Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 125 Ultimate Spider Resurrection

The Ultimate World Spider-Man, who was lying dead on the ground, woke up slowly.

He opened his eyes, looked at the deep night sky, and asked: "Where am I? Am I dead? No, I don't seem to be dead? Am I saved?"

"Hey!" Hearing this voice, the little black spider jumped up and came directly to the Ultimate World Spider-Man, "Mr. Parker, do you still remember me?"

"Hey, little guy, it's you," the Ultimate World Spider-Man's eyes gradually regained focus, looking at the little black spider with invisibility in the dark night, raised his hand, "Did you save me, little guy?"

"Great, you are really alive!" The little black spider was very excited, "No, no, it's not me, it's Bid, he saved you. He brought you from the past to the present, and then anyway, you are resurrected again!"

Bid also sat up from Gwen's arms at this time.

In fact, he had recovered a long time ago, but it was so comfortable to be close to his sweet girlfriend, how could he get up so quickly?

He coughed lightly, walked to the side of the Ultimate World Spider-Man, stretched out his hand and held his hand, saying: "Hello, Spider-Man of this world, my name is Bid, the Space-Time Spider-Man. This is my girlfriend Gwen Stacy."

Ultimate World Spider-Man stood up with Bid's power.

Although he was seriously injured and even died once, Spider-Man's strong recovery ability, coupled with the temporary immortality obtained from the spider totem of the little black spider, allowed him to recover some mobility at this time.

The little black spider hurriedly stepped forward and put the other hand of the Ultimate World Spider-Man on his shoulder.

"Miles, are you sure you can do it now?" Aaron Davis walked over.

Ultimate World Spider-Man turned his head and immediately saw the clothes he was wearing. His face changed drastically: "Wanderer!"

"Hey, Mr. Parker, relax," Little Black Spider quickly supported Ultimate World Spider-Man and introduced, "This is my uncle. He did something wrong before, but now he has become a good man."

Bide also nodded and helped on the side: "We defeated Kingpin and destroyed his underground criminal group. Now Miles is called Spider Boy and Mr. Aaron is called Purple Man! During the time you disappeared, they have been guarding the safety of this city."

Ultimate World Spider-Man was relieved: "So that's the case. Wait, you said, Kingpin has been defeated? I disappeared? And, little no, Miles, you just said that this Mr. Time and Space Spider-Man brought me from the past to the present?"

He felt that his head was a little confused.

Why did he feel that he was just unconscious for a while, and his worldview was overturned after waking up?

So, Little Black Spider told him what happened during this period of time.

When he heard that he was stolen by Bid from the time he just died a few months ago to the present, and that he had been held a funeral and many memorial services, the Ultimate World Spider-Man felt that his three views were shattered and he was speechless for a long time.

"To be precise, Kingpin is dead," Bid then added a dose of explosive material, saying, "The collider happened to explode at that time, and I was not paying attention, and he was sucked away by the collider, not even a slag was left. However, dying in his own machine can be considered suicide." Bid shrugged.

No one had any objection to this.

Many people died that day, and a guy like Kingpin who did so many evil things was dead.

After being stagnant for a while, the Ultimate World Spider-Man immediately became anxious: "Oh no, how sad will Mary Jane and Aunt May be during the time I'm "dead"! I'm sorry, Miles, Bid, Miss Stacy, Mr. Davis, I want to go home first."

"Well, how about going to Aunt May's house first? It's just right, I just want to see Aunt May," Bid said.

"Okay, let's go!"

The Ultimate World Spider-Man couldn't sit still any longer when he thought about the two people he cared about the most, who would be heartbroken because of his "death" for a few months.

He immediately walked to the side of the building.

"Wait," Peter pulled him back, "I have a more convenient way."

As he said that, he directly opened a portal.

Through the portal, you can see Aunt May's house.

"Wow! Is this magic?" The little black spider jumped up.

"Almost," Peter said casually.

The little black spider's eyes lit up: "Is there really magic? Can I learn it?"

Peter shook his head: "I'm afraid not, even Gwen didn't learn it."

Gwen shrugged: "When Peter learned magic from the wizard, I watched for a long time and really didn't learn anything."

"Okay," the little black spider lowered his head in frustration.

Then he quickly raised his head again: "But there is indeed a Spider-Man who can do magic, right?"

"Well, it is said that in a certain world, there is a Supreme Sorcerer Spider-Man. Maybe we can ask him," Bid pointed to the Ultimate World Spider-Man. He remembered that he had seen a battle suit with a cape in the opponent's underground base.

