Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 1 The wonders of the universe after the spider bite?

Long Xia Kingdom.

A Mars observation and research base that does not want to be named.


Bide was lying on the bed in his dormitory. His left hand was swollen into a small bag and was wrapped in white gauze.

He is a researcher from Longxia State and is currently working as an intern at this observation base. His training period has only reached half a year.

This place, which is externally called the Astronomical Observation Base, is a very great project of the Longxia Kingdom. Its main tasks and research goals are set up around the Earth's nearest neighbor, Mars.

They observe Mars here through astronomical telescopes, and also receive data and even samples transmitted back from Mars by the detector.

And these are naturally preparing for further exploration and even landing on Mars in the future.

As for Bide's injury, it's a bit depressing to talk about.

A few days ago, an observation vehicle on Mars sent some items collected from Mars back to Earth.

Bide followed his mentor and leader, Dr. Liao Shian, to receive this batch of items.

Everything was going well, but when receiving a sample of Martian soil, Bide was accidentally bitten by a spider that came out of nowhere.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing should not exist in the institute.

Therefore, researchers all believe that Bide brought this spider in from the Gobi Desert outside, and believe that he only brought it upon himself.

Not only that, because of the bite, Bid accidentally broke the precious soil sample.

For this reason, Dr. Liao became furious and locked him up for two full weeks.

Of course, in fact, with the way his hands look like now, he needs to cultivate for a while.

"I don't know what happened to the research on the things that were sent back." Bide sighed, turned on the computer on the desk, plugged in the hard drive, and decided to find a movie that had been downloaded in advance to pass the time.

"'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' is the best."

Perhaps because he had just been bitten by a spider, Bide fell in love with this movie at a glance.

Then, he double-clicked to open the video and started watching.


The screen suddenly flickered.

"Huh?" Bide reached out and patted the computer screen, a little confused.

He had only used this laptop not long after he bought it, so it shouldn't break so quickly, right?

The almighty "take a shot" must have taken effect, the screen returned to normal, and the scene from the beginning of the movie began to appear.

Bid then lay back on his chair.


At this time, the computer screen flashed again.

And this time it seems to be more serious than before.

Colorful spots appeared all over the computer screen.

"What's going on?" Bide stretched out his hand and was about to perform the "Clap" magic skill again, but his hand stopped when he was about to touch the computer screen.

Immediately, a trace of panic appeared on his face.

In his sight, what was distorted was not just the image on the computer screen, but the computer itself!

It's as if the entire space is in chaos!

Faced with this strange scene, Bide quickly stood up and wanted to stay away from it.

However, at this moment, a huge suction force hit him from the chaotic black hole in space, pulling him forward.


Bide let out a scream of horror, and his whole body was pulled into the black hole of space.

"Where am I?"

Bide patted his somewhat groggy head and slowly got up from the ground.

He looked at his surroundings and found that he did not appear in the observation base. The scenes around him looked a bit like the buildings he had studied in New York as an exchange student during his junior year.

But it feels a little different.

It's just that Bide hasn't been abroad since then, so he couldn't figure out what was wrong for a while.

But in fact, for him, the current situation is already the biggest problem!

"In the blink of an eye, I actually ran from the Longxia Kingdom to the Beautiful Country? Are you kidding me? Is this the quantum collapse technology of the quantum universe? Did I experience a cosmic wonder?"

As a scientific researcher, although the training time is short and he is not yet mature, Bide has never lacked such leaping thinking and imagination.

After experiencing some initial panic, he calmed down a lot and began to look around.

Anyway, even if he is inexplicably transported to the other side of the ocean by the wonder of quantum collapse, as long as he can find the embassy of the Long Xia Kingdom, he can still be extradited back to his country, which is not a big problem.

As for being detained, that doesn't exist.

Although their observation base is an outpost for observing and studying Mars, it is currently limited by scientific and technical issues and has not actually made much progress.

To put it bluntly, it is just burning money.

According to the above statement, it is very likely that their generation and even the following generations are just making preparations for the future.

In addition, he is just an intern researcher, so it is impossible for him to know any deep secrets.

In other words, he has some value, but not much.

So his situation is delicate and not dangerous.

Compared to such unimportant things, Bid was actually more interested in the suspected "quantum collapse phenomenon".

As we all know, if a physical quantity has the smallest unit and cannot be continuously divided, it is said that the physical quantity is quantized, and the smallest unit is called a quantum.

The basic concept is that all tangible properties may be "quantizable".

"Quantization" means that the values ​​of physical quantities will be specific values ​​rather than arbitrary values.

In other words, the quantum itself is already a basic unit in the microphysical world, and theoretically it cannot continue to get smaller.

But now, he encountered this phenomenon that completely subverted the previous understanding of physics.

If he can really crack the mystery, he may become a great being like Einstein, Planck and others!

When he thought of this, Bide was quite excited, sticking his butt out and looking around.

at this time


A strange "voice" suddenly sounded in Bid's mind, and the hairs all over his body stood up unconsciously.


There was a string in Bide's mind that had been oppressed to the extreme.

"Hey, man, I was wondering if you're going through the same thing as me?" A voice came from above behind him.

Bid looked up with some confusion, and saw a figure that was almost completely shrouded in darkness, hanging upside down from the eaves of the high roof, looking at him upside down.

"How did this guy do it?" Bide's eyes widened, quite surprised by this scene.

"Who are you?" Bid asked loudly.

"Man, I guess you don't need to be so nervous, because you also have spider sense, don't you? I think we should be 'the same kind'."

The man chuckled lightly and made a move that amazed Bide.

He actually jumped from the eaves of the roof more than ten meters high!

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