Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 113 Cradle of Rebirth

"Hey, is the treatment over so soon?" Dutch Spider asked. He had seen injuries on adult Andrew spiders. All the bones in the body were almost broken. Logically speaking, it would be difficult to cure them in such a short time. Bar?

Bid held Spider-Gwen's hand and introduced Happy's identity to her in a low voice.

At this time, Spider-Gwen, who was idle, was mainly looking at the two Spider-Man, Dutch Spider and middle-aged Toby Spider.

Because when Bid met her for the first time earlier, at Aunt May's house in the world of Little Black Spider, he told them stories about the other three Spider-Man.

Now that I finally saw him in person, I was naturally a little curious.

She still remembered what two people said at that time.

The middle-aged Peter Spider said that the world of Toby Spider was very similar to his, and the one in front of him also happened to be a middle-aged man;

Penny Parker commented on the Dutch spider: she hopes to come to this world one day and let him treat him to candy and buy game consoles.

Apparently Penny is also a "passionate person" and resolutely implements the concept of killing big dogs.

Happy Hogan smiled, shook his head, and stepped aside.

A head popped up from where he had left it.

It turned out to be an adult Andrew spider that had been seriously injured before!

Bide and others were shocked.

Such a serious injury was cured in such a short time?

"Hi! Hello everyone, thank you all for saving me, hee hee hee~" The adult Andrew Spider greeted them with a smile.

Bid was slightly speechless.

This familiar laughter means that the Andrew spider has not run away.

Sure enough, no matter which world the Andrew Spider is in, he is always a hee hee man.

The devilish laughter echoed nearby, making everyone feel relaxed. This may be one of the unique abilities of the Andrew Spider.

"You feel better so soon?" The middle-aged Toby Spider walked to the portal, pulled the adult Andrew Spider over, and looked him up and down.

The Dutch spiders and Ned also surrounded the adult Andrew spiders.

The adult Andrew Spider spun around in a circle and jumped twice: "It's really good. That medical equipment is amazing!"

Happy Hogan also turned over from the portal and said with a smile: "There is an instrument called the 'Regeneration Cradle' in this hospital, which has the ability to regenerate human tissue."

Regenerate the cradle!

When Bide heard this, he immediately understood this.

This is the "artifact" that appeared in "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" and was designed by a stick-born female geneticist, Dr. Helen Zhao.

It is a self-manufacturing technology that integrates regeneration and self-generation. It is based on the body's own tissue cells and combines genetic technology, nanotechnology and intelligent technology to quickly repair damaged tissues and organs, and even reconstruct the human body!

In the movie, Ultron controlled Dr. Helen Zhao and used the regenerative cradle to create a mechanical life form-Vision!

Unexpectedly, this device is owned by Stark Group.

However, if this device was used to treat the adult Andrew spider, it is no wonder that he could recover so quickly.

The recovery effect of the spider gene itself is very powerful. Coupled with the external intervention of the regenerative cradle, the adult Andrew spider has basically returned to its peak state.

Bid stepped forward and gently hugged the adult Andrew Spider: "Welcome back, buddy."

"Thank you, thank you," the adult Andrew spider said with emotion.

Afterwards, Ned, middle-aged Toby Spider and Dutch Brother Spider all came forward to hug him and welcome him back after recovering from his illness.

Their enthusiasm moved the adult Andrew spiders very much.

At this time, Happy Hogan noticed that his cheap nephew was limping and walked over quickly: "Peter, are you injured?"

Holland's brother waved his hands repeatedly and said: "I'm fine."

Happy quickly walked to him to check, and then without further explanation, he put his hand on his shoulder: "It's okay after everything is like this. Come with me to get treatment."

With that said, he asked Doctor Strange to open the portal that just disappeared.

Doctor Strange complained: "What do you think I am?"

However, I still prescribed one for him, which would make Holland recover as quickly as possible, which he was happy to see.

Ned chimed in: "Like the mage in World of Warcraft?"

Doctor Strange knocked him: "You are the only one who has a mouth, you are the only one who has a mouth."

Ned hugged his head and ran away: "Teacher Stephen, I was wrong, I was wrong."


The middle-aged Toby Spider, who was having a cordial conversation with the adult Andrew Spider, turned around and explained: "Just now Stephen discovered that Ned has a talent for magic, so he decided to let him be a magic apprentice, so..."

Bid raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Ned to actually become Doctor Strange's student?

Then this guy is really lucky.

In the original plot, he did show considerable magical talent. For example, holding Doctor Strange's ring, he used the spell to open a portal to find people, and found two Spider-Man.

