While Rose and Tony were revealing each other’s details, a small dispute was taking place in a remote corner of the hall.

“Would you like a drink?” Pepper had just approached the female reporter sitting at the bar, who had already noticed her arrival.

Dressed in a black evening gown, with flaxen hair tied behind her head and | confused eyes, Christine Ivocht stretched lazily, asked the waiter for a glass of juice, and bit her straw and drank it down.

“Did you defile me and Ross for insider trading?” Pepper didn’t plan to mess with the other party, and went straight to the main problem.

“Assure God that I didn’t say a word.” Christine waved her hand lightly, looking innocent and innocent.

“It’s all men who are self-righteous, and those pictures weren’t even taken by me, they were just an accident. At first, I just wanted to get a news lead to communicate with my boss, but then I suddenly realized, why didn’t I use this opportunity myself? Have you heard the law of 27, women will go downhill when they reach this age, and I am 28 years old this year, I want to have a better future, the ideal path I used to plan was to become a PR after the age of 30, advising rich people in public relations, but you gave me the opportunity, I want to see if I can seize it. ”

“What opportunity, what do you want to do?” Pepper asked coldly, picking up a martini from the passing bartender’s tray, and poured the spicy and cold wine into her throat, causing her heart to burn with anger.

Christine turned half-sideways, stared at Pepper with interest, and slowly said her thoughts.

“An opportunity to become Mrs. Stark, of course.”

Unlike Pepper’s angry tone, her voice was sweet and surprisingly light, falling from the sky one by one like the poisonous feathers of the eagle-bodied banshee in the mythical story|.

“I didn’t mean to target you on purpose. Don’t underestimate me, Miss Potts, I don’t have Tony’s scientific abilities, but women don’t need that kind of thing, I only need half my IQ to play him around. ”

Looking back at the playboy who was arguing with Ross in the crowd in the distance, Christine pointed to her forehead, and then gently patted the bar with her hand, laughing a little | in the surprised eyes of others.

“I’ve followed Tony’s news, look at the women he’s dated, and his tastes are diverse—- black, white, yellow; Naïve, smart, beautiful, competent … His tastes are varied, and the only constant is himself. Tony Stark is not boyfriend material, even if he is now, it won’t be long before he becomes not, maybe when he has enough fun, he will be with someone like you. Miss Potts, I didn’t intend to make a pointless attempt, but you yourself gave me a chance. ”

“If I just thought of Tony as a husband, my future life would be terrible. But if you think differently and use him as a stepping stone to enter | high society, then it is completely fine. He’s handsome and funny, he’s fascinated no matter how you look at |, and he’s a billionaire, and I don’t hate his alcoholism as much as you do… Thinking about it this way, we are simply a natural couple. Now that I think about it, I was so stupid when I woke up in his seaside villa, that mansion was worth at least twenty-five million, and I had every reason to get more, didn’t I? I remember, at that time, you compared me to the garbage that was about to be cleaned up, and asked me to leave early, why not come back in a few days to see, who is the garbage that will be thrown out the door? ”

Christine’s outrageous humiliation made Pepper tremble with anger, which was extremely rare in her always elegant temperament.

After venting her old jealousy, the female reporter sat up straight and no longer provoked, she didn’t want to stimulate her opponent too much, causing uncontrollable chaos in front of everyone, if that kind of thing really happened, it would be a big blow to her grand plan for the future.

Just as she wanted to take the opportunity to leave, Pepper suddenly took a few deep breaths, let out a long breath, and gradually recovered from her anger.

Seeing the change in the opponent’s demeanor, the female reporter couldn’t help but be vigilant, and just when the two looked at each other coldly, Tony had ended his debate with Ross and walked over from behind Pepper.

“Girls, what are you talking about, do you want to talk to me? Many people call me a super problem expert, and if there is any trouble that I can’t figure out, just look for Mr. Stark. He said in a light tone, trying to put his arm around Pepper’s shoulder.

