Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 120 Return to the Toby Spider World

He was going to go back to the world of the little black spider.

First, I came to see Aunt Mei in that world. The old lady is all alone with no one to take care of her. Of course I should visit her when I have time.

Secondly, he had an idea, maybe he could resurrect Spider-Man in that world!

However, before leaving, he took a few "gadgets" from this world with him, and he also wanted to take a trip to the world of Toby Spider first.

The Doctor Octopus in that world has not yet "returned to good". Although he temporarily changed his ways due to his temptation, no one knows how long Doctor Octopus can persist in that state.

The extra repair chip he made before was given to him.

In addition, there was also a palm-sized sun that was promised to him for research - the Ark Reactor.

As well as some gadgets related to people's livelihood in this era.

By the way, he also wanted to see if the poison in this world had appeared.

After close contact with the deadly guardian venom, Bid discovered that the symbiote did not seem so scary.

Moreover, the venom in the world of Toby Spider is not as strong as the venom of the Deadly Guardian from various manifestations.

What's more, now that he has mastered quantum mimicry magic, he can launch bioelectric attacks at any time.

Although Venom is not afraid of electricity, it does not mean that electricity cannot restrain him.

Moreover, Bid also deduced the ability to attach flames to the palm of his hand based on the ability of bioelectricity.

Flame is something that naturally restrains symbionts!


Two figures appeared in New York City in the world of Toby Spider.

It was Peeder and Spider-Gwen.

Max was left in the world of Spider-Man with Doctor Octopus, and Bid told him that he would seek help from him when he needed help.

Max readily agreed.

After identifying the direction, Bide opened a portal.

After the two passed through the portal, they appeared in a laboratory of the Osborne Group.

A fat man in a white coat was tinkering with something on the experimental table with his hands and four mechanical tentacles.

"Hi, Dr. Otto, long time no see," Bied said hello first.

Doctor Octopus turned around and looked at Bede, with a scowl gradually showing on his face: "You've come back after so long, are you kidding me?"

As he said that, a mechanical tentacle stabbed over.

"Wow, are you going to play a fighting game with me when we meet?" Bid stretched out his hand and easily took the mechanical tentacle in his hand.

"What?" Doctor Octopus was slightly surprised.

In the few months since Biede left, he has used the nanotechnology left by Bidde and some of the Osborne Group's technology to upgrade his mechanical tentacle partners.

Today, his four mechanical tentacles each have a power of nearly 15 tons.

And considering that one is thrusting out and the other is grabbing, the force required is greater.

It was hard for him to imagine how strong Bide had become.

When he was stunned, Spider-Gwen had already appeared beside him, and the spider threads connected all his remaining mechanical tentacles to the ceiling or floor.

"Doctor looks a little grumpy?" Bid smiled slightly and appeared in front of Doctor Octopus like lightning.

Before he could speak, the repair chip was placed on his back and neck.


Doctor Octopus's body twitched, and several mechanical tentacles that had faint signs of attack suddenly became quiet.

"The world has become so quiet." Doctor Octopus murmured, closing his eyes unconsciously, seeming to enjoy the long-lost silence.

Pedder and Spider-Gwen were not surprised.

The other Doctor Octopus had the same expression when he was first treated, almost exactly the same.

"Okay, Dr. Otto, I'm here just to bring you something."

As he spoke, Bid placed the small backpack he was carrying on the experimental table beside him.


The laboratory door was pushed open hard, and a heavily armed Harry Osborn appeared at the door.

Seeing the scene in the laboratory, he was stunned for a moment, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out you're back, I thought..." Harry Osborn lifted the mask from his face and walked over with a smile.

Bid gave him a gentle hug and then introduced him and Spider-Gwen.

"Uh, hello, Gwen." Harry Osborn looked a little weird.

Bid knew what he was thinking at a glance.

Because there is also a Gwen in this world, also named Gwen Stacy.

However, the Gwen in this world is Venom Eddie's ex-girlfriend, who was later snatched away by Toby Spider who entered a bully state. This is one of the reasons why Eddie directly troubled Toby Spider after becoming Venom.

Moreover, the Gwen in this world is not like the one in the Andrew Spider world. Her appearance is completely different from Spider Gwen.

So Harry Osborn was just surprised and didn't ask anymore.

"This is the technology I brought from another world, the Ark Reactor, you can also call it a micro cold fusion reactor." Bide introduced.

