“Against in vivo experimentation, Watsons must publish secret research projects!”

“Cloning is not guilty, cloning is guilty!”

“Stop the unethical illegal experiments, accept full judicial supervision, and the murderer must be tried!”

As soon as the sun had risen, thousands of protesters were already shouting slogans and holding banners in front of the Watsons Pharmaceutical headquarters, and they surrounded the entrance of the giant company, almost blocking the entrance. At the periphery of the crowd stood many media reporters, interviewing the demonstrators and frequently making large close-ups of the shocking photos, stimulating the senses of readers and viewers with extremely shocking images.

Two scandals broke out in a row, at this time the public’s antipathy to Watsonton was at its peak |, and the atmosphere became more and more fanatical under the instigation of people with intentions, in order to avoid irrational reactions in the | of people, the police had to send a large number of police officers to maintain order nearby and keep the demonstrators out.

As of today, such spontaneous demonstrations have entered | third day, and Watsonton employees have to take a lot of risks every day when commuting to and from work, and must be escorted by the police to dare to walk through the crowd together, and occasionally some guys who have fallen down are hit by flying eggs or tomatoes, and they can only hurriedly hide their faces in order to get out of danger as soon as possible.

In just a few days, the number of employees in this company has surged, especially the loss of middle managers, and the remaining employees are also panicked, many people realize that the situation is not good, and those who have a certain amount of resources have begun to plan ahead for the rest of their lives, trying to escape the sinking ship.

Although there are widespread concerns among middle- and lower-level employees, there is no need to worry about those sitting on the ding, they have already found a scapegoat, as long as they send it to the altar and use its blood | to clear their mistakes, others can avoid outside condemnation and calmly clean up the situation.

After all, in this country, capital is always sinless.

Leaving the boiling crowd, looking up from below, the iron-gray headquarters building of Watsons Pharmaceuticals is as stable and solid as ever, this building that resembles a military fortress looks extremely cold and rugged in the surrounding slender buildings, and compared with the Stark Industrial headquarters building that echoes in the distance, its size is larger, the height is only slightly inferior, even in the skyscraper gathering in North America’s largest city, this architectural style is unique, anyone who comes to the foot of this building, may be shocked by its imposing momentum.

At this time, the chairman’s office on the ding floor had just welcomed a new owner, and Mr. Malik, a secret member of Hydra and a former relationship with Ross, replaced Kenny Watsonton II, standing alone in front of the window looking down at the small beings like ants at his feet.

Compared with his predecessor’s luxurious and exquisite personality, Malik’s clothes are ordinary, he wears a well-textured formal suit, there is no superfluous decoration on the whole body, and his face is calm and waveless.

In the lounge next door, there was a faint call sign, it was Kenny’s voice, the former chairman did not know who fell into the hands, the cry turned out to be so violent, if it were not for the excellent sound insulation of the chairman’s office, Malik’s people drove Watsonton’s henchmen far away, and maybe it would have woken up the entire company by now.

Despite the torture of Watsonton II, his old friend Malik stood silently in his office, holding a cigar between his fingers, taking deep breaths from time to time, and then spitting out smoke rings.

It wasn’t until more than ten minutes passed that a man with gold-rimmed glasses came out of the lounge.

“It doesn’t seem to be going well.” Malik did not look back, flicked the soot lightly, and let them fall arbitrarily on the precious carpet.

“Not quite.” The gold-rimmed glasses man said as he took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped his drenched palm.

“Except for the good son Warren, we basically know everything we want to know. Just now, Mr. Watsons has been forced by external condemnation and bravely shouldered his responsibilities, and I think the citizens will be willing to forgive him for his mistakes. ”

The man’s voice was quite gentle, but there was an indescribable chill in his tone.

Malik didn’t feel anything, he had long known that this would happen.

“It’s really touching, Kenny has always been a good father. If he had calmly accepted his fate and not tried to track down our secrets, he would have lived a little longer—- which shows that impulse is really the devil, it instigates us to commit the most unforgivable sin, may God forgive Kenny’s soul! Listening to the report of his accomplice, Malik sighed with emotion, and casually spewed out a puff of smoke, which continued to spread in the void and gradually turned into a hollow smoke ring.