Strangely enough, the doubts and anxieties he had been reluctant to face these days suddenly dissipated after a debate with Ross just now. Probably after the conversation, he admitted that Rose was a good opponent, and Tony instinctively felt that the other party’s character should not be so mean, and the figure of six million was indeed insignificant compared to Stark’s huge market capitalization.

Thinking about it like this, his mood suddenly improved a lot, and now thinking back to Pepper, he couldn’t help but feel funny that he would commit this kind of stupidity, and based on a few photos of unknown origin, he suspected that a woman who had followed him for many years was doing insider trading with outsiders, which was really stupid, just like a little hairy head who had just set foot in the world, completely carried away by jealousy.

But Tony felt relaxed, Pepper didn’t feel the same way, she leaned slightly to avoid her employer’s arm.

There was no arm around the female secretary’s shoulder, and no one answered the quips, Tony was a little embarrassed, but he had always been thick-skinned, and he was completely fine with such occasions.

“I’m sure you didn’t scare my date, did you, my future executive?” He said and gave Christine a look and tried to take her away, but the female reporter sat firmly on the bar stool and had no intention of leaving.

“Executive?” Pepper repeated.

“That’s right!” Ignoring Christine, Tony quickly took the opportunity to step down.

“I figured something out, I was wrong the other day, and now I need you to step up and help me. Obadi is too old, he can’t keep up, not even Ross Byrne, and now I need a new executive worthy of Stark, and only you are the person I trust the most. ”

Tony clasped his hands together and swore his decision while carefully watching Pepper’s reaction. Based on his knowledge of the female secretary, in his mind, Pepper should be surprised, relieved, and perhaps even a little annoyed at this moment, no matter which of the above expressions, he can easily cope with it. But after a few seconds, to his surprise, there was no expression on Pepper’s face, only a startled indifference.

The last time he said something similar in the seaside laboratory, Pepper’s excitement was beyond his expectations, but this time it was completely beyond Stark’s expectations.

“Uh… Did I say something wrong? Tony asked cautiously, not momo.

“Am I apologizing too late? I must have been too dull, I should have thought it was a misunderstanding, I…”

“No, it’s just that I figured it out.” Pepper shook her head, an indescribable exhaustion welled up in her heart, and she had always been loyal to her heart finally died completely this time.

If Tony had told her of this decision a day earlier, even if it was only an hour, or even ten minutes earlier, now Pepper would be as surprised as he thought he had been cleared of his wrongs. But not long ago, someone had told her in person that he needed Pepper very much, very, very much, so it was no longer meaningful for Mr. Stark to mention something similar.

She is not for power, but for trust.

True trust is never something money can buy.

Pepper silently made a decision in her heart that she would not look back.

“Thank you for your trust, Mr. Stark, but I am resigning, thank you for your years of care, and now I am gone.” Pepper took out a key and placed it in her employer’s hand.

“Don’t do that, Pepper.” Tony looked awkwardly at the people watching the play next to him, and quickly chased behind Pepper. “You have been silently supporting me all these years, even when I used to sell weapons, you have been by my side, now we are about to enter a new era, you can’t leave me behind, I don’t even know my social security number without you, I can’t even tie my shoelaces…”

He chased behind and chattered, and secretly cursed himself in his heart, this misunderstanding of Pepper was indeed wrong, with his understanding of the female secretary, it would take at least two or three days to make her change her mind, and he never thought that Pepper was iron-hearted to leave him this time.

Just as he was chasing behind to persuade, a middle-aged man stopped Tony.

“Mr. Stark, I’m Agent Coulson, from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Agency…”

Before he finished speaking, Tony’s mobile phone suddenly rang, he stopped, picked it up and took a look, it was a call from the smart butler Jarvis.

Jarvis is an artificial intelligence designed by his own hands, there is nothing particularly important, and he will never take the initiative to contact him.

Looking at that number, Tony’s heart suddenly sank, and he immediately pressed the answer button.

“…… I know this is an inappropriate time for you, but we need to have a good talk with you, and we need a little time to sit down and meet you in person to find out what happened to you in Central Asia…”

Coulson’s voice next to him flowed through his ears, but Tony didn’t pay attention at all, his mind was completely occupied by what Jarvis had just reported.