Dr. Otto No. 1 (To show distinction, the cured one is called Dr. Otto, the one who met earlier is called No. 1, and the one who is now in the Dutch Spider World is called No. 2.) His eyes lit up, and he couldn't care less about how he felt at this moment. The beauty of the world in his mind quickly ran to Bide: "Let me see."

Bid handed him the Ark Reactor.

What they need is actually not the nuclear fusion technology in the Ark reactor, but the technology that can compress nuclear fusion to such a small size!

"Perhaps we can try to build a large one first and let the Osborne Group take over the power supply of the entire city. In this way, the Osborne Group can make a comeback. We will have more abundant funds for whatever research we want to do in the future." Bi De suggested.

Dr. Otto No. 1 nodded repeatedly, but Bid actually doubted whether he was listening to him now.

On the other hand, Harry Osborne was very excited.

In fact, he does not have such a lofty wish as Dr. Otto No. 1 - he hopes to use his wisdom to change the world and let people live a better life, nor does he have a clear goal like Bid - to arm himself with technology and protect himself. Protect your friends.

The reason why Harry Osborn joined Bede's cross-universe technology company, even at the expense of everything he had, was actually to revive the Osborn Group and prevent it from being lonely in his own hands.

That's all.

So, now that the hope of the Osborne Group's revival lies in the hands of Dr. Otto, how can he not be excited?

"There are also some other technologies here, including smartphones, smart homes, and 3D virtual projection technology."

Bid gestured to the table.

The technical content of these is much lower than the former, and it is quite good as a reinforcement in other aspects.

And there is no need for Dr. Otto to do these things. There are other researchers in the Osborne Group who can do it.

Their only role is to gather funds.

After all, it would take a lot of money to build a large Ark reactor.

With the current financial situation of the Osborne Group, it is really difficult to start it independently.

Of course, they can also use these technologies to bid.

I believe that with mature technology, capitalists on a certain street will definitely rush to enter the market waving banknotes.

But Bid didn't want that.

Today's Osborne Group, after being baptized by Norman Osborne, has killed all its shareholders. It can almost be said that it is Harry Osborne's words.

This is a good situation.

There is no need to bring in more foreign capital.

Because that would mean a lot of other trouble.

When interests are involved, this kind of thing will only happen more and more.

But by not accepting foreign capital, most of these things can be cut off from the source.

"By the way, where is Peter? Is he doing chivalry outside?" Bid asked.

Harry Osborne said: "Peter, his recent state seems a bit strange?"

"How to say?"

"He seems to have changed a person," Harry Osborne said as he thought. "In the past, Peter had a more reserved personality and liked to hide many things in his heart. But in recent days, he has become very public. , once he actually flirted with a girl on the street, but Mary Jane happened to see it, and the two got into trouble. "

"Uh" Bid raised his eyebrows. Is this the appearance of the bully Maguire?

In other words, Venom is coming?

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still.

"Do you know where he is?" Bid asked.

After thinking for a while, Harry Osborne said with some uncertainty: "He must have been taking selfies for the Daily Bugle these days, right? In fact, I was about to go see him, but I always felt that something was not right about him. "

"It's okay, let me go and see him," Bid said. "You are responsible for bringing me these things to research and monetize them as soon as possible. Then we can take the technology one step further."

"Okay, leave it to me," Harry Osborn smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, Bid and Spider-Gwen left here.

But this time they went downstairs openly and took one of Harry Osborne's cars.

The standard of living in this era was much lower than that of the Dutch brothers, but it also had a different flavor.

Spider-Gwen drove the car slowly, chatting and laughing with Bid, just for fun.

Both of them enjoyed this atmosphere.

As for the blackening of Toby Spider, Bid was not too nervous.

Anyway, even if Toby Spider becomes the bully Maguire, his ultimate dream is just to rule the bar where Mary Jane works. Unlike other villains, once he turns dark, he will rule the world or destroy it.

Hmm. It’s really rare for someone to be so cute despite being black.

It shows how cute Spider-Man is.

The two drove slowly along the street, their first target being the apartment rented by Toby Spider.

Bid had been here once before, so he remembered where it was.

However, they did not find Toby Spider in the apartment. After asking the grumpy landlord, they learned that Toby Spider had been out all night and had not come back.

Before leaving, the landlord's skinny daughter caught up with him and begged Bid to take good care of him if he found Toby Spider and let him go home early.

What a kind-hearted girl.

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