When Ross entered the universe to control Norwell, Tony Stark, who stayed on Earth, was not idle, after careful planning, his acquisition case arranged by AIM Company finally entered the substantive |stage, Tony first quietly collected a certain number of shares from the small and medium-sized shareholders in the secondary market, and secretly through Captain America and others to Fury a series of lobbying, from S.H.I.E.L.D., a hidden collaborator, to ensure that he has a voice that cannot be ignored, Finally, a public request for the acquisition was made to AIM founder Aldridge Killian, forcing him to convene a board meeting to discuss the company’s fate.

That morning, just as the clock hand pointed to nine o’clock, AIM’s spacious conference room was filled with all board members.

“Thank you for being here, Mr. Stark.” The tall Killian stood up indifferently and symbolically clapped his palms in welcome.

Opposite him is Tony Stark, the iron man who has been carefully dressed by a makeup artist before departure, and looks particularly spirited.

“You’re welcome, Sebastian.” The assistant pulled away the chair, and Tony sat down at the conference table, crossed his fingers with his hands, and placed it on the smooth and |hard conference table, his fingertips tapping the table nonchalantly, making rhythmic tapping sounds in the quiet hall.

Looking at the two men who exude deep hostility, the other shareholders do not want to get involved in a senseless dispute, although AIM looks promising, known as the second production and research and development consortium after the cutting-edge laboratory, after all, not everyone can be optimistic about its future. Compared with the large cheques that exude the fragrance in front of them, the shocking applause of outside analysts and commentators is undoubtedly much more illusory, after all, not everyone is called Ross Byrne, and many companies that were once widely recognized by the world have fallen on the last short road to success, so they now only care whether Stark Industries’ acquisition offer meets psychological expectations, and they are indifferent to everything else.

Everyone generally held this mentality, and no one was willing to intervene, so at this important moment related to the fate of the company, almost all shareholders put on a wooden expression like a clay statue, and only their ears were keenly pricked up.

Ignoring the others, Stark raised his chin proudly, his eyes fixed on the angry Killian on the other side.

“I think you should know my intentions, I came with good intentions, intending to throw money at you, but seeing your expression, I feel like a tough ‘but’ is about to blurt out.”

Sure enough, as he expected, Killian gently tanned and decisively opened his mouth to refuse.

“It’s always sad to refuse your request, but that’s the way it is, Tony, I don’t want to…”

Before he could finish his words, a noisy mobile phone ringtone rang from the arms of the other shareholders at the same time, and almost everyone except Killian himself received countless mobile phone messages.

“Didi —-”

“Buzz —-”

In the blink of an eye, the solemn and quiet conference room was bustling like a bazaar crowded with vendors, and investors in suits and shoes became haggling housewives, each staring at their mobile phone screen with a surprised expression.

“Look, this is the most solemn board meeting in AIM history, and you people don’t even know the basic etiquette of turning off your phones during meetings, and now my evaluation of you is going to be lowered by a level.”

Tony sat on the side irresponsibly and belittled, but the truth is another matter—- some of the original text messages have been specially modulated, directly breaking through the security defense of other shareholders’ mobile phones, even if it is shut down early, it will be triggered to start the mechanism to automatically turn it back on.

The shareholders gathered around the long table and talked, and Killian’s words no longer cared, his face was livid with anger, and Tony on the other side had already stood up and clapped his hands vigorously to draw everyone’s attention.

“Don’t look at your phone, I’ll tell you what’s going on!” With a meaningful smile on his face, Tony walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and stretched out his hand to wave hard, opened the thick curtains, and the bright |and hot sunlight outside suddenly flooded the entire hall, shining so that many people couldn’t help but squint.

“Before I walked into this room, I had prepared the terms of the merger that you could not refuse, and disclosed the budget amount and the terms of the deal to the various media, and now you must have received text messages from your sponsors, debtors, partners and controlling shareholders. Everyone knows the generosity of the Stark family, and understands that my Tony’s determination is unquestionable, so every message will only say the same thing, that is, urge you to agree immediately and not try to resist. ”

His words were at the core, and there was a sudden exchange of heads below, everyone clutching their phones, thinking desperately in their heads, and frequently exchanging opinions with others, and soon these people reached a consensus and agreed to sell their AIM shares to Stark at a premium.

The assistant took out a copy of the agreement prepared in advance in time, and after some hecticism, ten minutes later, the meeting hall that was originally full of shareholders was almost empty.

“That’s your plan?” Killian, who was abandoned by everyone, had calmed down at this time and persistently asked Tony. “Why, why do this, Stark Industries has never gone in the direction of biochemistry before?”

“That was before.” Tony’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a hint of haze, but it was immediately well concealed by him.