“Mr. Obadi forcibly brought people into the laboratory without authorization | and took all the new engines…”

For a moment, Tony was so shocked by the news that he almost jumped, if he had some faint doubts before, his relationship with Obadiah had recently eased again, and he never expected that this partner who had been friends with the Stark family for decades would do such a thing.

At this moment, many unanswered questions crossed back in his mind, and the doubts that had been pressed back returned, and this time it was much deeper than ever.

After ten seconds of brief and intense thought, |Tony soon came to his senses again, and now he had more important things to do.

“What’s your department called?” Tony interrupted Coulson’s lengthy self-introduction.

“Homeland strategic defense attack and…” Before Coulson could finish his words, he was interrupted by the other party.

“No matter what department, listen now, I need your help.” Tony looked back at the other side of the hall, where Pepper’s figure was passing by, but now he couldn’t care about that much.

Without further words, Tony hurriedly left with Coulson, leaving behind | inexplicable female reporter behind him.

In this short conversation, Tony and Coulson were not loud, but the people who cared had already heard their words clearly.

On the dance floor, Ross was hugging Mary Jane and dancing slowly, and when Tony left, his ears trembled slightly, and he made a decision after concentrating slightly.

“It’s not early, let’s go.” He said softly to his girlfriend, and Mary Jane meekly agreed.

“I’m going to say goodbye to Peter and Felicia, they’re leaving soon.” She said softly, elegantly lifted the corner of her skirt and bowed slightly, and Ross responded to the scene with a male aristocratic salute.

Mary Jane succeeded, but Ross was in trouble on Gwen’s side.

“Don’t make trouble, Dad wants me to go home and live today.” The girl obviously misunderstood what Ross meant, blushing shyly, glaring at him with her big eyes, and if it weren’t for the skirt and someone next to him, she would have kicked him in the calf.

The affairs of the three people have been hidden from their parents for so many days, and in the end, they have not completely concealed it. The girl’s change in appearance did not hide from her mother’s eyes, and this accident caused the Stacys quite a headache, and before making a decision, they ordered their daughter to live at home recently.

But today Ross really didn’t mean that, obviously Gwen misunderstood.

Rose was trying to convince her when another, more difficult Stacy, came over.

This is Gwen’s father, local police chief George Stacy, known for his stern and stodgy personality.

“That’s right, Gwen has to go home and live, and from today onwards—- also, I’m going to find a time to talk to you, Rose.”

With a familiar voice that was neither high nor low, Mr. Chief appeared.

The hateful brat actually did this to his daughter, and although the cheap father-in-law was not angry, he did not look very talkative. Perhaps the father-in-law and mother-in-law naturally have a psychological advantage over young people who pursue their daughters, and Rao Ross has two lifetimes of experience and finds it difficult to deal with.

But time is not waiting, and it is becoming more and more dangerous.

If the news just heard is correct, now Obadi’s conspiracy has been exposed. Unless the cornered bald executive is willing to leave all his property power behind, he can do anything to protect his interests, maybe he will use this place as a target in order to find Stark.

From Ross’s point of view, Obadai’s best option is to kill Tony immediately, otherwise every minute that passes may increase more risks, even if it is done in public, it is much better than letting Tony take the initiative step by step and lose in the end.

It’s okay that Playboy gets into a little trouble, but Ross definitely doesn’t want to take this risk on his behalf, and in front of his two girlfriends and George, he can’t even use his abilities.

But what will it take to convince the stubborn George?

At this moment, Rao was full of experience and resourcefulness, and he couldn’t find an excuse to change Director Stacy’s decision immediately.

was racking his brains to think, but had not yet found a way, the next moment Ross’s heart was alarmed.

The lights flashed violently, and then the entire hall fell into darkness.

In the midst of the exclamation, through the dim light outside, the surprised guests saw a huge | steel man forcibly break through the window and force in from outside.

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