“Exactly.” The man with gold-rimmed glasses nodded in agreement. “How is it going outside?”

“Angry denunciations, blind shouts, people making trouble behind their backs, maybe the competitors, who are inciting these thugs to create resistance for us, I think it will take some time to control the situation.” Malik sank his face, his eyes emitting a gloomy glow, and at this time he looked like a snake coiled up and spitting letters, which made people feel creepy.

“Human beings are like this, a very small number of high members lead the trend, the vast majority of lower people just follow their will passively, disobey us, will eventually be excluded, don’t be annoyed by them. Things will pass, and although we can’t figure out the mystery from the mutants this time, being able to take control of a large company like Watsons can also make up for some of the losses, at least in this regard, we are not for nothing. ”

The gold-rimmed glasses man knew that Malik was actually in a bad mood, so he didn’t want to touch the other party’s wounds.

Malik knew the mind of his accomplices, in fact he didn’t care.

In Hydra’s long lurking career, where setbacks have been more than moments of success, Malik is used to accepting defeat and then immediately recovering, continuing to peek through the grass to approach his next goal. As long as he is given the slightest opportunity, he will frantically pounce on the panicked prey like a real poisonous snake, tightly wrap his slender body around its throat, sink sharp fangs deep into the muscles, and then inject the highly toxic secretion into the body | of the prey until it is digested into its own nutrition.

With each step he took, Malik could feel the organization getting stronger, and this mentality, in turn, made him more resilient, so a small setback was nothing to him.

Seeing that Malik was not in a bad mood, the gold-rimmed glasses man was slightly relieved.

“Who is the target below, the little boy in the cutting-edge laboratory, do you want me to go and say hello to him?”

“Not yet.” Malik shook his head, after the failure of the last threatening operation, the Inhuman thug Creel sent out has not yet returned, I don’t know if he took advantage of the chaos to avoid the limelight, or fell into the hands of others very badly, there were too many accidents during this time, Malik has not had time to investigate.

The importance of cutting-edge laboratories became even more prominent after the organization’s privately exploited Watsonton research was destroyed by mutants, and now Malik can no longer afford to fail.

But without the pressure of competitors, it is difficult to guess whether Ross will still be interested in his own persuasion.

Seeing his doubts, the gold-rimmed glasses man encouraged from the side, and Malik finally approved his suggestion.

“Don’t fail, don’t cause too much damage to the target, I need you to bring him to me completely, I will tell him the other side of the world, if Mr. Byrne does not know how to cherish it, we will also prepare brainwashing equipment for him, in short, this time we have to completely control everything…”

Malik instructed in a deep voice, and his accomplices nodded repeatedly.

The two discussed the course of action and felt that the odds were high this time, so Malik found red wine, poured himself and his accomplices a glass each, and wished him a successful return in advance.

“The victory is ours.” The gold-rimmed glasses man smiled.

“Victory belongs to Hydra.” Malik corrected with a smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and when they were about to raise a glass, a little harsh light flashed from the window, and with a “bang”, a small hole appeared in the transparent glass.

There was silence in the room, only the faint sound of the wind outside the window.

Malik held the cup stiffly, just in front of him, the accomplice’s smug smile had not yet dissipated, the entire head suddenly turned into a pool of blood and mud, and the broken head rose up like explosive fireworks, scattering all over the office.

The headless corpse did not immediately fall to the ground, but paused for a moment before falling weakly to the floor.

At this moment, red blood, white brain pulp, and black hair remained deeply stung Malik’s eyes, and if he had not had a strong will, he would probably have been frightened and screamed.

He really couldn’t believe that the person who had just toasted himself and drank together turned into a corpse in an instant.

Malik is not a fighter, and such a surprise attack is too exciting for him.

Time may have passed only a second, but to the people inside, it seems that the whole long century has passed, and he can hardly control his body in the torment, the unknown enemy seems to be looking down on him in the void, and he is like a poor prey stared at by natural enemies, unable to even move a finger, until the mobile phone on the desk rings.

Trying to move to the desk, Malik gasped violently, || trembling and pressed the screen a few times, bringing up the telephone ID, which was the number of the Inhuman thug Creel just mentioned.

