the void, and then the two figures turned into countless points of light and slowly scattered.

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