Now that I think about it, it is quite similar to Doctor Strange's cape. Maybe he has seen the Supreme Sorcerer Spider-Man?

However, when they saw the Ultimate World Spider-Man, the two who were performing "Spider Magic" and chatting with each other stopped.

I saw the Ultimate World Spider-Man standing at the door of Aunt May's house, hesitating.

Bid and the other four also crossed the portal and came behind him.

The little black spider asked in confusion: "Why don't you go in?"

Bid pushed him gently: "Aunt Mei misses you very much, and she often cried during the time we were here, so no matter what, let's see her first, okay?"

Bid could probably understand how he felt at this time.

This may be the so-called "fear of being close to home".

Because I had been away for so long, I didn’t know how to face my family who cared about me, so my mind went blank.

For him, although it was only a matter of a few hours, because the little black spider told him what had happened in the past few months, the clever Spider-Man suddenly figured out a lot of things on his own. There is such a feeling similar to "fear of being close to home".

"Yeah!" Spider-Man of the Ultimate World suddenly woke up and realized that standing still like this was not an option.

He walked forward quickly and stepped into the small courtyard, but stopped at the door.

Bid couldn't stand it anymore.

It’s so confusing, how long will it last?

He walked forward and knocked on the door.

There was no movement at first.

So Bid knocked twice more.

Bang bang bang——

The sound of slippers on the floor was heard.

Although it sounded light through the wall, most of the people present were superpowers.

"Who is it?" Following the sound of a hard object hitting the ground, a familiar voice rang out.

Standing in front of the door, Bide was stunned for a moment, and then became speechless.

This sound seems similar. Isn't it the sound of a baseball bat being dragged on the ground?

At the same time, a hint of anger arose in his heart.

Aunt Mei had had this reaction when she saw them a few months ago, and it was still the same a few months later.

It can be seen how difficult the old man's life was after Spider-Man Peter Parker died and his identity was exposed.

There must be many scoundrels who have been punished by Spider-Man in the past, and now they are waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on his family!

These bastards!

"Who? Speak!" A figure appeared behind the door, but did not open the door immediately.

Bi De said: "Aunt Mei, it's me, Bi De, I'm here to see you."


The poor baseball bat was thrown to the ground again.

The door opened, revealing Aunt Mei.

Seeing Bid, Aunt Mei immediately showed a kind smile on her face: "My child, why are you here at this time? Come in, come in."

"No, Aunt Mei, I came here with a surprise for you."

With that said, Bide stepped aside.

"Hi Aunt May~" Ultimate World Spider-Man didn't know how to say hello. Thinking of the pain and torture Aunt May had suffered in the past few months, he felt like a knife.

"Peter? It's my Peter? It's me. Am I wrong?" Aunt May looked at the Ultimate Spider-Man blankly, unbelievable for a moment.

Over the past few months, she had finally accepted the fact that her nephew was completely dead, but now, there was a living nephew standing in front of her.

Moreover, the old man has an intuition.

The Peter Parker in front of her was different from the Peter Parker from other worlds she had seen a few months ago.

He is this world’s, true, own Peter!

But how is this possible?

"Aunt May, it's me, I'm Peter," the Ultimate World Spider-Man said with mixed emotions.

He finally understood that what he wanted to think about was not how to face them, but how to soothe the psychological trauma they suffered during his death.

He stepped forward and hugged Aunt Mei tightly in his arms.

The familiar feeling made the old man almost collapse emotionally.

But this time, it was a cry of joy.

"Peter is not actually dead. The body he found before was just a fake body. It's just that Peter was seriously injured and needed a long time to recover. He has only recovered now." Bid took out another set. Rhetoric.

This was also a set of words that Little Black Spider had agreed upon when introducing his situation during this period to Ultimate Spider (Ultimate World Spider-Man).

Because Bid's behavior affects time, improper handling may cause problems such as time paradox or new parallel universes, so naturally the fewer people who know about it, the better.

And for the elderly, the latter is obviously more acceptable than the nephew coming back from the dead and the nephew recovering from serious injuries.

This is a white lie.

Sure enough, after hearing his explanation, Aunt Mei readily accepted this statement.

Although I was scared that my nephew was so seriously injured, I was still very happy that he could recover.

Little Black Spider and Aaron Davis had probably been here some time ago, so Aunt Mei didn't express any surprise or fear when he came in.

After the old man warmly invited them into the house and sat down, the smile on his face never stopped.

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