But later, probably because Kafka's spell (the Forgetting Curse) was cast, everyone forgot the relationship with Peter Parker, so they probably also forgot what Ned did during this period. In the end, his magical talent was Hiding may become a foreshadowing in the original work.

But now, those things haven't happened, so it doesn't seem surprising that Ned was discovered by Doctor Strange.

After Doctor Strange knocked Ned all over his head, the magic dissipated. Ned quickly followed MJ through the portal, followed by Happy and Dutch Spider, preparing to accompany him for treatment.

Wait until the four people leave.

"By the way, Stephen, which Kafka spell is in the Horcrux now?" Bied looked at Doctor Strange and asked.

Doctor Strange replied: "Let everyone except May Parker, Michelle Jones Watson, Ned Leeds, etc., forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man."

It can be seen that even though Doctor Strange looks disgusted with Dutch Spider, he still takes good care of him. When perfecting the magic, he actually added the additional conditions for him.

"Well, I mean, is there a possibility of just letting them return to their respective worlds without letting the magic work?" Bid touched his chin and asked while thinking.

Doctor Strange frowned: "Why do you do this? Little Peter hopes that others will not interfere with him, so he comes to seek my help."

"But what will happen to Stark's legacy? Little Peter is Stark's designated successor, whether it is the continuation of Iron Man's will or the continuation of the Stark Group," Bid said.

Doctor Strange was lost in thought.

He is an adult and of course thinks about things from a more comprehensive perspective.

There were some things that he might not have thought of at first, but after a little mention, he naturally couldn't have thought of them.

"The fact that Spider-Man is Little Peter, in fact, has a big or small impact. Theoretically speaking, it is impossible to reach the extent of being as popular as it is now. The reason why this is the case is that there is a pair of hidden The dark hand is watching all this!"

Doctor Strange frowned and said, "You mean, someone is eyeing Tony's inheritance and is planning to make Peter Peter miserable?"

Bid nodded.

His guess was not groundless.

This kind of thing has already happened before.

Mysterio and the team behind him who appeared in "Far From Home" are one of the people eyeing the legacy of Iron Man.

Their previous identities were all related to Iron Man, so they had hatred and revenge against him. It's just that when Iron Man was alive, this emotion didn't dare to be revealed.

After all, no matter Tony Stark's identity or financial ability, they are not something that people like them can compete with - even if they are all put together.

But Iron Man died.

This naturally gave them a glimpse of the perfect opportunity for revenge.

Mysterio took advantage of this psychology and his excellent ability to confuse people to get these people to take advantage of him.

But the legacy of Iron Man is so huge that it can even make the top brass of Eagle Country salivate. How could it be possible that only one team like Mysterio is eyeing it?

As the designated successor of Iron Man, Dutch Spider has obtained the Edith glasses with special permissions that can directly access the core parts of the Stark Group, and has naturally become a thorn in the eyes of many people.

Although he is still just a child now, he has super powers, a recognized identity (Spider-Man), and a very smart brain. This is almost a replica of Iron Man!

Even Iron Man's closest comrade Happy Hogan often feels that they are similar.

Fortunately, he is still a child now.

It is obviously much easier to deal with him than the wily Iron Man.

Therefore, it is estimated that more than one black hand was secretly contributing to this incident in Holland.

Under such circumstances, it will quickly ferment to the current point.

The original Dutch spider's behavior was more like an escape.

Faced with this, he didn't know what to do.

But because of this, he lost the Iron Man legacy and let others gain it.

If Iron Man knew about it, he would probably crawl out and beat him up - just like the illusion created by Mysterio in Far From Home.

Bid told Doctor Strange about his analysis, and the adult Andrew Spider and the middle-aged Toby Spider on the other side also stopped talking and listened attentively.

The location where they are standing is a short distance away from the dungeon where Gwen Stacy, Andrew Spider and the evil Andrew Spider are. It is inconvenient for the middle-aged Toby Spider to know that Andrew Spider was injured by the evil Andrew Spider. Introduce the situation there to him, so the two sides haven't been able to meet yet.

"These guys are really bad!" the adult Andrew Spider said angrily. He has just graduated from college and is in the internship stage, and has already been initially exposed to the darkness of the workplace.

The middle-aged Toby Spider shook his head slightly: "This is human nature, can we help little Peter?"

Because he is the youngest, Dutch Spider-Man has become the favorite of the current Spider-Man team.

Bid nodded: "I do have a plan, but I need your help, Stephen."

Thank you for your 1,000 starting coin reward in Wonderland!

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