“I used to be widely loved, I was handsome, rich, and I could save the world, and all men wanted to be heroes like me, but now, times have changed, but not for the better, the cutting-edge laboratory has completed the eighty-year development of Stark Industries in two years, which makes me know that in order to survive, something must change, and I can’t save history. So AIM, which is very similar to the S.T.A.R. model, became my prey—- big fish eat small fish, the truth is so cruel, it’s that simple. ”

Listening to Tony’s cold reply, Killian was silent for a while, his expression returned to calm, and even a little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Thanks old friend, I have to say that you taught me another lesson, I will remember your kindness today, goodbye Tony.” He shook Stark’s right hand vigorously, and then left the conference hall without looking back.

Watching Killian’s background disappear at the end of the corridor, Tony shrugged his shoulders and looked back at the company that already belonged to him, and his mood immediately became comfortable.

“Well, guys, AIM belongs to Stark Industries from today onwards. Don’t bother your new employer, now give me all the information about the desperate virus, my No. 2 R&D plan needs its dedication. ”


An hour after leaving AIM, Killian’s convoy made several trips to a secret research institute.

“Is the meeting over?” Alexander Pierce, former S.H.I.E.L.D. director and leader of the lost Hydra branch, was waiting there.

“It’s over! Stark took what he wanted! Now I can finally confirm that I will always hate this bastard more than Ross Byrne! Killian’s face was hideous, he no longer had to press the roaring anger in his heart, there were terrifying specks of light under his skin, and the alloy railing that his palm inadvertently hit was twisted and deformed like soft mud.

Killian was an unfortunate man.

Years ago, he was Stark’s most loyal admirer, naively believing that only he could meet the heart of his idol, and he almost obsessively admired Tony of the same age as the smartest person in the world, until he was mercilessly teased by the young Tony at the long-awaited tech conference and returned to reality from the hell of despair.

Because of that cold reception, Killian was deeply stimulated, received treatment in a mental hospital for several years, and since then vowed to become enemies with Stark, and later by purchasing Maya Hansen’s research materials before joining the cutting-edge laboratory, he created new creations based on the desperate virus, so he received investment from many institutions including S.H.I.E.L.D., and has since reached the pinnacle of his life|.

Originally, according to his idea, he had to endure for a while longer, usher in the great development of his career and then take revenge on Stark, and the Ross who dared to replace himself to make the enemy ugly, but he didn’t expect that his plan had not yet come true, Tony Stark himself took the lead in fighting, and directly took away the company he had worked hard to create, which was really unbearable.

“If it weren’t for our preparations, I wouldn’t have let him out of the conference hall today.” Killian laughed viciously, the heat around him, in front of his super high temperature, not to mention Tony Stark in the state of an ordinary person, even if Iron Man in full armor, did not put it in his eyes.

If necessary, maybe not even a minute, he can make Tony forget all glory, cry and kneel in front of him and call out to his mother.

“Don’t be bored, as long as the contents are successful, we have a chance to take everything back.” Pierce soothed in time.

In front of them, dozens of monitoring screens are neatly placed, and a large number of researchers are working behind the explosion-proof glass wall in the distance, and a large amount of data is constantly refreshed on the screen to monitor the transformation of the experimental body in real time.

Compared with the information left by AIM, Tony only got the most original low-end version, and the later virus fused some of the military’s unprogressed research ideas, as well as the unique ideas of other companies, and after getting those technology supplements, Killian and Pierce here concealed the eyes and ears of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the new technology jointly developed was the high-end result of the true power of the desperate virus.

The transformation gradually |came to an end, and the medicine was slowly injected into the recipient’s body, who was originally just an addict, skinny and bone-thin, but under the influence of the powerful virus, the person quickly became new after passing the dangerous period. Pierce looked at those amazing changes, and his eyes couldn’t help but feel a little |, he took off his glasses from the bridge of his nose, wiped the mist on the lenses, and sighed.

“I was told they thought I was too radical, but I knew I wasn’t impulsive. Before the danger arrived, the vast majority of members were ignorant and could only passively follow the situation, but there were always a very small number of elites who could predict the end of the world, and I was such a prophet… Everything we do is geared towards future changes. Hydra is so old that some people are so used to staying in the sewers that they have forgotten how to survive in the sun. There is no need to argue and explain, what we need is only overwhelming power, and it is this power that the new desperate virus brings us. ”

Pierce put his glasses back on and looked up at the screen, each of which silently confirmed his point.

Infected by his companion’s calm attitude, Killian quietly converged the heat, inquired about the progress of the transformation through the sound transmission system, and then proudly raised his arm.

“I heard that your old ally is also privately developing our namesake Sentinel plan, but their Sentinel is just an inferior bionic machine, which cannot withstand the rigorous test at all, and it is not a novel creation, and you can tell them in person in the future that the real Sentinel is here, behind that glass wall, and the Sentinel inside is worthy of the real great power!”

He pointed to the transformation room in the distance, and on the surgical chuang, surrounded by many scientific researchers, lay quietly a strong man with blond hair and shawl.

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