But over the microphone came another man’s voice.

A familiar young man.

“Ross?” Recognizing the other’s voice, Malik’s eyes widened to the maximum.

Now he finally knows into whose hands Creel has fallen.

“Why is that?” Malik asked in a trembling voice, he still wanted to try a little harder, maybe he could find life.

“Why is that?” The familiar voice in the microphone repeated, with a faint smile in his tone.

“For what?” Ross was talking to himself on the other side.

“When I am in danger and there is emptiness in my heart, I have to fill ten times as many evil thoughts to calm myself, and that’s it, Mr. Malik. I don’t hate guns, I just want to find the hand that holds the gun in the dark, so when I found that arm, I followed—- it’s a bad habit, from the first half of my chaotic life, don’t mind. ”

When it comes to life, of course, it’s impossible not to mind.

“You don’t need this…”, Malik laughed as he gripped his phone, desperately trying to find a reason to excuse himself.

“Oh—-,” Ross’s voice dragged out in the microphone, sounding a little impatient.

As if he had been whipped, Malik immediately explained.

“Well, I admit, I sent Creel, but I just wanted to express a kind urging, it was the people below who understood me wrong, they did stupid things, I was kind!”

“Use bullets to show kindness? Your idea is so funny that my girlfriend Mary Jane almost cried by you guys, which embarrassed me very much. Is this also good intentions? ”

Ross teased, like a flower cat flirting |with mice, staring at Malik, a shivering mouse, from above.

“That’s really done by the people below, it’s our test, just like the club in the university, everyone has some unexpected situation.” I’m sorry we made a mistake, and I learned afterwards that something went wrong when they understood it specifically, but it was really out of my kindness to you. I just want you to know that we have the power to threaten you, but we didn’t do that, and we showed strength without causing you harm, doesn’t that mean anything about our goodwill? ”

Malik became more and more agitated the more he spoke, and his tone was heartfelt, arguing for himself like a politician who had been pierced by voters.

Ross chuckled softly in the microphone.

“I swear, it was really a misunderstanding.” The initial fear faded, Malik’s confidence gradually recovered, and he began to try to convince his opponent.

“Ross, you don’t understand our power, don’t spill a pot of cream just because you fall into a handful of cow hair, don’t throw away your life’s career because you made a little mistake, we are definitely helpful to you, why don’t we talk to each other, we can help you become one of the few people at the core of power.” We really, really very optimistic about you, if you think it is not helpful, let’s talk about compensation, I can help you punish the person responsible, I have to ask him in person, why did he understand me wrong, I will give him the harshest treatment until you are satisfied. ”

Malik waved his arm and swore assurances.

Ross seemed a little shaken.

“You mean you’ll help me get revenge, right?” His tone seemed to loosen a little.

“Of course, of course!” Malik nodded repeatedly, and hatefully put a cross on Ross’s name.

This time he will never be careless again, as long as they meet, this daring brat will not want to escape the fate of brainwashing.

He will step on this kid’s head into the swamp, trample it again and again with all his strength, until he squeezes out the last trace of use value, and then crushes the corpse of this guy who dares to threaten him.

“I’m about to be moved by what you say.” Ross was still speaking unhurriedly, with a strange mockery in his tone.

“But I’ve heard a phrase before, and I’ve thought it makes sense for years.”

“…… What is it? Malik asked casually.

He heard faint footsteps outside the door, and the movement had alarmed his men, who had left Watsonton’s henchmen coming from a distance.

Just as the people outside whispered instructions, Malik suddenly became cold, and he was about to lie on the ground, when the flash of light outside the window came again.

With a soft sound, blood splattered.

The office door was knocked open from the outside, and the scene was in chaos.

Walking through the small hole in the glass window, passing countless tall buildings and the endless traffic below, thirteen hundred feet away, in a building far away from the Watsons Building, Ross’s indifferent face was revealed.

“God gave you two hands, and he means that revenge cannot be done by him, but you must do it yourself.”

Ross said lightly and put away the sniper rifle methodically.

“Goodbye, Malik.”

Simply dressed up as a tourist, Ross leaves the building and disappears into the middle of nowhere.

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